Health, Safety & Security Training Courses

Security Procedures & Risk Assessment

REF: 15404_306748
DATE: 01 - 20 Jun 2025

Cairo (Egypt)


3000 Euro


One of the characteristics of the occupational safety and health official in the institutions is the ability to absorb and understand the human aspects and behavioral skills to deal with subordinates effectively. We find that success depends to a large extent on the effectiveness of communication with others, as communication is the key to the effectiveness of management, or it is the means that allows the manager to accomplish all his job tasks. In order to plan successfully, must have the ability to deliver the vision properly to the workers, and in order to organize successfully, must encourage the flow of communication from top to bottom and vice versa, along with communications at the same administrative level, and in order to lead successfully, must direct the workers to the required goals, in a leadership style. In order to monitor successfully, must communicate with subordinates to follow up the progress in performance, stressing the achievement of the objectives of occupational safety, and intervene with the necessary correction, and accordingly, the progress of this training program in accordance with the latest relevant global practices and methodologies.

Targeted Groups:

  • Safety managers.
  • Safety officials.
  • Safety supervisors.
  • Safety officers.
  • Inspectors, safety auditors.
  • Quality officials.
  • Candidates for supervisory positions.
  • Those interested in developing human and behavioral skills in the field of occupational safety and health.
  • Anyone who finds themselves in need of this course and wants to develop their skills and experience.

Course Objectives:

  • At the end of this program, participants will be able to:
  • Realize the modern administrative challenges facing workers in the fields of health and safety.
  • Acquire the modern skills required to support the efficiency and effectiveness of workers.
  • Understand the behavioral and human roles of safety officials.
  • Know modern concepts of effective communication.
  • Make important decisions under pressure.
  • Understand body language and its role in employee safety.
  • Time management, arrange and schedule business.
  • Understand the importance of hard training in achieving goals.
  • The ability to direct and supervise and the humanitarian role of supervisors.
  • Capacity for organizational commitment and affiliation with the institution.
  • Acquire technical supervision skills.

Targeted Competencies:

  • Modern administrative mentality and the roles of the modern safety officer.
  • Effective communication and communication skills.
  • Behavioral skills in effective interpersonal communication.
  • Excellence skills for a safety officer.
  • Negative behaviors in a dangerous work environment.

Course Content:

Unit 1: Contemporary management mentality and the roles of the modern safety officer

  • Occupational safety and health (basic concepts)
  • Modern management mentality and the elements of excellence
  • The effect of modern technology on the performance of safety elements
  • Administrative process, management functions
  • Administrative process and safety officer skills
  • Administrative empowerment in organizations, EMPOWERMENT
  • Quality circles and continuous development
  • Total Quality Management
  • Effectiveness, efficiency, excellence
  • Excellent performance system
  • Flexibility and decentralization

Module 2: Effective Communication Skills

  • Definition of communication and communication components
  • Elements of the communication process and means of communication
  • Body language and non-verbal communication
  • Steps to effectively communicate with subordinates
  • Communication barriers and the diversity of communication networks
  • Factors affecting communication effectiveness
  • Basic principles of communication
  • Planning the communication process
  • Contacting groups and organizing meetings

Unit 3: Behavioral skills in effective interpersonal communication

  • Active eye contact
  • New posture and natural gestures
  • Appropriate dress and appearance
  • Voice and vocal tone
  • Effective use of language and pauses
  • active participation by the recipient
  • Effective use of humor at times
  • Be your natural self, and show commitment

Unit 4: Excellence skills for the safety officer

  • skills and characteristics of the leader
  • art of building and managing a team
  • Problem solving and decision making under pressure
  • Time management and prioritization
  • Motivation skills and excitement at work
  • Managing risky business under pressure
  • Managing disputes and conflicts
  • Influence and persuasion abilities

Module 5: Negative Behaviors in a Hazardous Work Environment

  • Bad time management
  • Failure to implement promises made
  • Absence of responsibility and commitment
  • Weak personal communication skills
  • Lack of team spirit
  • Lack of professional ethics
  • Passivity and lack of initiative
  • Inability to bear stress
  • Isolation, working alone, and stagnation

Health, Safety & Security Training Courses
Security Procedures & Risk Assessment (15404_306748)

REF: 15404_306748   DATE: 01.Jun.2025 - 20.Jun.2025   LOCATION: Cairo (Egypt)  INDIVIDUAL FEE: 3000 Euro


Mercury dynamic schedule is constantly reviewed and updated to ensure that every category is being addressed at least once a month, if not once every week. Please check the training courses listed below and if you do not find the subject you are interested in, email us or give us a call and we will do our best to assist.