Aviation & Airports Management Training Courses

Operations Crew Resource Management (OCRM) Training Course

REF: 15466_308974
DATE: 05 - 09 Oct 2025

Cairo (Egypt)


4000 Euro


This Operations Crew Resource Management (OCRM) course provides participants with the skills, tools, processes, and techniques to improve human performance while working as part of a crew/team during good operations. It emphasizes the importance of crew resource management (CRM) in maintaining safety during operations.

The Operations Crew Resource Management (OCRM) training focuses on the key principles of CRM as they relate to Well Operations: situation awareness, decision-making, communication, leadership/supervision, teamwork, and performance-shaping factors.

The aviation industry heavily relies on CRM to prevent accidents and improve flight safety. Through detailed discussion and analysis of crew resource management and aviation case studies, this course illustrates how CRM practices have evolved by examining past crew resource management and aviation accidents.

CRM is about managing crises and preventing them by using crew resource management tools. Participants will learn to apply CRM concepts to various operational situations, employing crew resource management skills in everyday scenarios to prevent errors and enhance overall safety.

What is Crew Resource Management?

Crew Resource Management (CRM) is a systems approach to optimizing team performance, managing risk, and enhancing decision-making in environments where human error can have devastating effects. This Operations Crew Resource Management (OCRM) course delves into CRM principles that apply to various industries, focusing on aviation crew resource management, where CRM originated and continues to serve as a critical safety element.

Targeted Groups:

  • Quality and Compliance, Safety, and Operations and Training Management staff.
  • Pilots and flight crew members.
  • Employees who seek to gain skills to advance their careers in the context of CRM.

Course Objectives:

At the end of this Operations Crew Resource Management (OCRM) course, participants will:

  • Ensure safe and efficient operation.
  • Reduce errors by following crew resource management principles.
  • Avoid stress and increase operational efficiency.
  • Improve communication skills, teamwork, task allocation, and decision-making.
  • Knowledge of human factors concepts related to flight operations and provide the tools necessary to apply these concepts in practice.

Targeted Competencies:

The target competencies in this Operations Crew Resource Management (OCRM) training will:

  • Situational awareness
  • Decision-making
  • Communications
  • Teamwork
  • Leadership
  • Recognizing stressors/factors that impact human performance

Course Content:

Unit 1: Situational Awareness:

  • Information gathering.
  • Establishing a shared understanding.
  • Anticipating possible consequences.
  • Identifying problems and contingencies.

Unit 2: Decision Making:

  • Defining the situation and goals.
  • Leveraging previous experience.
  • Assessing risks.
  • Evaluating options.
  • Implementing a check mechanism.

Unit 3: Communications:

  • Effective information exchange.
  • Clarifying context.
  • Relevant information.

Unit 4: Teamwork:

  • Understanding responsibilities.
  • Coordinating tasks.
  • Resolving gaps or duplications in efforts.
  • Fostering productive working relationships.
  • Supporting collective effort.

Unit 5: Leadership:

  • Assuming responsibility and taking charge.
  • Providing clear direction.
  • Prioritizing tasks.
  • Effective delegation.
  • Guiding team through organizational processes.

Unit 6: Stressors/Factors that Impact Human Performance:

  • Identifying stressors.
  • Mitigating impacts.
  • Practicing resiliency.
  • Recognizing team efforts.
  • Understanding the importance of crew resource management in ensuring product detail accuracy.

Aviation & Airports Management Training Courses
Operations Crew Resource Management (OCRM) Training Course (15466_308974)

REF: 15466_308974   DATE: 05.Oct.2025 - 09.Oct.2025   LOCATION: Cairo (Egypt)  INDIVIDUAL FEE: 4000 Euro


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