Oil and Gas Engineering Training Courses

Upstream, Midstream, and Downstream in Oil and Gas Operations

REF: 15443_308101
DATE: 26 - 20 May 2025

Paris (France)


5500 Euro


Oil and natural gas are major industries in the energy market and play an influential role in the global economy as the world's primary fuel sources. This course to help professionals look at the business of oil and gas and is intended to serve as a research aid to sources worldwide. It covers a brief history of the oil and gas industry, an overview of companies and organizations, statistic and pricing resources, and regulations. The industry is divided into three segments: upstream, the business of oil and gas exploration and production; midstream, transportation and storage; and downstream, which includes refining and marketing. We aim through this course to understand, evaluate and help their decision-making point of views.

Targeted Groups:

  • Business Development managers
  • Corporate Planning professionals
  • Geoscience & Engineering professionals
  • Refinery professionals
  • Supply Planners & Scheduling professionals
  • Government regulators
  • Law professionals
  • Tax & Finance advisors
  • Auditing personnel 
  • Compliance officers
  • Equity analyst and Bankers
  • Joint Venture officers
  • Negotiators and Contracting professionals
  • Trading professionals

Course Objectives:

At the end of this course the participants will be able to:

  • Gain a broad perspective of oil business, exploration, drilling and production
  • Boost their understanding of the technical and economic efficiencies gained in the Upstream applied through new technologies
  • Master the petroleum economics, investment analysis, risk analysis, and petroleum project evaluation
  • Evaluate Fiscal terms and conditions, and compare World Fiscal systems
  • Gain an understanding of all Upstream contracts – Concessionary, Production Sharing, Service and Joint Venture Contracts
  • Discuss the technical terms, concepts and buzzwords with your peers and clients confidently

Targeted Competencies:

  • The basics of oil and gas exploration, production, and its recovery economics to fully understand this global business that fuels the global economy
  • The essential concepts and best production practices of the international oil & gas supply, transportation and trade in the oil and gas industry
  • Fundamentals of Fiscal terms and conditions, and comparison of World Fiscal Systems
  • Upstream Concessionary, Production Sharing, Service and Joint Venture Contracts in oil, gas and LNG production
  • Fundamentals of petroleum economics and investment evaluation
  • It seamlessly covers the wide array of critical business functions, processes, and appropriately deals with the business practices and tactics to build the necessary business acumen in the Competitive and low-price environment.

Course Content:

Unit 1: Introduction

  • History of the Industry
  • Organizations and Cartels
  • Oil and Gas Companies

Unit 2: Upstream: Production and Exploration

  • Upstream Success Factors
  • Upstream Production Contracts & Fiscal System

Unit 3: Midstream: Transportation

  • Modes of Transportation
  • Storage

 Unit 4: Downstream: Refining and Marketing

Unit 5: Petroleum Economics, Risk Analysis, and Project Evaluation:

  • Petroleum dynamics – Global, Regional & OPEC production scenarios
  • Profitability indicators for oil & gas business
  • Comparison and investments selection criteria
  • Corporate portfolio management and maximize returns  
  • Risk & Uncertainty analysis in capital investments
  • Evaluate projects by risk-based economics
  • Fundamental Considerations in Petroleum Project Evaluation
  • Investment Decision-Making Techniques

Oil and Gas Engineering Training Courses
Upstream, Midstream, and Downstream in Oil and Gas Operations (15443_308101)

REF: 15443_308101   DATE: 26.May.2025 - 20.May.2025   LOCATION: Paris (France)  INDIVIDUAL FEE: 5500 Euro


Mercury dynamic schedule is constantly reviewed and updated to ensure that every category is being addressed at least once a month, if not once every week. Please check the training courses listed below and if you do not find the subject you are interested in, email us or give us a call and we will do our best to assist.