Management & Leadership Training Courses

Skills and Competency Assessment

REF: 15465_308935
DATE: 16 - 20 Mar 2025

Cairo (Egypt)


3000 Euro


Workplaces whether public or private, are experiencing massive changes that are challenging nominal ways of working and workforce expectations. The economic realities of ongoing financial constraints and reduced headcounts and budgets; coupled with increasing stakeholder expectations are creating a demanding environment where employees are expected to deliver results regardless of the mounting challenges.

Also, the working styles of a new generation and new technologies have created a plugged-in and connected workforce that is engulfed in real-time response requirements via instant messaging, email, phone calls, and mobile and social network access. This connectivity has not necessarily translated into increased employee engagement, motivation, or improved performance. Instead, employees are becoming increasingly overwhelmed by this new work context, while also trying to seek work-life balance.

However, more so now than ever, by adapting effective performance management practices, leaders in the public sector can enable employees to identify organizational priorities and realign their efforts, ultimately helping to increase overall productivity and engagement. Effective performance management practices not only help organizations continue to raise the bar but also engage employees on the efforts and behaviors required for both personal and organizational success

Targeted Groups:

  • Public Sector Managers and Team Leaders
  • Performance Management Officers
  • Human Resource Directors
  • Employee Relations Managers
  • Supervisors responsible for the use and application of performance management and appraisal techniques within the Public Sector
  • Individuals who will lead or play a key execution role in performance improvement initiatives in their public sector organization

Course Objectives:

At the end of this course the participants will be able to:

  • Secure buy-in from all stakeholders for using performance management in the Public Sector
  • Overcome resistance to performance measurement transparency and reporting requirements
  • Integrate performance management initiatives into other ongoing management improvement efforts
  • Lead cultural change within the public sector to achieve improved results
  • Utilize performance measures with proven techniques of evidence-based analysis, performance measurements, reporting and benchmarking
  • Devise and lead performance improvement teams – working across program silos to obtain effective results across the organization
  • Make direct connections between Performance Management and Organizational Goals
  • Demonstrate Best Practices in Addressing and resolving Work-performance related Problems

Targeted Competencies:

  • Designing and Introducing an Effective Performance Management Scheme for Public Sector Organizations
  • Implementing proven best practice approaches for aligning programs and management initiatives to an integrated performance management system for your government organization
  • Designing proven strategies for gaining leadership buy-in for performance improvement initiatives via building a high-performance team
  • Leading with a resolve that focuses and aligns the critical balance between Accountability, Responsibility, and Empowerment

Course Content:
Unit 1: The Public Sector Performance Management Maturity Scale:

  • Performance Management defined as an Enabling Movement
  • Performance Management Best Practices in Public Sector and Non-profit Organizations
  • Conducting a Comprehensive Assessment of Your Government Organization’s Current Use of Performance Management Concepts
  • Key Principles of Effective Performance Management for Profits, Non-Profits and Hybrid Organizations
  • Customizing the Performance Management Approach via the PPC Model to Build the Required Capacities

Unit 2: Defining the Scope of the Performance Management Initiative:

  • Identify Performance Improvement Opportunities and Align to Internal Leadership Policy Goals
  • Project Management Fundamentals for Performance Improvement Initiatives
  • Identifying and Developing Your Performance Improvement Team – Policy, Planning and Implementation Leaders
  • Gaining Top Down, Internal and External Stakeholder Buy-in
  • Identify Alignment Opportunities between Performance Management and Legislative and Administration Priorities
  • Designing Goals and Objectives linked to The High-Performance Organization
  • Developing the 4 Step Implementation Model – Diagnostic, Design, Implement and Review

Unit 3: Performance Management Strategy Development:

  • The 4 Step Implementation Model
  • Diagnostic:
    • Assessment of Primary Activities, Deliverables, Customer Focus
    • Designing the ‘As is’ to the ‘Should be’
    • Pre and Post Measurements
    • The End in Mind – The High-Performance Organization
  • Design:
    • Organizational Goals Enabled with the Balanced Scorecard
    • Competitive Benchmarks for Performance Comparisons and Important Developments
    • Performance Management Enabled via KPIs
    • Best Practice Objectives and Key Results (OKRs) for Public Sector Organizations
  • Implement:
    • Project Management Principles
    • Launch, Timelines, Phases, Milestones, Quick Wins and Pilots
    • Effectively Cascading Strategic KPIs – Goal, Division and Task KPIs
    • Designing an Effective Communication Strategy
  • Measure:
    • Post Project Reviews
    • Enhancement and Modifications
  • What Next?

Unit 4: Driving the Achievement of Performance Goals:

  • The Purpose of Employee Reviews as a Vehicle to Drive Performance at All Levels
  • Performance Reviews: Facilitating a Process for Analyzing and Using Performance Information Internally to Drive Improvements
  • Performance Analysis - Selecting programs and initiatives for advanced program evaluation, data analytics, performance auditing, benchmarking, etc.
  • Addressing the Performance Gap via Proven Approaches for Optimal Organizational Results
  • Managing Performance Problems – Key Activities
  • Improving Motivation and Engagement at Work
  • Performance Evaluation and the Link to Rewards

Unit 5: Sustainability of Performance:

  • Action Planning for Sustainability of The High-Performance Organization
  • Sustainability via Feedback Models
  • Constructive and Developmental Feedback
  • Coaching and Mentoring for Performance

Management & Leadership Training Courses
Skills and Competency Assessment (15465_308935)

REF: 15465_308935   DATE: 16.Mar.2025 - 20.Mar.2025   LOCATION: Cairo (Egypt)  INDIVIDUAL FEE: 3000 Euro


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