Oil and Gas Engineering Training Courses

Global Oil and Gas Management Course

REF: 9390_284093
DATE: 09 - 20 Jun 2025

Amsterdam (Netherlands)


9500 Euro


The oil and gas industry is multidimensional, technically challenging, capital-intensive, and frequently faced with unknowns and hazards. The complexity, price volatility, and competitiveness facing the petroleum business today are all rising.

This oil and gas management course will expose participants to a wide range of complex management issues that the upstream and downstream petroleum industries are currently dealing with. It will also improve their comprehension of business management while utilizing cutting-edge innovative technologies.

The decline in oil prices has a detrimental effect on upstream operations. Still, it improves the profitability of downstream activities since cheaper feedstock increases refinery profits. Another crucial aspect of the company is the integration of petrochemicals and refining to obtain higher efficiency.

Managing integrated Upstream and Downstream businesses with technically intensive areas such as exploration, drilling, production, refining, petrochemicals, sales, distribution, and trading of oil, gas, and refined products require several cross-functional skills essential to this competitive industry. This oil and gas management training covers all these multi-functional skills and business practices.

Targeted Groups:

  • Business Development managers.
  • Corporate Planning Professionals.
  • Geoscience and Engineering professionals.
  • Refinery professionals.
  • Supply Planners and Scheduling Professionals.
  • Government regulators.
  • Law professionals.
  • Tax and Finance advisors.
  • Auditing personnel.
  • Compliance officers.
  • Equity Analysts and Bankers.
  • Joint Venture officers.
  • Negotiators and Contracting Professionals.
  • Trading professionals.

Course Objectives:

At the end of this oil and gas management course, the participants will be able to:

  • Gain the broadest perspective of the entire oil, gas, and LNG business, from exploration, drilling, production, refining, petrochemicals, sales, marketing, and trading.
  • Achieve a maximum understanding of the industry to reach the highest position on the corporate ladder.
  • Boost their understanding of the technical and economic efficiencies gained in the Upstream and Downstream applied through new technologies.
  • Master the petroleum economics, investment analysis, risk analysis, and petroleum project evaluation.
  • Evaluate Fiscal terms and conditions and compare the World Fiscal systems to grasp deep business knowledge.
  • Understand Concessionary, Production Sharing, Service, and Joint Venture Contracts in Upstream and Sales, Marketing, and Trading Contracts in Downstream.
  • Boost their understanding of the fundamentals of downstream business: refined product quality, blending and valuation of oil for trade, freight and netback calculation and refinery margins calculations, vessel chartering, pipelines, and terminals.
  • Master the Total barrel economics, Oil market futures, hedging and futures, and price management considerations.
  • Evaluate the oil business's technical, commercial, legal, safety, and environmental aspects.
  • Discuss the technical terms, concepts, and buzzwords confidently with their peers and clients.

Targeted Competencies:

By the end of this oil and gas management training, the target competencies will:

  • Understand the basics of Hydrocarbon Value Chain optimization, from the prospect to the burning tip, which fuels the global economy and trade.
  • Learn about the essential concepts and best production practices of the international oil and gas supply, transportation, manufacturing of refined products, petrochemicals, and trade in the petroleum and petrochemical industries.
  • Fundamentals of Fiscal terms and conditions and comparison of World Fiscal Systems enable participants to grasp deep business knowledge.
  • Understanding of Upstream Concessionary, Production Sharing, Service, and Joint Venture Contracts and Downstream Sales, Marketing, and Trading Contracts that run the business of the world's largest commodity oil 
  • Master the petroleum economics, risk analysis, and petroleum project evaluation.
  • Know about demonstrating upstream business-critical factors with an oil Field Simulator," Downstream business-critical factors with a refinery Simulator," and Market Trading tools used at the World's Commodity Exchange Centers.
  • It seamlessly covers a wide array of critical business functions and processes. It appropriately deals with the business practices and tactics to build the necessary business acumen in the Upstream and Downstream segments of the Petroleum Industry.

What is Oil and Gas Management All About?

Are you interested in understanding the global oil and gas industry? Explore the oil and gas management course. This program provides essential skills for navigating this dynamic sector, covering industry trends, strategic management, and finance.

Studying this oil and gas management training helps you grasp the industry's complexities and global impact. You will gain insights into global oil and gas production, management strategies, and data-driven decision-making.

Why study an oil and gas management course? This course involves mastering the skills to navigate this vital industry effectively. You will prepare to make informed decisions that drive global oil and gas market success.

Course Content:

Unit 1: General Industry Overview and Basic Concepts:

  • Introduction to the Oil and Gas Industry.
  • Petroleum Industry Dynamics and Future Trends.
  • Oil and Gas Geology.
  • Oil and Gas Prospecting (Exploration).
  • Drilling Operations.

Unit 2: Upstream Success Factors:

  • Technological Advances.
  • Well Evaluation.
  • Well, Completions.
  • Reservoir Depletion Mechanisms.
  • Oil and Gas Surface Facilities.
  • Transportation.
  • Maintenance of Oil and Gas Facilities.
  • Oil and Gas Reserves.

Unit 3: Profitably Managing Upstream Business:

  • Oil and Gas Reserves.
  • Reservoir Management.
  • Crude Oil Refinery Products and Processes.
  • Legal Framework of the Industry.
  • Project Economics.
  • Oil Price Risk Management.

Unit 4: Upstream Production Contracts and Fiscal Systems:

  • Relationships between Oil Companies and Host Governments.
  • Understanding Petroleum Fiscal Systems.
  • Identify different types of fiscal terms and their application.
  • Concession (royalty/tax) Contracts.
  • Production Sharing Contracts.
  • Service Contracts and Joint Venture Contracts.
  • Review and Comparison of Different Fiscal Systems in the World for the Petroleum Industry.
  • Know fiscal options and the latest trends for Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) projects.

Unit 5: Petroleum Economics, Risk Analysis, and Project Evaluation:

  • Petroleum Dynamics in the Global, Regional, and OPEC Production Scenarios.
  • Profitability Indicators for the Oil and Gas Business.
  • Understand the comparison and investment selection criteria.
  • Know corporate portfolio management and maximizing returns.
  • Risk and Uncertainty analysis in capital investments.
  • Evaluate projects by risk-based economics.
  • Fundamental Considerations in Petroleum Project Evaluation.
  • Investment Decision-Making Techniques.

Unit 6: Petroleum Refining, Refined Products and Petrochemicals:

  • Introduction to the Petroleum Downstream Industry.
  • Physical and Chemical Properties of Crude Oil.
  • Crude Oil Selection Criteria for the Refinery.
  • Essential to the Petroleum Refining Industry.
  • Major Refinery Processes and Refinery Units.
  • Simple Hydroskimming Refinery.
  • Deep Conversion Coking Refinery.
  • Refinery Optimization.

Unit 7: Global Oil Supply and Petroleum Economics:

  • Make Downstream connections with the Upstream Industry.
  • The Essence of International Oil Supply – Global Reserves, Production and Trade.
  • Fundamentals of Oil Economics.
  • Fundamentals of Crude Oil Transportation – Tankers and Chartering.
  • Basic Principles in Pricing and Overview of Markets.
  • Crude Oil Markets.
  • Global Crude Oil Supply-Demand Balance and its Impact on Prices.
  • Learn about the 50-year history of Crude Oil Pricing and its current pricing dynamics.
  • Marker Crudes and Crude Oil Benchmarks.

Unit 8: Downstream Value Chain Optimization:

  • Essential Elements in Crude Oil Sales Contracts to Refineries.
  • Basic Crude Oil Refining and Advanced Refinery Upgrades.
  • Importance of Petrochemicals and its Impact.
  • Refining and Petrochemicals Integration.
  • Value Chain Optimization and Maximizing Return on Investment.
  • Managing Contractual and Environmental Risks.
  • Pipelines, Storage, and Transportation Logistics in Downstream.
  • Refinery Economics and Optimization of Downstream.

Unit 9: Downstream Market Structures and Trading:

  • Introductory Concepts in Oil Trading.
  • Interface with retailers.
  • Downstream Supply Chain Management.
  • Total Barrel Economics.
  • Oil Market Derivatives - Futures, Forwards, Swaps, Option.
  • Price Volatility Exposure and its Defensive Practices.

Unit 10: Downstream Petroleum Dynamics and Risk Management:

  • Hedging - Risk Management.
  • Pricing Management.
  • Derivatives.
  • Examples of Oil and Gas Futures Contracts, Swaps, and Options.
  • Common Mistakes by Oil and Gas Companies in Hedging.
  • A Guide to Developing A Corporate Fuel Risk Management Policy.
  • Challenges to the Petroleum Industry and Trends in New Technology.


Completing a global oil and gas management course equips individuals with critical skills and insights into the industry's operations, strategy, and finance. Whether pursuing a master's degree or certificate in oil and gas management, participants comprehensively understand global oil and gas production and the industry's data analytics landscape.

Studying oil and gas management prepares professionals to navigate the complexities of the global oil and gas industry, making informed decisions based on robust data analysis. It's about mastering management strategies that drive success in this pivotal sector. It ensures readiness to tackle challenges and leverage opportunities within the global oil and gas market.

Oil and Gas Engineering Training Courses
Global Oil and Gas Management Course (9390_284093)

REF: 9390_284093   DATE: 09.Jun.2025 - 20.Jun.2025   LOCATION: Amsterdam (Netherlands)  INDIVIDUAL FEE: 9500 Euro


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