Management Analysis & Operational Auditing Courses

Elevate your career with courses in business analysis, project management, and data analysis. From beginners to pros, our certifications meet today's challenges

Effective Business Decisions Using Data Analysis Course - (MA 1046)

Advanced-Data Analysis Techniques Training Course - (MA 1142)

BPR Business Process Reengineering Training Course - (MA 8300)

Auditing Corporate Governance Training Course - (MA 9002)

ORM Operational Risk Management & Mitigation Training Course - (MA 9003)

IT Strategy & Architecture: Principles and Practices Course - (MA 9004)

Actuarial Science Fundamentals Training Course - (MA 15103)

Programs Category

Mercury dynamic schedule is constantly reviewed and updated to ensure that every category is being addressed at least once a month, if not once every week. Please check the training courses listed below and if you do not find the subject you are interested in, email us or give us a call and we will do our best to assist.