The Best Professional Conferences, Workshops and Seminars

International Safe Handling, Management of Safety, and Storage Strategies for Explosives and Munitions

REF: 15302_260031
DATE: 14 - 18 Jul 2024

Istanbul (Turkey)


4200 Euro


This course will use a better understanding of weapons susceptibility and effects to enhance explosives and munitions risk management. The contemporary management of explosives and munitions hazards is a wide topic addressed by several policy texts and communities of interest. This course is based on best practices as well as fundamental technical and scientific knowledge. The event will bring together participants from the Hazard Classification (HC), Insensitive Munitions (IM), and explosives storage safety communities to help build a coordinated and optimal strategy to controlling explosives and munitions risk. A secondary goal of the workshop is to begin changes that will aid in realizing the benefits of IM, particularly during transit and storage, in order to increase safety and protect military capabilities in hazardous working situations.

Conference Objectives:

  • Develop knowledge and awareness of the explosive impacts on buildings utilized for ammunition storage.
  • Understand the Hazard Division protection provided by buildings.
  • Learn about the various types of structures and the architectural concerns for ammo storage facilities.
  • Learning the calculations for both safe storage and the volume necessary for bulk munitions storage.
  • Demonstrate knowledge and awareness of the phUnderstanding the implementation of fire safety regulations in ammunition storage facilities.
  • Learning the typical markings used for both Ammunition Packag- ing and loose unpackaged ammunition including Lotting and Batching markings to assist in the identification, accounting, security and safe storage of ammunition.
  • Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the various methods of transporting ammunition safely and securely to accepted international standards.
  • ysical security and protection of an explosive storage facility's ammunition stockpile.
  • Demonstrate an awareness of the different control procedures to be employed in the management and control of explosive facilities to ensure the safety and security of ammunition stockpiles kept therein.
  • How to determine munitions storage safety inside storage facilities.

Targeted Groups:

Army explosives safety professionals

Conference Content:

Explosives Foundation

  • The differences and applications of high and low explosives
  • The principles and objectives of explosive trains
  • Explosive power and effects
  • Develop knowledge of specifications for electrical fitments and lightning protection to be used in Ammunition Storage Facilities”
  • Standing Operating Procedures when carrying out an explosive demolition operation
  • The responsibilities of supervisors of personnel carrying out explosive demolition operations
  • Explosives Health & Safety and First Aid in respect of blast injuries
  • How to handle and use explosives confidently and competently, including the making up of ring mains and line detonation systems.

Explosives Storage Management

  • Responsibilities of managers and employees within an explosive storage area
  • Explosives safety
  • Classification of explosives
  • Explosives storage areas
  • Explosives transportation and explosives security
  • Radiation hazards in respect of explosives
  • Quantity distances and explosive limits in respect of explosives storage area

Ammunition storage area safety

  • Field & Temporary Stores
  • Ammunition & Package Markings
  • Fire Prevention
  • Ammunition Accounting
  • Ammunition Storage Calculation
  • Electrical Installations in Ammunition Storage Facilities

Ammunition storage area operations

  • Magazine Types & Construction
  • Calculating Storage Capacity
  • Movement of Ammunition
  • Security in Ammunition Storage

The Best Professional Conferences, Workshops and Seminars
International Safe Handling, Management of Safety, and Storage Strategies for Explosives and Munitions (15302_260031)

REF: 15302_260031   DATE: 14.Jul.2024 - 18.Jul.2024   LOCATION: Istanbul (Turkey)  INDIVIDUAL FEE: 4200 Euro


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