Management Analysis & Operational Auditing Courses

Structural Equation Modeling (SEM)

REF: 15592_316301
DATE: 25 - 29 May 2025

Istanbul (Turkey)


4200 Euro


Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) is a comprehensive statistical technique that tests and estimates causal relationships using statistical data and qualitative causal assumptions. SEM encompasses a diverse set of mathematical models, computer algorithms, and statistical methods that fit networks of constructs to data. These constructs are often represented as latent variables, not directly observed but inferred from other observed variables (indicators). SEM is a powerful tool for examining complex relationships among observed and latent variables.

SEM has become an invaluable tool in the social sciences, psychology, education, and other fields where researchers are interested in understanding the relationships between multiple variables. It provides a flexible framework that can accommodate a range of models, from simple linear regression models to more complex hierarchical and multivariate models. Unlike traditional multivariate statistical techniques that analyze only observed variables, SEM incorporates latent variables and acknowledges measurement error, enhancing the results' precision and validity.

The core advantage of SEM is its ability to assess the fit of the hypothesized model to the observed data, allowing researchers to test theoretical models empirically. It involves specifying a model based on theoretical expectations, estimating the parameters of the model, and evaluating the model fit. A good model fit indicates that the hypothesized relationships among variables are consistent with the data, supporting the theoretical framework being tested.

Understanding Structural Equation Modeling (SEM):

SEM involves several key steps: model specification, identification, estimation, testing, and modification. In model specification, the researcher defines the model structure based on theory. Identification ensures that there are enough data points to estimate the model parameters.

Estimation involves determining the values of the parameters that best fit the data. Model testing assesses how well the model fits the data, often using fit indices such as the Chi-square test, Root Mean Square Error of Approximation (RMSEA), and Comparative Fit Index (CFI). If the model does not fit well, modifications may be made to improve the fit.

Specialized software programs such as AMOS, LISREL, and Mplus are commonly used to perform SEM. These programs facilitate the complex calculations required and provide model visualization and assessment tools. The graphical representation of SEM models, often called path diagrams, helps visualize the relationships among variables and interpret the results.

Overall, SEM offers a robust framework for understanding and testing complex relationships among variables, making it an essential tool for researchers in various fields. By integrating theoretical models with empirical data, SEM helps advance knowledge and provides deeper insights into the underlying mechanisms of the phenomena under study.

Targeted Groups:

  • Researchers in Social Sciences.
  • Psychologists.
  • Educators.
  • Market Researchers.
  • Healthcare Analysts.
  • Economists.
  • Business Analysts.
  • Graduate Students in Quantitative Fields.
  • Statisticians.
  • Data Scientists.
  • Policy Analysts.

Targeted Competencies:

  • Understand Statistical Concepts.
  • Proficiency in Model Specification.
  • Ability to Identify and Estimate Models.
  • Skills in Using SEM Software (e.g., AMOS, LISREL, Mplus).
  • Competence in Evaluating Model Fit.
  • Know Path Diagram Interpretation.
  • Capability to Test and Modify Models.
  • Familiar with Latent Variables and Measurement Errors.
  • Analytical Thinking for Complex Data Relationships.
  • Apply Theoretical Frameworks to Empirical Data.

Course Objectives:

At the end of this course, the participants will be able to:

  • Understand the fundamental concepts of SEM.
  • Learn to specify structural equation models based on theory.
  • Develop skills in identifying and estimating SEM parameters.
  • Gain proficiency in using SEM software tools.
  • Evaluate model fit using various fit indices.
  • Interpret and create path diagrams.
  • Incorporate latent variables and address measurement errors.
  • Test theoretical models against empirical data.
  • Modify and improve model specifications as needed.
  • Apply SEM techniques to real-world research scenarios.

Course Content:

Unit 1: Introduction to Structural Equation Modeling:

  • Define SEM and its importance.
  • Discuss the history and development of SEM.
  • Explore the basic concepts and terminology.
  • Differentiate between observed and latent variables.
  • Understand the role of measurement error in SEM.
  • Identify key applications of SEM in various fields.

Unit 2: Model Specification and Identification:

  • Learn how to formulate SEM models based on theoretical frameworks.
  • Discuss the importance of model specification.
  • Understand the process of specifying measurement models.
  • Explore structural models and their components.
  • Identify model identification issues.
  • Ensure proper model identification for reliable parameter estimation.

Unit 3: Estimation Techniques in SEM:

  • Understand the different estimation methods in SEM.
  • Learn about Maximum Likelihood Estimation (MLE).
  • Discuss alternative estimation methods such as Generalized Least Squares (GLS) and Weighted Least Squares (WLS).
  • Explore the assumptions underlying each estimation technique.
  • Understand the implications of estimation methods on model fit and parameter accuracy.
  • Apply estimation techniques using SEM software.

Unit 4: Assessing Model Fit:

  • Learn the importance of model fit assessment.
  • Understand various fit indices such as Chi-square, RMSEA, CFI, and TLI.
  • Discuss criteria for acceptable model fit.
  • Explore methods for evaluating overall model fit.
  • Assess local fit using modification indices and residuals.
  • Interpret fit indices to validate theoretical models.

Unit 5: Advanced Topics in SEM and Practical Applications:

  • Explore multi-group SEM and its applications.
  • Understand longitudinal SEM and growth modeling.
  • Discuss how to handle missing data in SEM.
  • Learn about mediation and moderation analysis within SEM.
  • Apply SEM techniques to complex real-world data.
  • Utilize SEM software for advanced model building and analysis.
  • Conduct case studies to reinforce learning and application.

Management Analysis & Operational Auditing Courses
Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) (15592_316301)

REF: 15592_316301   DATE: 25.May.2025 - 29.May.2025   LOCATION: Istanbul (Turkey)  INDIVIDUAL FEE: 4200 Euro


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