Mastering Legal Negotiation & Contract Management Training Courses

The Contracts & Project Management Mini Master MBA Course


In today's competitive global economy, virtually all organizations are project-based. Whether they are governmental, industrial, or commercial, these organizations supply products or services intended to satisfy the needs and requirements of their clients by applying the principles and methodologies of project management to implement their projects.

All of these projects rest on the foundation of contracts, and the interaction between project management and contracts, also known as contracts in project management or project management contracts, is vital for project success.

Utilizing the project contracting process and drawing from extensive knowledge in MBA contract management, this contracts and project management course dives into the essentials of forming a contract that will serve the needs of the project effectively.

Aspiring contract project managers will gain insights into the project contract management process, which enables the alignment of project objectives with contractual obligations and the roles that project contract managers play.

Target Groups

  • Contracts management professionals.
  • Project management professionals.
  • Tendering, purchasing, contract administration professionals and personnel.
  • Engineering, operational, finance, and maintenance professionals.
  • This contracts and project management course is for all others who are involved in project work from simple to complex that cover the acquisition of materials, equipment, construction, and services and who are in organizations whose leadership wants high levels of competency in those involved in these activities.

Course Objectives

At the end of this MBA in contracts and project management course, the participants will be able to:

  • Establish project goals and objectives that are directly linked to stakeholders' needs and expectations.
  • Develop and use work breakdown structures.
  • Develop realistic and measurable objectives to ensure positive results for project performance.
  • Estimate project time and costs using proven techniques.
  • Establish an effective project control system and monitor project progress efficiently.
  • Use a practical, step-by-step process to manage project risks.
  • Identify threats and opportunities to your project and weigh their relative values.
  • Utilize tried and proven project management tools and techniques to get the jobs done on time, within budget, and following client's requirements.
  • Understand the issues behind contracts.
  • Explore ways of creating contracts and the different strategies available for different types of projects.
  • Review different types of contracts.
  • Examine some of the issues that arise in drafting contracts.
  • Develop improved skills in negotiation relating to contracts.

Targeted Competencies

By the end of this mini-master in contracts and project management course, the participants will be able to improve:

  • Project management.
  • Contract management.
  • Planning and scheduling.
  • Project budgeting.
  • Project control.
  • Contract preparation.
  • Contract administration.
  • Identifying and analyzing project and contract risk.
  • Selecting and leading project and contract teams.

Course Content

Unit 1: The Basis of Contracts

  • The basis of contracts around the world.
  • How is a contract formed?
  • Exchange of promises.
  • Formalities.
  • Writing.
  • Formal signing/sealing.
  • Registration.
  • Stamp duty or other taxes.
  • Mental capacity.
  • Age.
  • Witnesses.
  • Authority to contract.
  • How is this proved?
  • Powers of attorney.
  • Special issues with foreign parties.
  • Issues with agents.
  • What happens if there is no agreed contract?

Unit 2: Creating a Contract

  • Tendering.
  • Why do we use competitive tendering?
  • Dealing with challenges.
  • Other procurement methods.
  • Single/sole sourcing.
  • Framework agreements.
  • Negotiated contracts.
  • Traditional.
  • More innovative.
  • Selecting the right one for your project.
  • Using standard forms.
  • Company.
  • International.
  • Letters of intent.
  • Letters of award.
  • Conditions precedent.
  • Conditions subsequent.
  • Bonds.
  • Guarantees.
  • Insurance arrangements.
  • Different contract types.
  • Awarding the contract.
  • Collateral documents.
  • De-briefing bidders.
  • Kick-off meetings.

Unit 3: Drafting Contracts

  • Clarity of language.
  • Issues with translations.
  • Some critical clauses.
  • Health, safety and the environment.
  • Standard of work/product/service.
  • Changes to the scope of work.
  • Indemnities.
  • Insurance.
  • Time for delivery.
  • Liquidated damages.
  • Penalties.
  • Force majeure.
  • What is it, and what is it not?
  • Limitation of liability.
  • Warranty and guarantee periods.
  • Termination.
  • Entire Agreement.
  • Notices.
  • Which law applies?

Unit 4: Negotiation

  • Negotiation phases.
  • When awarding a contract?
  • Disputes under the contract.
  • Negotiation techniques.
  • Preparation.
  • What to do in the actual negotiation?
  • Dealing with difficult parties.
  • Exercises in negotiation.
  • Phase negotiation.
  • Arbitration.
  • Courts (litigation).
  • Mediation.
  • Expert determination.
  • Other alternative solutions.
  • Dispute resolution.
  • Issues where disputes are resolved in an international context.

Unit 5: Contract Management

  • Project and contract management are distinguished.
  • Roles in contract management.
  • Document control.
  • Control of change.
  • Payment processes.
  • Impact of delay.
  • Issues in international contracts.
  • Managing a termination.
  • Closeout – contractual issues.

Unit 6: Foundations of Project Management

  • The nature of projects and project management.
  • Project/program and portfolio management.
  • How do we go from strategic planning to project management?
  • Management criteria versus engineering criteria.
  • The project life cycle.
  • Managing the triple constraints.
  • Managing project risks.
  • Stakeholders in project management.
  • Managing stakeholders.
  • The project manager's responsibilities.
  • The role of senior management.
  • Steps in managing a project.
  • The "hard" skills of managing a project.
  • The "soft" skills of managing a project.
  • Project Management Body Of Knowledge (PMBOK).
  • Project management maturity level.
  • Typical project organization structures.
  • The Project Management Office (PMO) concept.
  • Basic contract types in managing projects.
  • The generic planning and control cycle in project management.

Unit 7: Project Initiating, Planning and Scheduling

  • The project charter.
  • Stakeholder identification.
  • The imperative of planning.
  • Planning definition.
  • Project planning overview.
  • The project plan.
  • •Developing the mission, vision, goals, and objectives of the project.
  • Basic project planning steps.
  • Identifying success criteria.
  • Developing the requirements.
  • Scope definition.
  • Procurement planning: "Make or Buy" decision.
  • Defining the Work Breakdown Structure (WBS).
  • The Organization Breakdown Structure (OBS).
  • The Responsibility Assignment Matrix (RAM).
  • Defining and sequencing project activities.
  • Estimating activity resources and durations.
  • Staffing management plan.
  • Scheduling the project work.
  • Estimating costs and determining budgets.
  • The Performance Measurement Baselines (PMB).
  • Communication planning.
  • Quality planning.

Unit 8: Risk Management Planning

  • Risk management overview
  • Definitions of certainty, risk, and uncertainty.
  • Definition of project risks.
  • Definition of risk management.
  • The primary aspects of risk management.
  • Risk management planning process.
  • Risk identification.
  • Risk issue filtering.
  • Risk assessment and prioritization.
  • Qualitative risk analysis.
  • Quantitative risk analysis.
  • Risk avoidance plans.
  • Risk contingency plans.
  • Risk tracking and reporting approach.
  • Risk management organization and responsibilities.
  • Risk management plan documentation and risk database preparation.
  • The output of risk management planning.

Unit 9: Project Execution, Monitoring and Control

  • Directing and managing project execution.
  • Monitoring work performance information.
  • Managing the project team.
  • Managing stakeholder expectations.
  • Project deliverables tracking.
  • Project control definition.
  • The objectives of project control.
  • Project control approach.
  • The Earned Value Management (EVM) concept: An integrated project control approach.
  • Integrated change control.
  • Quality Assurance and Quality Control (QA/QC).
  • Communication and documentation control.
  • Procurement administration.
  • Risk management control process.
  • Risk avoidance plan implementation.
  • Risk contingency plan implementation.
  • Risk reports and reviews.
  • Risk activities effectiveness evaluation.
  • Risk management plan updates.
  • Risk management control process.
  • Flow of risk management planning and control responsibilities.
  • Risk management process flow.
  • Risk management best practices.

Unit 10: Project Closure

  • Management challenges.
  • Key elements of successful project closure.
  • Effective project closure.
  • Project closure objectives.
  • Project closure plan.
  • Contract closure.
  • Administrative closure.
  • Project closure and contract closure interaction.
  • The punch-list approach.
  • Lesson learned.
  • Post-project evaluation.
  • Success celebration.

Istanbul (Turkey)
03 - 14 Nov 2024
7500 Euro
Barcelona (Spain)
11 - 22 Nov 2024
8500 Euro
Paris (France)
18 - 29 Nov 2024
8500 Euro
Amman (Jordan)
24 Nov - 05 Dec 2024
5200 Euro
Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia)
24 Nov - 05 Dec 2024
6500 Euro
Amsterdam (Netherlands)
02 - 13 Dec 2024
8500 Euro
Paris (France)
30 Dec 2024 - 10 Jan 2025
8500 Euro
Manama (Bahrain)
12 - 23 Jan 2025
7000 Euro
Vienna (Austria)
13 - 24 Jan 2025
8500 Euro
Sharm El-Sheikh (Egypt)
26 Jan - 06 Feb 2025
7200 Euro
Munich (Germany)
27 Jan - 07 Feb 2025
8500 Euro
Milan (Italy)
03 - 14 Feb 2025
9500 Euro
Barcelona (Spain)
10 - 21 Feb 2025
8500 Euro
16 - 27 Feb 2025
2700 Euro
Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia)
23 Feb - 06 Mar 2025
6500 Euro
London (UK)
17 - 28 Mar 2025
9300 Euro
Madrid (Spain)
17 - 28 Mar 2025
8500 Euro
Cairo (Egypt)
23 Mar - 03 Apr 2025
5400 Euro
Amman (Jordan)
23 Mar - 03 Apr 2025
5200 Euro
Istanbul (Turkey)
30 Mar - 10 Apr 2025
7500 Euro
Brussels (Belgium)
31 Mar - 11 Apr 2025
8500 Euro
Geneva (Switzerland)
07 - 18 Apr 2025
9500 Euro
Rome (Italy)
07 - 18 Apr 2025
9500 Euro
13 - 24 Apr 2025
2700 Euro
Amsterdam (Netherlands)
21 Apr - 02 May 2025
8500 Euro
Dubai (UAE)
27 Apr - 08 May 2025
7000 Euro
Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia)
04 - 15 May 2025
6500 Euro
11 - 22 May 2025
2700 Euro
Dubai (UAE)
01 - 12 Jun 2025
7000 Euro
Barcelona (Spain)
02 - 13 Jun 2025
8500 Euro
15 - 26 Jun 2025
2700 Euro
Cairo (Egypt)
29 Jun - 10 Jul 2025
5400 Euro
Istanbul (Turkey)
06 - 17 Jul 2025
7500 Euro
Manama (Bahrain)
06 - 17 Jul 2025
7000 Euro
Lisbon (Portugal)
07 - 18 Jul 2025
8500 Euro
20 - 31 Jul 2025
2700 Euro
Casablanca (Morocco)
21 Jul - 01 Aug 2025
5400 Euro
Madrid (Spain)
28 Jul - 08 Aug 2025
8500 Euro
Vienna (Austria)
28 Jul - 08 Aug 2025
8500 Euro
London (UK)
18 - 29 Aug 2025
9300 Euro

Mastering Legal Negotiation & Contract Management Training Courses
The Contracts & Project Management Mini Master MBA Course (LG)


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