Oil and Gas Engineering Training Courses

Gas Network and Natural Gas & LNG Workshop

REF: 15294_280811
DATE: 16 - 20 Dec 2024

Madrid (Spain)


5500 Euro


This workshop charts a rich history of progress and innovation that has revolutionized the gas industry. From humble beginnings, the LNG industry and global trade have seen substantial growth in recent years. This workshop aims to cover the transit of LNG becoming leading contributors to the energy mix and security of supply to existing and emerging energy markets. With a view full eye on the future of this innovative industry, during this workshop, delegates will be afforded with the key aspects of Natural Gas and LNG, understanding operational and commercial aspects through to technological advances and new applications.

Targeted Groups:

Professionals wishing to gain an overview or basic understanding of Natural Gas, the industry and its operations. This includes, but is not limited to, anyone new to the oil and gas industry, contractors working with clients in the industry, or anyone within a non-technical role in the industry who is seeking a greater understanding of operations.

Workshop Objectives:

At the end of this workshop the participants will be able to recognize:

  • Understanding components of natural gas, complications of gas units and oil-equivalents
  • Understanding the difference between Natural Gas Liquids (NGL) and Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG), Gas to Liquids (GTL) and Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG), Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) and LNG
  • Difference of unconventional gas and conventional gas
  • Understanding how unconventionally will gas impact global markets
  • The change in LNG chain over the past few years
  • How will emerging technologies such as Floating LNG (FLNG), mini-LNG, and Floating Storage Regas Units (FSRU) change the business?
  • What do sales agreements cover? What terms in a Gas Sales Agreement (GSA) are most negotiated?
  • The success factors for LNG projects

Targeted Competencies:

  • Principles of Natural Gas
  • NGL and LNG Operations
  • Operational Safety

Workshop Content: 

Unit 1: Gas and LNG Basics

  • An Overview of Natural Gas
  • Chemical and physical properties of natural gas components (methane, Natural Gas Liquids)
  • Gas units
  • Gas chain
  • Pipeline versus LNG transport options

Unit 2: Conventional and Unconventional Gas

  • Difference between Conventional and Unconventional gas resources
  • Shale gas and coal bed methane

Unit 3: LNG Value Chain

  • LNG chain
  • Liquefaction temperatures of natural gas components
  • The capital expense of each aspect of the LNG chain (liquefaction, shipping, regasification)
  • Advantages and disadvantages of emerging technologies (floating liquefaction and floating regasification)
  • LNG project risks and success factors

Unit 4: Pricing and Contracts

  • Global gas pricing models
  • LNG 'S' curve pricing formula as well as its main negotiated items (slope and constant)
  • Comparison of the 'S' curve with the US 'hub price + costs' model
  • LNG sales agreements, introducing concepts such as Term, Take-or-Pay, and Price Review
  • LNG project economic models, comparing the traditional integrated model with the US tolling model

Unit 5: Global Gas Dynamics

  • Environmental benefits of natural gas
  • Growing resemblance of natural gas markets
  • Key factors sought by LNG customers
  • Future LNG supply sources
  • Growing LNG demand from emerging markets
  • The role of floating regasification units in opening up new markets

Oil and Gas Engineering Training Courses
Gas Network and Natural Gas & LNG Workshop (15294_280811)

REF: 15294_280811   DATE: 16.Dec.2024 - 20.Dec.2024   LOCATION: Madrid (Spain)  INDIVIDUAL FEE: 5500 Euro


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