The Best Professional Conferences, Workshops and Seminars

Managing Employee Performance, Behavior & Attitudes Conference

REF: 8170_286512
DATE: 30 Mar - 03 Apr 2025

Cairo (Egypt)


3000 Euro


The key to understanding and managing people efficiently is knowing what makes people think. What determines individual behavior and motivation? This employee performance and behavior management program examines and explains the underlying assumptions we make about human behavior. It also showcases how to apply this knowledge to make performance management more effective and efficient.

This employee performance and behavior management conference will be an interactive session focusing on the essentials of performance management training, tailored to enhance performance management skills. The seminar will provide insightful theories interwoven with practical exercises to cement understanding.

Employee Engagement and Performance Management:

Successful performance management is about conducting appraisals and fostering a culture of continuous improvement and engagement. In this segment, we explore strategies to boost employee engagement that are directly linked to improved performance management. Participants will learn how performance management administration and employee development go hand in hand, contributing to their organizations' overall high-performance management practices.

Participants will be exposed to advanced concepts of high-performance management training and learn how modern performance management can propel their organization toward outstanding performance. We will explore how high-performance management and ongoing employee development are inextricably linked.

Targeted Groups:

  • Supervisors.
  • Team leaders.
  • Employees are interested in learning new skills to improve their profiles.

Conference Objectives:

At the end of this employee performance and behavior management conference, participants will be able to:

  • Understand human behavior.
  • Understand how attitude affects behavior and motivation.
  • Manage employee performance.
  • Learn how to be more effective as a manager or supervisor.
  • Get the best out of their people.
  • Develop a clearer picture of their attitudes and behavior.
  • Improve their skills in practical performance management – such as appraisal, discipline, and grievance.
  • Achieve results that rely on interaction with others.
  • Develop their confidence and interpersonal skills.

Targeted Competencies:

At the end of this employee performance and behavior management conference, the target competencies will be able to:

  • Communication skills.
  • Body language.
  • Interpersonal relationship skills.
  • Performance management.
  • Self-development.

Management of Aggressive Behavior:

This employee performance and behavior management conference discusses managing aggressive behavior, emphasizing understanding and redirecting unproductive employee behavior. Techniques from this behavior management workshop will equip participants to tackle challenging behavior professionally and effectively.

Anger management plays an influential role in shaping a supportive work environment. Here, we'll examine effective employee behavior and anger management strategies, enabling attendees to comfortably handle interpersonal conflicts.

Conference Content:

Unit 1: Performance and the Individual:

  • Psychological profiles - Jungian typology and understanding human behavior.
  • How do competency frameworks support performance management?
  • Human behavior survey.
  • The Iceberg model to understand the behavior.
  • Models of Performance Management.
  • The JOHARI window.

Unit 2: Managing Employee Performance:

  • Discipline, capability, and grievance.
  • Recognizing the difference between capability and conduct issues.
  • The Rules of Natural Justice.
  • The purposes of discipline.
  • Inefficiency and box markings.
  • Models of motivation and behavior.

Unit 3: The Assertiveness Model of Behaviour and Attitudes:

  • Identifying and recognizing the types of behavior:
    • Aggressive.
    • Indirectly aggressive.
    • Passive (aggressive).
    • Assertive.
  • Communication skills.
  • Being proactive with people.

Unit 4: Exercises with Behaviour and Attitudes:

  • Managing performance.
  • The Performance Appraisal Interview.
  • Discipline and grievance case studies and examples.
  • Dealing with discipline and Grievance cases.
  • Case studies – real stories explored and developed.

Unit 5: Attitudes and Attitudes to Self:

  • The Behaviour Mirror diagnostic tool.
  • Social styles.
  • Behavior model.


To conclude the organizational behavior management workshop, we delve into the significance of understanding organizational behavior management. This seminar is dedicated to an organizational behavior management conference-style workshop, amalgamating theory with practice to better prepare attendees for the complexity of managing behaviors within an organization.

The Best Professional Conferences, Workshops and Seminars
Managing Employee Performance, Behavior & Attitudes Conference (8170_286512)

REF: 8170_286512   DATE: 30.Mar.2025 - 03.Apr.2025   LOCATION: Cairo (Egypt)  INDIVIDUAL FEE: 3000 Euro


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