Oil and Gas Engineering Training Courses

Health, Safety, and the Environment in Petroleum industry

REF: 15291_311592
DATE: 30 Sep - 04 Oct 2024

Munich (Germany)


5200 Euro


  • A culture of health, safety, and the environment (HSE) is a regulatory requirement for petroleum firms.
  • Prevention is the best approach to HSE in the oil and gas business. In an emergency, mapping a route to preparation with strategies for evacuations, containment, and mitigation can save lives and property. Knowing where people and assets are in real time helps to reduce risk in the event of an emergency.
  • The oil and gas HSE training course provides an overview of the fundamental components of an efficient oil and gas sector safety management system.
  • The training gives the resources and information required to maintain the workplace safe while also increasing productivity.

Targeted Groups:

  • Senior management and owners of shipping and oil firms whose primary job is to protect employee health and safety, as well as the environment, from occupational dangers caused by activity at these locations.
  • Investors interested in funding specific organizations or initiatives within these organizations
  • Marine engineers and other technical personnel are in charge of verifying the performance and safety of machinery before employing it in commercial activities.
  • Internal and external auditors are in charge of ensuring that universal safety and protection requirements are followed.
  • Policymakers are in charge of developing safety policies and associated papers.
  • Other personnel of oil corporations and ports, as well as ship crew, who operate in dangerous environments and undertake risky activities

Targeted Competencies:

  • Employees who are easily trained and educated to follow best practices at work to avoid dangers and harm to the health and safety of employees and the environment
  • External training expenditures are reduced since experienced and trained personnel serve as teachers and mentors to other employees and new entrants.
  • Reduced likelihood of risks and other serious occurrences occurring at work
  • Greater investments and earnings as a result of lower expenses for protecting property, company assets, and people from dangers
  • Improved employer brand as a result of reliable and well-defined processes for employee health and safety.
  • Because of the organization's best practices and standards, it is a positive contributor to environmental preservation and protection.
  • Internal audits are conducted on a regular basis to monitor internal processes and systems in order to detect wear and tear early on and prevent it from progressing to life-threatening levels.
  • Use of innovative systems and technology to ensure employee health and safety while also conserving the environment

Course Objectives:

  • In-depth knowledge of best practices to be followed in one's place of employment to guarantee one's own health and safety as well as the safety of coworkers.
  • Raised awareness of certain methods and procedures to be followed while handling cargo and treating waste material in order to reduce environmental effect.
  • Enhanced preparation and expanded ability to play a vital part in creating systems and procedures in one's business to safeguard the environment as well as workers' health and safety from occupational dangers.
  • Higher awareness and expertise to contribute to corporate performance through lower expenses for occupational risks and related penalties, opening the way for one's advancement within the firm.
  • Improved ability and confidence in working with new technologies and implementing them in one's business to ensure smooth, risk-free operations.
  • A sense of satisfaction and pleasure in contributing to environmental conservation through environmental awareness and training programs, as well as company practices that prioritize health and safety.

Course Content:

Unit 1: HSE Management in the Oil and Gas Industry

Module 1: The introduction and generic HSE-principles

  • E&P risks
  • Loss Prevention Principles
  • Domino theory
  • Iceberg theory
  • Critical Success Factors
  • Competence Management
  • World class HSE performance
  • Maturity Profiles

Module 2: The HSE-system in more depth

  • Successful Culture Baseline Measurement (Hearts and Minds)
  • Safety Management / Risk Management (systems)
  • International Standards implemented in own HSE-MS
  • Golden Rules
  • HSE System Set-up (Policy / Standards Procedures)
  • HSE System Elements

Module 3: Operational HSE topics

  • SIMOPS /Bridging Documents
  • Safety Cases
  • Equipment Safety (drilling, production, pipelines, storage tanks, offloading, transport)

Module 4: Generic HSE instruments and tools

  • Instruments / tools
  • Tripod, QRA, SIL, Bow-tie
  • Process Safety, LOPA
  • Asset Integrity, SCE (Safety Critical Elements)
  • Human Factors
  • Software study examples (QRA, bow-tie)
  • Hazard Recognition
  • Risk assessment
  • Task Risk Analysis
  • Hazard Spotting

Module 5: HSE-MS and tools

  • Introduction permit to work
  • Workplace observation
  • Stop & Go/Last minute risk analysis
  • Workplace Control (good housekeeping)
  • Systematic Incident analysis
  • Management of Change
  • Monitoring and review, KPI

Unit 2: Hydrogen Sulphide H2S

  • H2S explained
  • How H2S is produced
  • Chemical, scientific, and other common names
  • Physical characteristics
  • Color
  • Odor
  • Solubility
  • Vapor density
  • Flammability hazards
  • Corrosive
  • Exposure hazards
  • H2S effects on humans
  • Exposure risks
  • Permissible exposure limits
  • OSHA standards
  • NIOSH standards
  • Industry practices
  • Occurrence of H2S
  • Industrial areas
  • Natural deposits
  • H2S detection
  • Electric H2S gas detectors
  • Other H2S gas detection methods
  • Personnel Protective Equipment (PPE)
  • Basic requirements
  • Respiratory protective equipment
  • Safe work practices
  • Implementation of the buddy system
  • Engineering controls
  • H2S containment
  • Ventilation
  • Removal
  • Contingency planning
  • Definition
  • Personnel guidelines
  • Emergency response
  • Emergency plan
  • Rescue cases

Unit 3: Emergency response

  • Protective Actions for Life Safety
  • Evacuation
  • Sheltering
  • Shelter-In-Place
  • Lockdown
  • Incident Stabilization
  • Developing the Emergency Plan
  • Warning, Notifications, and Communications
  • Roles and Responsibilities for Building Owners and Facility Managers
  • Site and Facility Plans and Information
  • Training and Exercises
  • 10 Steps for Developing the Emergency Response Plan
  • Property Conservation
  • Preparing a Facility for a Forecast Event
  • Salvage and Actions to Prevent Further Damage Following an Incident

Unit 4: First aid

Part One:

  • Training Objectives
  • Assessing the Scene & Emergency Response System Notification
  • Universal Precautions
  • Injury Assessment
  • Respiratory Distress
  • Choking
  • Heart Attack
  • Stroke
  • Shock
  • Diabetic Emergencies
  • Seizures

Part Two:

  • Workplace First Aid
  • Training Objectives
  • Abrasions, Lacerations, Puncture Wounds and Amputations
  • Burns
  • Eye Injury
  • Exposure to Hazardous Chemicals
  • Sprains and Strains
  • Head, Neck or Spine Injury
  • Broken Bone or Fracture
  • Temperature-Related Illness
  • Bites and Stings
  • Poisonous Plants

Oil and Gas Engineering Training Courses
Health, Safety, and the Environment in Petroleum industry (15291_311592)

REF: 15291_311592   DATE: 30.Sep.2024 - 04.Oct.2024   LOCATION: Munich (Germany)  INDIVIDUAL FEE: 5200 Euro


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