المؤتمرات الدولية والمهنية

The Strategic Leader: Strategic Planning, Negotiation & Conflict Management Conference


This strategic leadership, planning, and conflict management conference brings together the key strategic leadership skills of strategic planning, negotiation, and conflict management required to succeed in today's complex and challenging business environment.

Our sessions delve into the art and science of strategy, simplifying complex concepts for practical application. Participants will learn how to become strategic planning leaders adept at negotiation and conflict management skills paramount in steering organizations through the tumultuous waters of today's competitive environment.

Strategic leadership training is integral for top management and anyone aspiring to leadership roles. It forms the bedrock of what sets successful strategists apart: control over unfolding events and the adept creation of advantageous opportunities.

This strategic leadership, planning, and conflict management conference offers a comprehensive deep dive into strategic leadership's core competencies. It aims to equip participants with essential skills in strategic planning, leadership, negotiation, and conflict management, all crucial requirements for triumph in the intricate landscape of modern business. These skills are the foundation upon which strategic leadership is built. They are indispensable for any leader who guides their team or organization towards success.

Targeted Groups:

  • Managers are across various levels of seniority.
  • Supervisors and Team Leaders.
  • Aspirational employees are seeking comprehensive knowledge for career enhancement.

Conference Objectives:

By the end of this strategic leadership, planning, and conflict management conference, attendees will have achieved the following objectives:

  • Challenge their preconceptions about strategic planning, negotiation, and conflict management.
  • Understand the content of strategy - unraveled, demystified, and translated into everyday language.
  • Implement the strategic planning process and get real value out of the process.
  • Analyze the much-misunderstood concept of win-win negotiation.
  • Learn the essential tools and practical skills for planning and managing the negotiation and conflict process, thereby developing the ability to negotiate value-creating solutions.
  • Learn the key stages in the process, provide a takeaway toolkit for each stage, and delegate.
  • Apply to management issues, learn option generation, opportunity cost, choice, and implementation phases of strategy.
  • Understand the process of change, planning, organizational strategy, and change.
  • Identify the sources of conflict in the professional environment.
  • Gain awareness of their style in approaching conflict and negotiation.
  • Learn how to achieve true win-win results and expand their range of negotiating skills.
  • Use a three-step planning guide to analyze and prepare for a negotiation.
  • Develop new skills and thinking processes for them and the organization.
  • Increase the behavioral flexibility and career flexibility (vertically and horizontally).
  • Accelerate thinking speed and problem resolution for all dilemmas.
  • Provide a deep understanding of personal conflict resolution style.
  • Develop the confidence and ability to influence others and obtain better results by understanding how to deal with difficult situations and tough negotiations.

Targeted Competencies:

At the end of this strategic leadership, planning, and conflict management conference, attendees will have achieved the following:

  • Leadership skills.
  • Management skills.
  • Strategic planning.
  • Business analysis.
  • Communication skills.
  • Negotiation strategies.
  • Mediation skills.

Develop Strategic Leadership Skills:

This strategic leadership conference, which incorporates practical exercises, real-world case studies, and interactive workshops, provides a unique opportunity for professional development. Our program is designed to offer a graduate certificate-caliber experience akin to undertaking a master's in strategic management and leadership.

Participants will emerge from this conference with a clearer vision of strategic leadership and management, equipped with the knowledge of how to develop strategic leadership skills and ready to apply them in leading their teams and organizations toward their strategic goals. This intensive program is both a strategic leadership workshop and a seminar, a complete package for current and aspiring strategic leaders.

Participants in this strategic leadership, planning, and conflict management conference will learn to transform their strategic leadership development plan into action and harness the full power of leadership and strategic planning.

Conference Content:

Unit 1: Strategic Thinking and Business Analysis:

  • What are strategy and strategic planning?
  • Why are strategy and strategic planning important?
  • What are the main conceptual frameworks?
  • External analysis: understanding and analyzing business attractiveness, including macro-environmental factors, growth drivers, competitive forces, and market dynamics.
  • Benchmark your own strategic position/competitor analysis.
  • Analyze customers.
  • "Thinking backward from the customer."
  • Mini-case on the importance of external analysis.

Unit 2: Internal Analysis and Fusion of Analyses Into Strategic Options:

  • The Interface of External and Internal Analysis.
  • Internal analysis: Financial.
  • Internal Analysis; Non-financial.
  • The concept and practicalities of the "balanced scorecard."
  • Diagnoses Strategic Problems and Opportunities.
  • Fusion of Analyses Into Strategic Choices - SWOT and the Strategy Matrix.
  • Case examples of strategic choice.
  • Mini-case on the importance of internal analysis.

Unit 3: Strategic Plans and The Relevance of Alliances and Joint Ventures:

  • Review of the tools used so far.
  • The content of a strategy: avoiding "paralysis by analysis."
  • Putting a strategic plan together – the 5-page framework.
  • A Real-Life Example of a Business Strategy/Strategic Plan.
  • Strategies for Alliances and Joint Ventures.
  • Example of best practice in alliances and joint ventures.

Unit 4: Global Strategy, Teambuilding, and The Management of Internal Communication:

  • The Essence of Globalization and Global Strategy.
  • Globalization - the Strategic Dimension.
  • Globalization - the Organizational Dimension.
  • Globalization - the Human Dimension.
  • How do you build and manage a strategic planning team?
  • Communicate strategy through the organization.
  • Gain your team's commitment and buy-in to the strategy.

Unit 5: Strategic Implementation and Getting The Value Out of Strategy:

  • Effective Execution - Converting Strategic Analysis and Planning Into Action.
  • Link strategy with operational objectives.
  • Implementation – getting practical things done.
  • Strategic planning of your career.
  • Create tomorrow's organization out of today's organization.
  • Conclusion - the Corporate and Individual Value of Strategic Thinking.

Unit 6: Negotiation and Conflict Management:

  • Negotiation Theory and Practice - Negotiation Defined.
  • Power and Society - the Rise of Negotiation and Conflict Management.
  • The Sources of Conflict in the Organization.
  • Conflict Escalation and Steps to Prevent It.
  • Conflict management strategies.
  • The Two Distinct Approaches to Negotiation.
  • Understand your negotiation style.
  • Negotiation as a mixed-motive process.

Unit 7: Practical Negotiation Strategies:

  • Strategic and tactical negotiation approaches to negotiation.
  • Value-claiming distributive negotiation strategies.
  • BATNA, Reserve point, Target point.
  • Opening Offers, Anchors, Concessions.
  • Value-creating Integrative negotiation strategies.
  • Share information, diagnostic questions, and unbundling issues.
  • Package Deals, Multiple Offers, and Post-Settlement Settlements.
  • The Four Possible Outcomes of a Negotiation.

Unit 8: Negotiation Planning, Preparing, and Power:

  • Wants and needs – distinguishing between interests and positions.
  • A Three-Step Model for Negotiation Preparation.
  • Your Position, Their Position, and the Situation Assessment.
  • Understand the sources of negotiating power.
  • Alter the balance of power.
  • The power of body language.
  • Understand thoughts from body language.
  • Deal with confrontational negotiators.

Unit 9: Mediation Skills - a Powerful Negotiation Tool:

  • Communication and questioning.
  • Active listening in negotiation.
  • ADR processes – putting negotiation in the context.
  • Negotiation, Mediation, Arbitration, and Litigation.
  • Mediation as a facilitated negotiation.
  • Techniques of the Mediator - Practical Mediation Skills to Help Resolve Disputes.
  • Work in negotiation teams.
  • Mediation in Practice - Mediation Exercise.

Unit 10: International and Cross-Cultural Negotiations:

  • International and cross-cultural negotiations.
  • Cultural Values and Negotiation Norms.
  • Advice for cross-cultural negotiators.
  • Put together a deal.
  • Team international negotiation exercise.
  • Apply learning to a range of organizational situations.

المنامة (البحرين)
28 يوليو - 08 اغسطس 2024
7000 Euro
القاهرة (مصر)
28 يوليو - 08 اغسطس 2024
5400 Euro
روما (إيطاليا)
19 - 30 اغسطس 2024
8500 Euro
برشلونة (إسبانيا)
16 - 27 سبتمبر 2024
8500 Euro
لندن (المملكة المتحدة)
16 - 27 سبتمبر 2024
9300 Euro
شرم الشيخ (مصر)
22 سبتمبر - 03 اكتوبر 2024
6300 Euro
القاهرة (مصر)
22 سبتمبر - 03 اكتوبر 2024
5400 Euro
فيينا (النمسا)
23 سبتمبر - 04 اكتوبر 2024
8500 Euro
اسطنبول (تركيا)
29 سبتمبر - 10 اكتوبر 2024
7500 Euro
دبي (الإمارات العربية المتحدة)
29 سبتمبر - 10 اكتوبر 2024
7000 Euro
اسطنبول (تركيا)
13 - 24 اكتوبر 2024
7500 Euro
ميلانو (إيطاليا)
14 - 25 اكتوبر 2024
8500 Euro
مدريد (إسبانيا)
21 اكتوبر - 01 نوفمبر 2024
8500 Euro
عمّان (الأردن)
27 اكتوبر - 07 نوفمبر 2024
5200 Euro
أمستردام (هولندا)
11 - 22 نوفمبر 2024
8500 Euro
جنيف (سويسرا)
18 - 29 نوفمبر 2024
9500 Euro
24 نوفمبر - 05 ديسمبر 2024
2700 Euro
كوالا لامبور (ماليزيا)
08 - 19 ديسمبر 2024
6500 Euro
باريس (فرنسا)
16 - 27 ديسمبر 2024
8000 Euro
الدار البيضاء (المغرب)
23 ديسمبر 2024 - 03 يناير 2025
5400 Euro
05 - 16 يناير 2025
2700 Euro
لندن (المملكة المتحدة)
13 - 24 يناير 2025
9300 Euro
شرم الشيخ (مصر)
19 - 30 يناير 2025
6300 Euro
باريس (فرنسا)
20 - 31 يناير 2025
8000 Euro
القاهرة (مصر)
26 يناير - 06 فبراير 2025
5400 Euro
كوالا لامبور (ماليزيا)
02 - 13 فبراير 2025
6500 Euro
بوسطن (الولايات المتحدة الامريكية)
10 - 21 فبراير 2025
9500 Euro
برشلونة (إسبانيا)
10 - 21 فبراير 2025
8500 Euro
أمستردام (هولندا)
17 - 28 فبراير 2025
8500 Euro
مدريد (إسبانيا)
17 - 28 فبراير 2025
8500 Euro
برشلونة (إسبانيا)
03 - 14 مارس 2025
8500 Euro
جنيف (سويسرا)
10 - 20 مارس 2025
9500 Euro
دبي (الإمارات العربية المتحدة)
23 مارس - 20 ابريل 2025
7000 Euro
اسطنبول (تركيا)
23 مارس - 20 ابريل 2025
7500 Euro
اسطنبول (تركيا)
13 - 20 ابريل 2025
7500 Euro
المنامة (البحرين)
18 - 20 مايو 2025
7000 Euro
لندن (المملكة المتحدة)
19 - 20 مايو 2025
9300 Euro
دبي (الإمارات العربية المتحدة)
01 - 12 يونيو 2025
7000 Euro
عمّان (الأردن)
15 - 26 يونيو 2025
5200 Euro
22 يونيو - 03 يوليو 2025
2700 Euro

المؤتمرات الدولية والمهنية
The Strategic Leader: Strategic Planning, Negotiation & Conflict Management Conference (C)

إن المعرفة هي القوة وخصوصاً في عملنا, لذا نعمل بشكل دائم على تحديث وتطوير أنفسنا ونلتزم بذلك لنتوصل إلى أقصى درجة من النتائج والتي تكون أحد أسباب نجاحنا, إننا نرى دائماً بأن هنالك طريقة أفضل للقيام بأي عمل وهذا هو دافعنا اليومي. ومعنا من خلال طرحنا للخبرات والتجارب العملية في الإجتماعات التدريبية سيكون بإمكانكم الإستفادة الكبيرة وتبادل هذه الخبرات ونقلها إلى عملكم لتكون سبب من أسباب نجاحكم.

دبي (الامارات العربية المتحدة)

training@mercury-training.com 00971 445 056 97

لندن (المملكة المتحدة)

training@mercury-training.com 0044 748 136 28 02