The Best Professional Conferences, Workshops and Seminars

Global Upstream Oil & Gas Operations & Solutions Conference

REF: 15178_303291
DATE: 05 - 09 May 2025

Vienna (Austria)


4900 Euro


The oil and gas business is multifaceted, technically complex, highly capital intensive, and often confronted with potential risks and uncertainties. Today's petroleum industry deals with ever-increasing levels of complexity, price volatility, and competition.

This upstream oil and gas operations and solutions program aims to expose the participants to the many complex management issues presently confronting the Upstream Petroleum Industry and to strengthen their understanding of managing business success.

Innovative oil and gas recovery technologies are also changing the petroleum industry landscape. Managing international supplies, understanding financial terms, and comparing worldwide fiscal systems are critical to the upstream process in the oil and gas industry. To achieve maximum effectiveness, managers and professionals must continually expand their business knowledge and sharpen their skills.

This upstream oil and gas operations and solutions program is designed to achieve this goal in a time-efficient manner. Integration of Downstream Refining and Petrochemicals to achieve greater efficiencies is another critical factor in this business, which will be covered in this conference.

Upstream Oil and Gas Industry:

The upstream industry refers to the exploration and production sector. It involves searching for potential underground or underwater oil and gas fields, drilling exploratory wells, and subsequently drilling and operating the wells that recover and bring crude oil or raw natural gas to the surface.

By understanding the upstream operations of oil and gas companies, participants will gain insights into the complexities of upstream processes and how they contribute to the global energy supply chain.

Targeted Groups:

  • Business Development managers.
  • Corporate Planning Professionals.
  • Geoscience and Engineering Professionals.
  • Refinery Professionals.
  • Supply Planners and Scheduling Professionals.
  • Government Regulators.
  • Law Professionals.
  • Tax and Finance Advisors.
  • Auditing personnel.
  • Compliance Officers.
  • Equity Analysts and Bankers.
  • Joint Venture Officers.
  • Negotiators and Contracting Professionals.
  • Trading Professionals.

Conference Objectives:

At the end of this upstream oil and gas operations and solutions conference, the participants will be able to:

  • Gain a broad perspective of the upstream oil business, exploration, drilling, and production.
  • Boost their understanding of the technical and economic efficiencies gained in the upstream applied through new technologies.
  • Master the petroleum economics, investment analysis, risk analysis, and petroleum project evaluation.
  • Evaluate Fiscal terms and conditions and compare World Fiscal systems.
  • Understand all upstream contracts – Concessionary, Production Sharing, Service, and Joint Venture Contracts.
  • Discuss the technical terms, concepts, and buzzwords confidently with your peers and clients.

Targeted Competencies:

Upon the end of this upstream oil and gas operations and solutions conference, the participant's competencies will be able to improve:

  • The basics of oil and gas exploration, production, and recovery economics are needed to understand the global business that fuels the global economy fully.
  • Understand the essential concepts and best production practices of international oil and gas supply, transportation, and trade in the oil and gas upstream industry.
  • Learn about the fundamentals of fiscal terms and conditions and compare them with world fiscal systems.
  • Explore Upstream Concessionary, Production Sharing, Service, and Joint Venture Contracts in Oil, Gas, and LNG Production.
  • Know the fundamentals of petroleum economics and investment evaluation.
  • It seamlessly covers a wide array of critical business functions and processes.
  • It appropriately deals with business practices and tactics to build business acumen in a competitive and low-price environment.

Conference Content:

Unit 1: General Industry Overview and Basic Concepts:

  • Introduction to the Oil and Gas Industry.
  • Petroleum Industry Dynamics and Future Trends.
  • Oil and Gas Geology.
  • Oil and Gas Prospecting (Exploration).
  • Drilling Operations.

Unit 2: Upstream Success Factors:

  • Technological Advances.
  • Upstream Oil and Gas Solutions.
  • Well Evaluation.
  • Oil and Gas Well Completions.
  • Reservoir Depletion Mechanisms.
  • Oil and Gas Surface Facilities.
  • Transportation.
  • Maintenance of Oil and Gas Facilities.
  • Oil and Gas Reserves.

Unit 3: Profitably Managing Upstream Business:

  • Upstream Process Oil and Gas.
  • Reservoir Management.
  • Crude Oil Refinery Products and Processes.
  • Legal Framework of the Industry.
  • Project Economics.
  • Oil Price Risk Management.

Unit 4: Upstream Production Contracts and Fiscal Systems:

  • Relationships between Oil Companies and Host Governments.
  • Understanding Petroleum Fiscal Systems.
  • Identify different types of fiscal terms and their application.
  • Concession (royalty/tax) Contracts.
  • Production Sharing Contracts.
  • Explore Service contracts and Joint Venture Contracts.
  • Review and Comparison of Different Fiscal Systems in the World for the Petroleum Industry.
  • Know the Fiscal options and latest trends for Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) projects.

Unit 5: Petroleum Economics, Risk Analysis, and Project Evaluation:

  • Explore Petroleum dynamics – Global, Regional, and OPEC production scenarios.
  • Learn about profitability Indicators for the Oil and gas Business.
  • Understand comparison and investment selection criteria.
  • Overview of corporate portfolio management and maximizing returns.
  • Risk and uncertainty analysis in capital investments.
  • Evaluate projects by risk-based economics.
  • Fundamental Considerations in Petroleum Project Evaluation.
  • Investment Decision-Making Techniques.

The Best Professional Conferences, Workshops and Seminars
Global Upstream Oil & Gas Operations & Solutions Conference (15178_303291)

REF: 15178_303291   DATE: 05.May.2025 - 09.May.2025   LOCATION: Vienna (Austria)  INDIVIDUAL FEE: 4900 Euro


Mercury dynamic schedule is constantly reviewed and updated to ensure that every category is being addressed at least once a month, if not once every week. Please check the training courses listed below and if you do not find the subject you are interested in, email us or give us a call and we will do our best to assist.