Mastering Project Management Professional Certification Courses

Comprehensive Management Training for Engineers and Managers

REF: 15634_318053
DATE: 26 - 30 May 2025

Vienna (Austria)


4900 Euro


In today's dynamic business environment, organizations continually seek ways to enhance their operational efficiency, reduce costs, and improve the overall quality of their products and services. Value engineering in project management emerges as a strategic approach to achieve these objectives.

Value engineering involves a systematic and structured methodology for analyzing existing processes and identifying opportunities for value enhancement. By focusing on cost efficiency, quality improvement, and process optimization, value engineering enables organizations to maximize the value of their projects while minimizing expenditures.

Value engineering project management is particularly relevant for comprehensive management training programs aimed at enhancing operational efficiencies within specific frameworks such as procure-to-pay (P2P), subcontract-to-pay (S2P), Revenue Control (Contract Management), and Cost and Value Reconciliation.

Organizations can address specific challenges and leverage opportunities unique to their operational frameworks through customized training modules. This targeted approach fosters a deeper understanding of value engineering principles and equips professionals with the skills to implement strategic improvements effectively.

This Comprehensive Management Training for Engineers and Managers will delve into the core aspects of value engineering, providing participants with the knowledge and tools to conduct thorough analyses of their existing processes.

It will highlight the importance of cost efficiency, quality assurance, and process performance optimization, all critical to achieving sustainable business success. In this Comprehensive Management Training for Engineers and Managers, participants will drive value engineering initiatives within their organizations, significantly improving operational performance and overall business value.

Targeted Groups:

  • Project Managers.
  • Operations Managers.
  • Procurement Professionals.
  • Financial Analysts.
  • Quality Assurance Managers.
  • Process Improvement Specialists.
  • Engineers.
  • Construction Managers.
  • Supply Chain Managers.
  • Business Analysts.

Course Objectives:

At the end of this course, the participants will be able to:

  • Enhance understanding of value engineering principles and methodologies.
  • Develop skills to conduct thorough process analysis for value engineering.
  • Identify and implement cost-saving opportunities within projects.
  • Improve quality and efficiency in operational processes.
  • Strengthen competencies in procure-to-pay (P2P) management.
  • Advanced proficiency in Subcontract to Pay (S2P) processes.
  • Master revenue control and contract management techniques.
  • Facilitate effective cost and value reconciliation practices.
  • Customize strategies to address specific challenges in Azizi's operations.
  • Promote strategic planning for optimized process performance.

Targeted Competencies:

  • Cost Analysis and Optimization.
  • Process Improvement Techniques.
  • Quality Assurance Strategies.
  • Strategic Planning and Implementation.
  • Procurement and Supply Chain Management.
  • Contract Management Proficiency.
  • Revenue Control Measures.
  • Value Engineering Methodologies.
  • Risk Assessment and Management.
  • Effective Communication and Leadership.

Course Content:

Unit 1: Introduction to Value Engineering:

  • Define value engineering and its significance in project management.
  • Explore the history and evolution of value engineering practices.
  • Understand the fundamental principles and methodologies of value engineering.
  • Examine the role of value engineering in improving project outcomes.
  • Discuss the benefits of implementing value engineering in organizations.
  • Highlight critical industries that benefit from value engineering.
  • Identify the phases of a value engineering study.
  • Introduce key concepts such as function analysis and FAST diagrams.
  • Explain the difference between value engineering and cost-cutting.
  • Review the critical success factors for practical value engineering.

Unit 2: Process Analysis and Value Identification:

  • Learn techniques for conducting comprehensive process analysis.
  • Identify critical areas within processes for potential value improvement.
  • Analyze current operational processes for inefficiencies and redundancies.
  • Utilize tools for mapping and evaluating processes, such as flowcharts and process maps.
  • Assess opportunities for cost reduction and quality enhancement.
  • Conduct function analysis to determine essential functions and unnecessary costs.
  • Develop a function cost matrix to prioritize value improvement efforts.
  • Identify and evaluate alternative solutions for process optimization.
  • Conduct a thorough cost-benefit analysis of proposed improvements.
  • Utilize value metrics to quantify the benefits of process changes.

Unit 3: Strategic Planning and Implementation:

  • Develop strategic plans for value engineering initiatives within projects.
  • Align value engineering objectives with overall organizational goals.
  • Formulate detailed implementation plans for process improvements.
  • Set measurable targets for cost savings and performance enhancement.
  • Monitor and evaluate the effectiveness of implemented strategies.
  • Integrate value engineering into the project management lifecycle.
  • Establish a value engineering team and define roles and responsibilities.
  • Use project management tools to track progress and performance.
  • Develop a communication plan to ensure stakeholder engagement.
  • Create a feedback loop for continuous improvement of value engineering efforts.

Unit 4: Management Training Enhancement:

  • Focus on comprehensive Procure to Pay (P2P) training programs.
  • Enhance skills and knowledge in Subcontract to Pay (S2P) management.
  • Improve competencies in revenue control and contract management.
  • Master techniques for cost and value reconciliation.
  • Customize training modules to address specific operational challenges and opportunities.
  • Develop training materials tailored to Azizi's operational framework.
  • Conduct workshops and seminars for hands-on learning.
  • Utilize case studies and real-world examples to illustrate key concepts.
  • Implement e-learning modules for flexible, self-paced training.
  • Provide assessments and feedback to ensure knowledge retention.

Unit 5: Value Engineering in Practice:

  • Apply value engineering principles to real-world project scenarios.
  • Review case studies of successful value engineering implementations.
  • Engage in hands-on exercises and simulations to reinforce learning.
  • Develop solutions for hypothetical project scenarios to practice value engineering techniques.
  • Share best practices and lessons learned from industry experts.
  • Facilitate group discussions and brainstorming sessions.
  • Conduct a value engineering workshop to simulate the value study process.
  • Present findings and recommendations to peers and instructors for feedback.
  • Develop a value engineering report and presentation.
  • Foster a culture of continuous improvement and innovation in the workplace.

Mastering Project Management Professional Certification Courses
Comprehensive Management Training for Engineers and Managers (15634_318053)

REF: 15634_318053   DATE: 26.May.2025 - 30.May.2025   LOCATION: Vienna (Austria)  INDIVIDUAL FEE: 4900 Euro


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