Mastering Human Resources Management Courses and HR Certifications

Human Error Analysis & Prevention Training Course


Human errors are often a result of interactions between the environment, organizational dynamics, job factors, and human characteristics that can influence behavior. This interaction may affect health and safety performance. Key elements include the individual, their job, and the organizational structures.

When undesirable events occur, employing human error analysis tools is instrumental in pinpointing root causes and identifying human factors contributing to the events. One can prevent similar future occurrences by understanding the origins of such events.

After an accident involving human failure, using human error analysis tools can identify the causes and contributing human error factors. Establishing these underlying causes of an accident/incident is the key to preventing similar human error accidents/incidents.

This human error prevention and analysis course provides practical, onsite knowledge and skills to successfully develop and implement practical human error analysis and prevention measures.

One of the core emphases in modern safety and reliability is the crucial understanding of human performance and error. This course provides a comprehensive overview of human performance improvement training methodologies, aiming to equip participants to analyze and prevent possible human errors in their work environments.

It is designed to cover the human factors training course and performance training solutions. The human error prevention and analysis course offers critical human performance safety training insights.

What is Human Performance?

Understanding what encompasses human performance is pivotal in addressing, analyzing, and preventing workplace incidents due to human error. This human error prevention and analysis course involves integrating knowledge from the human performance course and utilizing human performance tools to create safer and more reliable workplace practices.

Targeted Groups

  • HR Professionals.
  • Professionals are seeking human performance improvement certification and new approaches to mitigating and preventing human performance issues.
  • Individuals looking for proactive and reactive techniques to analyze facilities, systems, and operations.

Course Objectives

Upon completing this human error prevention and analysis course, participants will be able to:

  • Understand the underlying reasons behind the occurrence of human errors.
  • Expound on human error analysis techniques and their application.
  • Implement measures to rectify human performance issues before they evolve into problematic situations.
  • Aid colleagues in your organization in managing human performance issues.
  • Illustrate how human behavior can culminate in human errors and incidents/accidents.
  • Offer practical ideas and strategies for the observation and prevention of human errors.
  • Examine case studies that showcase how various organizations have implemented human error analysis techniques to avert human errors in the workplace.

Targeted Competencies

At the end of this human error prevention and analysis course, the target competencies will be able to:

  • Analytical thinking.
  • Problem-solving.
  • Understand culture and behavior in the context of human performance.

Course Content

Unit 1: Introduction to Human Error

  • Explore what defines human error.
  • Differentiate the various types of human error.
  • Analyze workplace and job task factors that contribute to human error.
  • Understand human failures as causes of accidents/incidents.
  • Learn how to set objectives for human error and prevention.

Unit 2: Human Error Analysis Factors

  • Manage rule-breaking situations (Violations).
  • Study human behavior patterns that lead to errors.
  • Understand the impact of cultural, sensory, and perception-related behaviors.
  • Employ the Shell ‘Hearts and Minds’ toolkit to enhance human behavioral factors.
  • Examine different human error types and the respective prevention strategies.

Unit 3: Observation Methods for Unsafe Acts and Conditions

  • Utilizing the Dupont ‘STOP’ safety observation tool to identify:
    • Substandard practices and behaviors.
    • Substandard conditions.
  • Implement job safety analysis for identifying and assessing types of human errors.
  • Learn about the analysis of human errors in presented accident scenarios.

Unit 4: Human Error Analysis Techniques

  • Understand examination of human error situations within site operations.
  • Employ Human Reliability Assessment (HRA) for human error analysis.
  • Observe human errors and explore prevention strategies.
  • Prevent human errors with appropriate options and solutions.
  • Utilize Fault Tree Analysis for an in-depth human error analysis.

Unit 5: Human Error Analysis and Prevention – Getting Started

  • Identify and categorize workplace human errors.
  • Consider Human factors in the incident and accident analysis.
  • Review Human factors in current work methods and procedures.
  • Integrate human error analysis into the health and safety management system.
  • Create a checklist for observing workplace human errors.

Amsterdam (Netherlands)
29 Jul - 02 Aug 2024
4900 Euro
Istanbul (Turkey)
04 - 08 Aug 2024
4200 Euro
London (UK)
05 - 09 Aug 2024
5200 Euro
Sharm El-Sheikh (Egypt)
11 - 15 Aug 2024
3500 Euro
Barcelona (Spain)
12 - 16 Aug 2024
4900 Euro
Dubai (UAE)
25 - 29 Aug 2024
3900 Euro
Rome (Italy)
02 - 06 Sep 2024
4900 Euro
Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia)
08 - 12 Sep 2024
3900 Euro
22 - 26 Sep 2024
1500 Euro
London (UK)
23 - 27 Sep 2024
5200 Euro
Vienna (Austria)
30 Sep - 04 Oct 2024
4900 Euro
Dubai (UAE)
20 - 24 Oct 2024
3900 Euro
Munich (Germany)
21 - 25 Oct 2024
4900 Euro
Barcelona (Spain)
28 Oct - 01 Nov 2024
4900 Euro
Cairo (Egypt)
03 - 07 Nov 2024
3000 Euro
Madrid (Spain)
04 - 08 Nov 2024
4900 Euro
Paris (France)
02 - 06 Dec 2024
4900 Euro
Istanbul (Turkey)
22 - 26 Dec 2024
4200 Euro
Paris (France)
30 Dec 2024 - 03 Jan 2025
4900 Euro
London (UK)
06 - 10 Jan 2025
5200 Euro
Geneva (Switzerland)
06 - 10 Jan 2025
5500 Euro
Istanbul (Turkey)
19 - 23 Jan 2025
4200 Euro
Amman (Jordan)
26 - 30 Jan 2025
2900 Euro
Barcelona (Spain)
27 - 31 Jan 2025
4900 Euro
Madrid (Spain)
27 - 31 Jan 2025
4900 Euro
Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia)
02 - 06 Feb 2025
3900 Euro
Cairo (Egypt)
16 - 20 Feb 2025
3000 Euro
Casablanca (Morocco)
17 - 21 Feb 2025
3000 Euro
Dubai (UAE)
16 - 20 Mar 2025
3900 Euro
Lisbon (Portugal)
17 - 20 Mar 2025
4900 Euro
Rome (Italy)
17 - 20 Mar 2025
4900 Euro
Manama (Bahrain)
30 Mar - 20 Apr 2025
3900 Euro
Brussels (Belgium)
31 Mar - 20 Apr 2025
4500 Euro
Boston (USA)
31 Mar - 20 Apr 2025
5500 Euro
13 - 20 Apr 2025
1500 Euro
Vienna (Austria)
05 - 20 May 2025
4900 Euro
Milan (Italy)
05 - 20 May 2025
4900 Euro
Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia)
11 - 20 May 2025
3900 Euro
Sharm El-Sheikh (Egypt)
08 - 12 Jun 2025
3500 Euro
Amsterdam (Netherlands)
16 - 20 Jun 2025
4900 Euro

Mastering Human Resources Management Courses and HR Certifications
Human Error Analysis & Prevention Training Course (HR)


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