Oil and Gas Engineering Training Courses

Safety Audit & Site Inspection Training Course

REF: 6086_295621
DATE: 15 - 19 Jun 2025

Cairo (Egypt)


3500 Euro


What you do not measure, you cannot improve on every system; however, good on paper needs to be checked to see if it works in practice. How much more important is this need when what is at stake is money and human lives?

This safety audit and site inspection course will cover the essentials of Audits. Delegates will learn that an audit is about examining the systems within a company and verifying that the systems actually exist and that these systems are within the legislative requirements. Within this essential PetroKnowledge training course, the focus will also be on methods of identifying gaps that should be filled and or improved upon.

In this safety audit and site inspection training course, participants will learn about document searches, interviews, and actual site inspections. audit and inspection findings are facts and not opinions, and this is emphasized throughout the course.

This safety audit and site inspection course offers a robust foundation for those aiming to become certified process safety auditors or certified safety auditors. The safety audit and site inspection course prepares professionals to effectively conduct safety audits and site inspections with a high standard of compliance and competence.

Understanding Safety Audits:

A safety audit is a structured process of collecting independent information on the efficiency, effectiveness, and reliability of the total health and safety management system and drawing up plans for corrective action. Auditing examines each stage in the health and safety management system by measuring compliance with the controls the organization has developed.

Targeted Groups:

  • All Supervisors and Line Management are seeking to have assigned responsibilities within the organization’s Safety Management System (SMS).
  • HSE personnel.
  • Operations personnel.
  • Maintenance personnel.
  • Staff involved in Contractor work.

Course Objectives:

At the end of this safety audit and site inspection course, the participants will be able to:

  • Understand the legal background.
  • Appreciate all audit activities.
  • Gain knowledge about the elements of a safety management system.
  • Undertake site inspections successfully.
  • Assess the safety culture of the organization.
  • Evaluate the emergency plans of the organization.

Targeted Competencies:

Upon the end of this safety audit and site inspection course, the target competencies will be able to:

  • Conduct effective company and contractor safety audits.
  • Appreciate the importance of pre-audit questionnaires.
  • Understand the legal aspects of audits.
  • Improve your knowledge of safety issues.
  • Improve your skills in undertaking site inspections.

Course Content:

Unit 1: Introduction to Audits, Legislation and Contractors:

  • Overview of introduction to safety audits and inspections.
  • The legal aspects.
  • Understand what good practices are for the oil and gas industry.
  • The new Seveso III directive.
  • PSM.
  • Directive 92/57/EEC - temporary or mobile construction sites.
  • Contractor selection and induction.
  • Learn about risk management and risk assessments.
  • Evaluate risk assessments.

Unit 2: Elements of a Safety Management System - Audits:

  • Types of safety management systems.
  • Mechanical model.
  • Socio-technical model.
  • Learn about elements of safety and management systems.
  • SMS policy - Elements of SMS policy statements.
  • Understand proactive and reactive monitoring of performance.
  • ANSI/API 754 process safety indicators for the refining and petrochemical industries.
  • The auditors’ qualifications.
  • Audits.
  • Pre-audit activities.
  • On-site activities.
  • Post-audit activities.
  • Classification of findings.

Unit 3: Inspections:

  • Observation techniques.
  • Understand specific audit/inspection systems - physical inspection of the site.
  • Learn what confined space entry is.
  • Work at height.
  • Scaffolding.
  • Ladders.
  • PPE.
  • Fire assessment.
  • Chemicals.
  • Work permit systems.

Unit 4: Safety Culture:

  • Understand what safety culture and behavioral safety are.
  • Motivation methods: Taylor, Herzberg, Vroom, Gueller, and Maslow.
  • ABC analysis.
  • What drives behavior?
  • Learn about natural penalties and consequences.
  • Audit the safety culture.
  • Improve the culture.

Unit 5: Emergencies:

  • Internal emergency plans.
  • External emergency plans.
  • Audit emergency plans.
  • Audit reports.
  • Evaluation.

Oil and Gas Engineering Training Courses
Safety Audit & Site Inspection Training Course (6086_295621)

REF: 6086_295621   DATE: 15.Jun.2025 - 19.Jun.2025   LOCATION: Cairo (Egypt)  INDIVIDUAL FEE: 3500 Euro


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