Mastering Human Resources Management Courses and HR Certifications

Work-Life Balance

REF: 15289_294388
DATE: 25 - 20 May 2025

Dubai (UAE)


3900 Euro


What is work-life balance? “Work-life balance is the lack of opposition between work and other life roles. It is the state of equilibrium in which demands of personal life, professional life, and family life are equal”.
How important is it to achieve a work-life balance? Harmonizing your work and life is important for retaining good health, and increasing your yield and satisfaction at work. Many of us in this competitive corporate culture tend to lead very unbalanced lives.
Establishing a balance at work and in our personal life can be challenging. Individuals who live lives out of this balance are at greater risk for burnout, ill health, and absenteeism. And those employees with better-balanced life live happier, satisfied, and more productive life at work and in their families.

Targeted Groups:

  • Individuals looking to have a better balance in their lives
  • Office Managers.

Course Objectives:
At the end of this course the participants will be able to:

  • Realize the advantages of a work-life balance.
  • Identify the signs of an unbalanced life and its effects of it.
  • Learn the techniques for a balanced lifestyle.
  • Learn to communicate effectively and draw boundaries.
  • Learn time management skills by setting the right priorities.
  • Develop their goal-setting Skills.
  • Balance and handle work and personal stress differently.
  • Become more productive at their workplaces.
  • Develop effective and smart work methods.
  • Improve life and health by creating a good balance.

Targeted Competencies:

  • Benefits of a Healthy Balance in life.
  • Signs of an Imbalance in life.
  • Setting up priorities for work.
  • Being Productive.
  • Steps To establish a Work-Life Balance.
  • Leaving Stress where it belongs.
  • Understanding Stress and dealing with it.
  • The concept of Working from home.

Course Content:
Unit 1: Benefits of a Healthy Balance in life:

  • Why is Work-Life Balance so Important
  • Effects of an imbalanced life
  • Importance of Mental and Physical Health in the Long term
  • The decision to Change Behaviours And Attitudes
  • Self-Confidence, Self-Esteem, and Personal value

Unit 2: Signs of an Imbalance in life:

  • Science of the Mind and the Body
  • Health Risks of an imbalanced life
  • Absenteeism: Work and Mind
  • Burnout: Physical and Mental
  • Stress and the ways to cope with it

Unit 3: Setting up priorities for work:

  • Prioritizing Tasks
  • Urgent tasks vs. Important tasks
  • Focusing on the key tasks to be accomplished in a day
  • Mastering planning and prioritizing techniques
  • Working on systemizing your day

Unit 4: Being Productive:

  • The Wheel Of Life
  • New Habits
  • The Willingness To Compromise
  • Learning to say NO
  • The art of Delegation
  • Staying Flexible with schedules
  • Pareto’s 80/20 Principle

Unit 5: Steps To establish a Work-Life Balance:

  • Setting SMART Goals in life
  • Art of Visualisation
  • Prioritizing Your Goals Daily
  • Time Management Skills
  • Detecting Time Wasters of life
  • Avoiding the ambush of over-commitment
  • Completing tasks on time
  • Performing a Job Redesign

Unit 6: Leaving Stress where it belongs:

  • Stress Management at work
  • Grouping tasks into batches
  • Taking time for self at work
  • Turning off technology
  • Establishing and Maintaining Boundaries

Unit 7: Understanding Stress and dealing with it:

  • Exercise for the body and mind
  • Eating and well-balanced diet
  • How much is Enough Sleep?
  • Self-Assessment of tasks, time, and purpose
  • Importance of Taking ME time
  • Relaxation And Rest
  • Power of Concentration and Focus
  • Aligning your goals with life’s purpose

Unit 8: The concept of Working from home:

  • How to set up a Home Office
  • Setting up the workspace
  • Establishing boundaries at home
  • Setting time for work and home
  • Dealing with constant distractions
  • Scheduling, planning, and sticking to the day’s plan



Mastering Human Resources Management Courses and HR Certifications
Work-Life Balance (15289_294388)

REF: 15289_294388   DATE: 25.May.2025 - 20.May.2025   LOCATION: Dubai (UAE)  INDIVIDUAL FEE: 3900 Euro


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