Management & Leadership Training Courses

Strategic Partnerships, Joint Venture, and Consortia Development

REF: 15410_306972
DATE: 17 - 21 Feb 2025

Madrid (Spain)


4900 Euro


This Developing Strategic Partnerships, Joint Ventures, and Consortia online training Course focuses on how to proactively develop all the key components for either a Strategic Partnership [SP], Joint Venture [JV], or Consortium – completing a formal scenario analysis of each potential opportunity with a detailed plan for execution. When firms/organizations need to develop new functional capabilities to stay competitive, these require time, talent, and capital. Access to these resources can be achieved through a SP, JV, or Consortium with those who already have these requisite functionalities.

Learn the comprehensive development and analysis process-flow and apply these to contemporary firms in several leading industries. Then do the same for your own firm/organization – while developing a detailed proactive rubric to screen and approach potential allies, negotiate the key contractual terms, lead the execution/launch, and monitor-assess a SP, JV, or Consortium.

Targetted Groups:

  • All individuals whose responsibilities include Strategic Planning, Joint Ventures and Consortia formation
  • Anyone responsible for writing, reviewing, or approving Strategic Partnerships
  • CEO’S, Business Executives, Committee Secretaries
  • Board Members
  • Chairpersons of Boards

Course Objectives:

At the end of this training course, you will learn to;

  • Produce a strategic map of prospective allies and potential arrangements
  • Analyze and rank-order “best” opportunities
  • Design a compelling value proposition for a proposed arrangement
  • Explain the benefits and costs of different deal-alliance structures
  • Develop an execution plan for an arrangement, including monitoring-assessing success

Course Outline
Unit 1: Key Facets and Structural Comparisons of SPs, JVs, and Consortia 

  • Organizational, Functional, and Financial [OFF] Positions of those Involved
  • Tangible [Quantitative] vs. Intangible [Qualitative] Product-Service Intellectual Property
  • Legal Structures and Contractual Components
  • Stand-Alone Projects vs. On-Going Processes
  • Timelines and Schedules

Unit 2: Resource Allocations: IP, Personnel, Capital, and Facilities 

  • Product-Service Metrics
  • Technological Complementarity
  • Common and Diverse Platforms
  • Common and Diverse Extensions
  • Key Personnel Functions, Processes, and Deliveries
  • Managerial Oversight
  • Capital Access and Costs of Capital
  • Facilities-Infrastructure: Development, Manufacturing, Distribution, Support

Unit 3: Mapping Firms / Organizations and Sectors / Industries / Markets / Segments  

  • Product-Service Range
  • Product-Service Reach
  • Product-Service Life Cycles and User-Adoptions
  • Marketing-Advertising-Promotion Infrastructure and The Selling Process
  • Growth-Share and Market Stage Parameters [Boston Consulting Group, Arthur Little matrices]

Unit 4: Review, Analyze, Evaluate, and Advise on SPs, JVs, and Consortia  

  • Deal Intent, Operational Logistics, and Strategic Objective
  • Deal Structure, Organization, and Management
  • Deal Terms, Schedule-Timing, and Benchmarking
  • Capital Co-Investments: Debt vs. Equity
  • Financial Remuneration: Royalties, Licensing, Revenue-Share, and Equity-Share
  • Legal Issues & Intellectual Property

Unit 5: Developing Potential SPs, JVs, Consortia for Your Firm / Organization 

  • External Sector, Industry, Market, Segment Overviews
  • Product-Service-IP Mapping
  • Value-Chain Vertical and Horizontal Integration Stages
  • Market Analysis and Ansoff Matrix
  • Legal and Country-Region Domicile Overview
  • SP vs. JV vs. Consortium Pros and Cons
  • Synergies and Complimentary vs. Diversification
  • Proposed Structure, Terms, Remuneration, Timing

Management & Leadership Training Courses
Strategic Partnerships, Joint Venture, and Consortia Development (15410_306972)

REF: 15410_306972   DATE: 17.Feb.2025 - 21.Feb.2025   LOCATION: Madrid (Spain)  INDIVIDUAL FEE: 4900 Euro


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