The Best Professional Conferences, Workshops and Seminars

Mastering Contract Management and Claims Mitigation Conference

REF: 8238_252367
DATE: 08 - 12 Dec 2024



1500 Euro


Contracts are the foundation of business transactions and establish the rights and responsibilities of the involved parties. This Master in contract management and claims mitigation event serves as an interactive hub where contract management training intertwines with real-world application, providing attendees with strategies for effective contract management and insightful tactics for claim mitigation.

This contract management and claims mitigation conference aims to build an international risk management strategy solid in contract knowledge and practical. Participants will glean good business practices to recognize and seize opportunities, improve efficiencies, and, ultimately, drive profitability. Understanding contracts and mastering the basics of contract management will be focal themes.

Targeted Groups:

  • Contract Professionals.
  • Tendering, Purchasing, and Procurement Professionals.
  • Project Management Professionals.
  • Engineering, Operational, Finance, and Maintenance Professionals.

Conference Objectives:

At the culmination of this contract management seminar, participants will be able to:

  • Acquire essential contractual and legal knowledge.
  • Understand and implement various types of agreements.
  • Improve commercial awareness for the effective execution of contracts.
  • Enhance capabilities in managing contracts to diminish claims and conflicts.
  • Identify and mitigate risks along with their commercial and program implications.
  • Comprehend the significance of meticulous record-keeping and the serving of contractual notices.
  • Recognize commercial liabilities stemming from schedule modifications and variations.
  • Negotiate and preserve long-term inter-business contracts with confidence.
  • Address issues promptly and aim to resolve disputes internally when possible.
  • Analyze, negotiate, and execute the best dispute resolution methods, preventing escalation through early detection.

Targeted Competencies:

At the culmination of this contract management seminar, target competencies will:

  • Fostering expertise in the art of contract management.
  • Refining exceptional negotiation skills.
  • Enabling professional development.
  • Elevating job satisfaction.
  • Gaining recognition from organizations, leading to career advancement.
  • Building confidence in leading, planning, and steering the entire contract process.

Effective Contract Management: Insights and Techniques

As the landscape of contract management evolves, professionals in the field must be equipped with advanced mitigation training, practical mitigation management knowledge, and a clear understanding of effective contract management strategies.

Through in-depth discussions and practical exercises, attendees at this contract management and claims mitigation conference will explore the nuances and complexities of contract mitigation to prevent, manage, and resolve disputes effectively.

This contract management workshop is designed to instill in each attendee the mastery of contract management principles and the competence to navigate complex contract situations with poise and confidence.

Conference Content:

Unit 1: The Legal Framework of Contracts:

  • Necessity of contractual relationships.
  • External and internal facets of business relationships.
  • Contract formation.
  • Fundamental components of a contract.
  • The distinction between oral and written contracts.
  • The realm of electronic contracts.
  • The stipulated terms of a contract.
  • Examining inter-business contracting.
  • The Principles of the Law of Agency.
  • Delving into legal knowledge and skills.

Unit 2: Some Issues Arising in Contracts:

  • The hierarchy of contract documents.
  • Obligations of performance.
  • Process of delivery, acceptance, transfer of title, and risk.
  • Understanding ICC Incoterms.
  • The interrelation between negligence liability and contract conditions.
  • Discussing product liability and defective goods.
  • Intellectual Property clauses.
  • The nature and role of various letters (Intent, Instruction/Award, Comfort, Awareness).
  • Navigating Conflict of Laws and Choice of Law and Jurisdiction Clauses.

Unit 3: Different Contracting Strategies in International Contracts:

  • Examination of Standard Form/Model Form Conditions.
  • Crafting Standard Terms.
  • Challenges with Standard Form Contracts.
  • Framework for limiting or excluding liability.
  • Dealing with Unequal Bargaining Positions.
  • Overview of traditional contracts.
  • Fixed Price/Lump Sum strategies.
  • Analysis of Bill of Quantities/Schedule of Rates contracts.
  • When Fully reimbursable – “cost-plus” – is the right choice.
  • Addressing volatile markets – clauses and use of indices.
  • Incentive integration into lump sums.
  • Exploring Non-Traditional Contracts.
  • Structures like Build Own Operate.
  • Alliances and Partnering.
  • The No Cure/No Pay approach from marine salvage.

Unit 4: Contract Management and The Management of Change and Payment:

  • The imperative of robust contract management.
  • The Dynamics of Contract Term Variations.
  • Managing Scope of Work changes.
  • Steering Variations and retaining control.
  • Critical Payment and Financial Events.
  • Addressing delay, suspension, and time extensions.
  • Insights into Finance and Payment in International Trade.
  • The Role of Bonds and Guarantees.
  • Navigating Defects Liability and warranty periods.
  • Strategies for managing rolling warranties.
  • Termination of Contract and Remedial actions.
  • The principles of loss mitigation and claims.

Unit 5: Resolution of Disputes:

  • Tactics for Negotiation, compromise, and settlement.
  • The litigation landscape.
  • Arbitration procedures.
  • Alternative Dispute Resolution methods, including mediation.
  • The art of managing disputes.

The Best Professional Conferences, Workshops and Seminars
Mastering Contract Management and Claims Mitigation Conference (8238_252367)

REF: 8238_252367   DATE: 08.Dec.2024 - 12.Dec.2024   LOCATION: Online  INDIVIDUAL FEE: 1500 Euro


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