The Best Professional Conferences, Workshops and Seminars

Strategy Building and Sustaining Competitive Advantage Seminar

REF: 8131_283869
DATE: 14 - 18 Oct 2024

Casablanca (Morocco)


3000 Euro


Why do some companies seamlessly grow and adapt while others struggle or fail to keep pace with market dynamics? Success boils down to the capability to develop effective strategies that grant and preserve a competitive edge.

This building competitive advantage and strategy management seminar will explore the intricate relationship between strategic management, strategic thinking, and competitive advantage, which are the cornerstones of thriving businesses in an increasingly complex and international marketplace.

Participants will gain insights into why competitive advantage is a pivotal factor in business and how companies can leverage competitive strategies in marketing management to stay ahead. We will dissect robust strategy-building frameworks and examine how every part of an organization contributes to overall strategic success.

What is the Strategy to Build a Competitive Advantage?

Enhance your understanding and capabilities in creating strategies that forge and maintain a competitive edge in the dynamic business environment. Understanding the essence of strategy in the business landscape is crucial for crafting a competitive advantage.

This building competitive advantage and strategy management seminar delves deep into the methodologies and strategic management practices essential for building and sustaining competitive advantage, emphasizing the importance of business-level and functional-level strategies.

Targeted Groups:

This building competitive advantage and strategy management seminar is highly beneficial for:

  • Experienced Operations, Marketing, and Human Resource Managers.
  • Public Sector Managers working in Development, Regeneration, or aiming to enhance Tourism and Employment growth.
  • Bankers, Corporate Strategists, and Investment Analysts.
  • Program Managers and Project Directors.
  • Newly Appointed Directors seeking a modern take on Strategy and Competitive Advantage.

Conference Objectives:

By the end of this business strategy seminar, participants will:

  • Grasp the core principles of strategy and strategic management.
  • Comprehend the frameworks pivotal for creating robust strategies.
  • Recognize the connection between strategy formulation and implementation.
  • Understand the essence of competitive advantage and its role in business strategy.
  • Ensure strategy evolution to maintain high-performance levels.
  • Recognize how their roles contribute to strategy-building and securing a sustainable competitive advantage.
  • Enhance problem-solving abilities in strategic contexts.
  • Acknowledge the impact of operational specificity on corporate strategy.
  • Strengthen teamwork in the analysis and resolution of strategic issues.
  • Augment the efficacy of specialist functions within the strategic framework.
  • Boost motivation and proactive leadership skills.

Targeted Competencies:

Participants in this building competitive advantage and strategy management conference will develop competencies in:

  • Strategic thinking and management.
  • Risk management and assessment.
  • Building and evolving strategies.
  • Interpersonal skills and people management.

Conference Content:

Unit 1: Business Strategy, Strategic Management, and Strategic Choice:

  • Explore generic competitive strategies and industry structural analysis.
  • Contrast Competitive Positioning with Blue Ocean Strategies.
  • Investigate the evolution of customer value over time.
  • Understand the principle of differentiated customer engagement.
  • Delve into the integration of supply-demand chains in strategic thinking.
  • Examine the complexities of strategic planning.

Unit 2: How to Build a Robust Strategy:

  • Analyze the interplay between external and internal strategic analyses.
  • Discuss the concept of shareholder value in strategic planning.
  • Evaluate both financial and non-financial aspects of strategic objectives.
  • Apply principles from the Balanced Scorecard to strategic planning.
  • Diagnose strategic challenges and opportunities.
  • Choose between offensive and defensive strategic programs.
  • Utilize the “5-page Strategy Framework” for concise strategizing.

Unit 3: The Concept of Competitive Advantage and Securing It:

  • Review previously discussed strategic tools.
  • Competitive Advantage through Cost Leadership.
  • Competitive Advantage through Product/Service Differentiation.
  • Innovate business models to create differentiated value.
  • Look at hybrid strategies combining cost leadership and differentiation.
  • Balance strategies for optimal value delivery to customers.

Unit 4: Strategic Risk and Global Strategic Management:

  • Identify and assess strategic risks and uncertainties.
  • Employ tools and techniques for risk management.
  • Understand the global business strategy and the essence of globalization.
  • Manage strategic transitions amid varying market scopes.
  • Address organizational change and human resources within a global context.
  • Construct and manage a strategic planning team.
  • Manage the strategic interface of global operations.

Unit 5: Building Tomorrow’s Organization Out of Today’s Organization:

  • Apply the life-cycle principle to business strategy for strategic renewal.
  • Emphasize the role of vision and values in strategic development and change.
  • Explore the Senior Executive’s role as a strategic leader and communicator.
  • Emphasize coaching and mentoring to infuse strategic thinking at all management levels.
  • Construct a future-proof organization from the current framework.
  • Appreciate the corporate and individual value of strategic thought.

The Best Professional Conferences, Workshops and Seminars
Strategy Building and Sustaining Competitive Advantage Seminar (8131_283869)

REF: 8131_283869   DATE: 14.Oct.2024 - 18.Oct.2024   LOCATION: Casablanca (Morocco)  INDIVIDUAL FEE: 3000 Euro


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