HR Training Department Development Courses

Advanced Training in Developing Talents

REF: 15631_317905
DATE: 02 - 06 Jun 2025

Casablanca (Morocco)


3000 Euro


This advanced training course on developing talents introduces the importance of talent development in personal and professional growth and discusses the role of continuous learning and skill enhancement in today's competitive landscape.

Targeted Groups:

Identify professionals across various industries who are seeking to enhance their talents and skills to achieve greater career success.

Course Objectives:

At the end of this course, the participants will be able to:

  • Recognize and harness their unique talents effectively.
  • Implement strategies to foster continuous personal and professional development.
  • Evaluate and refine their skill development plans based on personal and organizational goals.

Targeted Competencies:

  • Talent identification and assessment.
  • Personalized development planning.
  • Skill enhancement through targeted learning strategies.

Course Content:

Unit 1: Understanding Talent Development:

  • Explore the concept of talent and its relevance in career progression.
  • Identify individual strengths and weaknesses through assessments.
  • Strategies for aligning personal goals with organizational objectives.

Unit 2: Personalized Development Plans:

  • Create personalized development plans based on identified talents.
  • Set SMART goals for skill enhancement and career advancement.
  • Monitor progress and adjust plans as needed.

Unit 3: Skill Enhancement Techniques:

  • Techniques for continuous learning and skill acquisition.
  • Leverage mentorship and networking for skill development.
  • Integrate feedback and self-reflection into the learning process.

Unit 4: Leadership and Talent Management:

  • Understand the role of leadership in talent development.
  • Strategies for fostering a culture of continuous learning within teams.
  • Talent retention and succession planning best practices.

Unit 5: Advanced Applications in Talent Development:

  • Innovations in talent development technologies and methodologies.
  • Case studies of successful talent development programs.
  • Future trends and implications for talent development professionals.

HR Training Department Development Courses
Advanced Training in Developing Talents (15631_317905)

REF: 15631_317905   DATE: 02.Jun.2025 - 06.Jun.2025   LOCATION: Casablanca (Morocco)  INDIVIDUAL FEE: 3000 Euro


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