The Best Professional Conferences, Workshops and Seminars

Effective Purchasing and Contract Negotiation Strategies Seminar

REF: 8044_242692
DATE: 18 - 22 Aug 2025

Vienna (Austria)


4900 Euro


The ability to negotiate is one of the essential commercial business requirements. Yet, it is often delegated to those least able to produce an effective outcome. Poor negotiation is, therefore, felt throughout an organization and immediately negatively affects company profitability.

This contract negotiation and purchasing strategies conference provides practical, experience-based guidance in planning and conducting a successful negotiation. It identifies on an individual basis the key competencies and skills required to emerge on the winning side.

Enhancing Contract Negotiation Skills

In the realm of procurement and purchasing, mastering contract negotiation strategies is essential. This contract negotiation and purchasing strategies conference offers targeted contract negotiation training to equip professionals with the tools to execute successful procurement negotiation tactics.

Participants in the contract negotiation and purchasing strategies seminar can expect to delve into advanced purchasing negotiation strategies and emerge with a more robust command of procurement contract negotiation.

Targeted Groups

  • Purchasing Professionals.
  • Those are at all levels in projects, site contract management, and engineering with supply chain involvement.
  • Those in a Company who influence the selection of Materials, Services, and Sources of Supply.
  • Any person who wishes to understand the purchase process, regardless of background or present role/position.

Conference Objectives

At the end of this contract negotiation and purchasing strategies conference, the participants will be able to:

  • Understand the importance of planning in successful negotiations
  • Explore the approaches in talks.
  • Recognize the standards of ethics.
  • Understand the importance of determining, rating, and valuing the issues in a negotiation.
  • Evaluate strengths and weaknesses.
  • Understand the critical issues in various contract clauses.
  • Understand the essential elements of the final preparation.
  • Explore common negotiation tactics and countermeasures.
  • Gain experience and confidence through the actual negotiation of sample cases.

Targeted Competencies

At the end of this contract negotiation and purchasing strategies seminar, the target competencies will be able to:

  • An appreciation of what is possible in Purchasing and how you may contribute more
  • An understanding of your present capabilities and where you should invest in personal improvement
  • Increased confidence in operating in different environments/cultures/business levels
  • Greater comfort and confidence when placed in 'difficult' negotiating positions
  • An appreciation of other people's problems and how to persuade them to your way of thinking
  • Become more challenging of existing methods and systems and less accepting of the way things are

Conference Content

Unit 1: What Makes a Negotiation Successful?

  • Personal obstacles to a successful negotiation.
  • Purchasing responsibilities as a negotiator.
  • Identifying the phases of a negotiation.
  • Understanding the phases of a negotiation.
  • What makes the "winners" win – the elements of success.
  • Comparing Approaches in Negotiations.
  • Looking for a better deal for both parties.
  • When to use what style of negotiation.
  • Protecting yourself and your company.
  • Using Time as a critical element.

Unit 2: The Expert Negotiator Has Many Talents

  • Skill sets and knowledge requirements.
  • The role of intuition and emotion.
  • Understanding your present personal capability.
  • Defining the negotiator competencies.
  • Uncovering the learning gap.
  • Identifying what should be negotiated.
  • Positioning the negotiation.
  • Determining the supplier's likely position.
  • The influence of long and short-term supplier relationships.
  • The importance of research.

Unit 3: Valuing Issues for Both Sides

  • Understanding price and cost.
  • Determining the supplier's pricing strategy.
  • Life cycle costing and improving added value.
  • Developing price indices.
  • Needs of a standard contract.
  • Developing terms and conditions of contract.
  • Transfer of ownership and risk.
  • Warranties and spare parts issues.
  • Liquidated damages.
  • Negotiating contractor contingencies.
  • Economic price adjustment clauses.
  • The Tender Process – does it add value?
  • Developing a tender assessment model.

Unit 4: What Happens Inside Every Negotiation - Getting to "Yes"

  • Negotiation in an e-commerce environment.
  • Testing the potential benefits of e-commerce.
  • Ethics in negotiation and tendering.
  • Developing a transparent and ethical organization.
  • Negotiating with different cultures.
  • Telephone negotiations.
  • How do you communicate your needs?
  • How do you move the other party to your viewpoint?
  • How do we gain an advantage through listening?
  • Body language and uncovering deception.

Unit 5: Common Negotiation Tactics and Countermeasures

  • Framing the negotiation.
  • Deciding your tactics and counter-tactics.
  • Dealing with bargaining.
  • How to concede to gain an advantage.
  • How to keep the seller selling.
  • Dealing with deadlocks in negotiations.
  • Avoiding The Funny Money Trap.
  • Lessons in negotiation from history.
  • 24 essential things to do in any negotiation.

The Best Professional Conferences, Workshops and Seminars
Effective Purchasing and Contract Negotiation Strategies Seminar (8044_242692)

REF: 8044_242692   DATE: 18.Aug.2025 - 22.Aug.2025   LOCATION: Vienna (Austria)  INDIVIDUAL FEE: 4900 Euro


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