Management & Leadership Training Courses

Early Career & Leadership: ECL Course

REF: 15549_314435
DATE: 10 - 14 Nov 2024

Amman (Jordan)


2900 Euro


Welcome to the Early Career & Leadership (ECL) course! In this program, we'll equip you with the essential skills and insights needed to thrive in the early stages of your career. Get ready to unlock your full potential and embark on the road to success! Let's dive in.

Targeted Groups:

  • Recent graduates entering the workforce.
  • Young professionals seeking career advancement.
  • Individuals transitioning to new roles or industries.
  • Aspiring leaders aiming to develop early leadership skills.
  • Self-motivated learners committed to personal and professional growth.

Course Objectives:

Certainly, here are some succinct course objectives for the Early Career & Leadership course:

  • Equip participants with foundational leadership skills essential for early career success.
  • Foster self-awareness and personal development to enhance professional growth.
  • Develop effective communication and interpersonal skills for building strong relationships.
  • Cultivate strategic thinking and problem-solving abilities to navigate challenges in the workplace.
  • Provide insights into team dynamics and effective team leadership strategies.
  • Instill a mindset of continuous learning and adaptability to thrive in a rapidly evolving professional environment.
  • Empower participants to take ownership of their career development and set meaningful goals for advancement.
  • Inspire and motivate participants to become confident, ethical leaders who positively impact their teams and organizations.

Targeted Competencies:

Of course, here are some concise targeted competencies for the Early Career & Leadership course:

  • Leadership skills development.
  • Effective communication enhancement.
  • Emotional intelligence cultivation.
  • Critical thinking and problem-solving abilities.
  • Adaptability and resilience building.
  • Teamwork and collaboration proficiency.
  • Strategic planning and goal setting.
  • Ethical decision-making and behavior.
  • Self-management and productivity optimization.
  • Commitment to continuous learning and development.

Course Content:

Here's a brief overview of the course content for the Early Career & Leadership program:

Unit 1: Introduction to Early Career Development:

  • Overview of the course objectives and structure.
  • Importance of early career planning and development.
  • Setting personal and professional goals.

Unit 2: Leadership Fundamentals:

  • Understanding the core principles of effective leadership.
  • Identifying leadership styles and strengths.
  • Developing leadership presence and influence.

Unit 3: Communication Skills:

  • Enhancing verbal and non-verbal communication.
  • Active listening and empathetic communication.
  • Communicating with clarity and confidence.

Unit 4: Emotional Intelligence:

  • Understanding emotions and their impact on behavior.
  • Developing self-awareness and self-regulation.
  • Building empathy and social skills.

Unit 5: Critical Thinking and Problem-Solving:

  • Developing analytical and decision-making skills.
  • Problem-solving strategies and techniques.
  • Handling challenges and making effective decisions.

Unit 6: Adaptability and Resilience:

  • Building resilience in the face of adversity.
  • Embracing change and uncertainty.
  • Thriving in dynamic work environments.

Unit 7: Teamwork and Collaboration:

  • Effective teamwork principles and dynamics.
  • Building trust and fostering collaboration.
  • Leading and contributing to high-performing teams.

Unit 8: Strategic Planning and Goal-Setting:

  • Setting SMART goals for personal and professional development.
  • Creating action plans and timelines.
  • Monitoring progress and adjusting strategies.

Unit 9: Ethical Leadership:

  • Understanding ethical principles and values.
  • Making ethical decisions in the workplace.
  • Leading with integrity and accountability.

Unit 10: Continuous Learning and Development:

  • Cultivating a growth mindset.
  • Seeking out learning opportunities and feedback.
  • Creating a personal development plan for ongoing growth.


This ECL Early Career & Leadership course consists of interactive lessons, case studies, practical exercises, and discussions to reinforce learning and application of skills.

Management & Leadership Training Courses
Early Career & Leadership: ECL Course (15549_314435)

REF: 15549_314435   DATE: 10.Nov.2024 - 14.Nov.2024   LOCATION: Amman (Jordan)  INDIVIDUAL FEE: 2900 Euro


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