The Best Professional Conferences, Workshops and Seminars

Leading High-Performing Teams Training Workshop


No matter how knowledgeable and competent its members may be, a dysfunctional team will undermine organizational goals, sap morale, and waste effort. This leading high-performing teams training focuses on the critical roles of team leaders and middle managers in harnessing their team’s potential. The leading high-performing teams workshop introduces and practices techniques for moving the team to peak performance.

Leading High-Performance Teams: A Focus on Excellence

Building and leading high-performance teams is crucial to achieving stellar organizational results. This leading high-performing teams course addresses what constitutes a high-performing team. It explores the strategies and skills necessary for developing them.

Through theory and practical application, participants will learn the intricacies of high-performance team leadership and the essential components that distinguish high-quality teams from their counterparts.

Participants will engage in high-performance team training that goes beyond the basics, equipping them to cultivate an environment where team members are aligned with a shared purpose, empowered to take the initiative, and encouraged to collaborate to optimize their collective performance.

Targeted Groups

  • Experienced team leaders.
  • Junior/middle managers.
  • Supervisors.

Workshop Objectives

At the end of this leading high-performing teams workshop, the participants will be able to:

  • Understand your role as a leader.
  • Identify and leverage talent within the team.
  • Engage and motivate the team with a shared vision and values.
  • Establish clear objectives and standards of performance for the team.
  • Measure and manage team performance.
  • Manage and use conflict and challenge.
  • Optimize team flexibility and commitment.

Targeted Competencies

By the end of this leading high-performing teams workshop, the target competencies will be able to:

  • Leadership skills.
  • Team management.
  • Performance management.
  • Communication skills.
  • Emotional intelligence.
  • Delegation and empowerment.

Conference Content

Unit 1: Teams and Their Leaders

  • Teams, leaders, and managers.
  • Key leadership tasks.
  • Influence, authority, and power.
  • Leadership styles and style flexibility.
  • Self-awareness.
  • Emotional intelligence and rapport.

Unit 2: Vision, Direction, and Alignment

  • Creating a shared vision.
  • Aims, objectives, and goal alignment.
  • Developing meaningful objectives and indicators.
  • Divergent approaches to problem-solving.
  • Communicating a compelling vision.
  • Delivering challenging messages.

Unit 3: Team Dynamics

  • Team development.
  • The sociology of the team.
  • Characteristics of high-performing teams.
  • Balancing team roles.
  • Non-traditional team structures.
  • Delegation and empowerment.

Unit 4: Developing The Team

  • Learning and competence.
  • Building a coherent team.
  • Self-managing teams and their challenges.
  • Coaching, mentoring, and self-directed learning.
  • Feedback and appraisal.
  • Leveraging team strengths for peak performance.

Unit 5: Performance and Conflict Management

  • Defining performance.
  • Approaches to measuring team and individual performance.
  • Performance through the eyes of the customer.
  • Performance management: science or art?
  • Conflict as a catalyst for team development.
  • Dealing with challenging interpersonal relations.

Istanbul (Turkey)
07 - 11 Jul 2024
4200 Euro
Geneva (Switzerland)
08 - 12 Jul 2024
5500 Euro
Amsterdam (Netherlands)
08 - 12 Jul 2024
4900 Euro
Amsterdam (Netherlands)
15 - 19 Jul 2024
4900 Euro
Barcelona (Spain)
15 - 19 Jul 2024
4900 Euro
Manama (Bahrain)
21 - 25 Jul 2024
3900 Euro
Milan (Italy)
22 - 26 Jul 2024
4900 Euro
Brussels (Belgium)
22 - 26 Jul 2024
4500 Euro
Sharm El-Sheikh (Egypt)
28 Jul - 01 Aug 2024
3500 Euro
Madrid (Spain)
05 - 09 Aug 2024
4900 Euro
London (UK)
05 - 09 Aug 2024
5200 Euro
Rome (Italy)
12 - 16 Aug 2024
4900 Euro
Rome (Italy)
19 - 23 Aug 2024
4900 Euro
Istanbul (Turkey)
25 - 29 Aug 2024
4200 Euro
Cairo (Egypt)
01 - 05 Sep 2024
3000 Euro
Boston (USA)
09 - 13 Sep 2024
5500 Euro
London (UK)
09 - 13 Sep 2024
5200 Euro
Amman (Jordan)
22 - 26 Sep 2024
2900 Euro
Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia)
29 Sep - 03 Oct 2024
3900 Euro
Amman (Jordan)
29 Sep - 03 Oct 2024
2900 Euro
29 Sep - 03 Oct 2024
1500 Euro
Sharm El-Sheikh (Egypt)
06 - 10 Oct 2024
3500 Euro
Paris (France)
14 - 18 Oct 2024
4900 Euro
Paris (France)
21 - 25 Oct 2024
4900 Euro
London (UK)
28 Oct - 01 Nov 2024
5200 Euro
Istanbul (Turkey)
03 - 07 Nov 2024
4200 Euro
Manama (Bahrain)
10 - 14 Nov 2024
3900 Euro
Barcelona (Spain)
11 - 15 Nov 2024
4900 Euro
Cairo (Egypt)
24 - 28 Nov 2024
3000 Euro
Dubai (UAE)
24 - 28 Nov 2024
3900 Euro
01 - 05 Dec 2024
1500 Euro
Istanbul (Turkey)
01 - 05 Dec 2024
4200 Euro
Boston (USA)
02 - 06 Dec 2024
5500 Euro
Geneva (Switzerland)
09 - 13 Dec 2024
5500 Euro
Barcelona (Spain)
16 - 20 Dec 2024
4900 Euro
Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia)
22 - 26 Dec 2024
3900 Euro
Dubai (UAE)
22 - 26 Dec 2024
3900 Euro
Madrid (Spain)
23 - 27 Dec 2024
4900 Euro
Sharm El-Sheikh (Egypt)
29 Dec 2024 - 02 Jan 2025
3500 Euro
Madrid (Spain)
30 Dec 2024 - 03 Jan 2025
4900 Euro

The Best Professional Conferences, Workshops and Seminars
Leading High-Performing Teams Training Workshop (C)


Mercury dynamic schedule is constantly reviewed and updated to ensure that every category is being addressed at least once a month, if not once every week. Please check the training courses listed below and if you do not find the subject you are interested in, email us or give us a call and we will do our best to assist.