The Best Professional Conferences, Workshops and Seminars

Confined Space Awareness and Compliance: Safe Work Practices for Confined Space Entry

REF: 8076_290075
DATE: 17 - 21 Aug 2025

Dubai (UAE)


3900 Euro


The hazards of entering confined spaces such as tanks, vessels, silos, and pits remain a significant occupational challenge. Despite this, workers frequently must enter these spaces for maintenance, repair, or inspections mandated by regulatory bodies.

Unfortunately, accidents continue to occur due to the inherent hazards present within confined spaces. Those induced by improper decisions or actions emphasize the critical need for robust confined space entry safety protocols and comprehensive confined space entry training.

Through this confined space awareness course, participants will gain an all-around perspective on entering and working within confined spaces. Strong emphasis will be placed on fulfilling the confined space awareness training requirements and developing comprehensive action plans that prioritize safety and compliance at every step.

Understanding Safe Confined Space Entry, Awareness, and Compliance

This safe confined space entry, awareness, and compliance conference offers comprehensive insights into ensuring safety during confined space operations. Attendees gain crucial knowledge on regulations, hazard identification, and mitigation strategies.

Participants learn to navigate confined spaces securely through engaging sessions and expert speakers, fostering compliance and awareness across industries. Join us to enhance your understanding and commitment to safe confined space practices.

Targeted Groups

  • Safety Personnel.
  • Planning Engineers.
  • Entry Supervisors.
  • Authorized Entrants.

Conference Objectives

By the end of this safe confined space entry, awareness, and compliance conference, participants will be able to:

  • Comprehend the confines of the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) and the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) regulations regarding confined spaces, enriching their knowledge and skills for acquiring a confined space entry training certificate.
  • Understand the hazards of confined spaces and apply all necessary precautions before entry.
  • Ensure that confined spaces remain safe for work activities.
  • Be familiar with different methods of cleaning and isolation applicable to confined spaces.

Targeted Competencies

At the end of this safe confined space entry, awareness, and compliance conference, the target competencies will be able to:

  • Understand the OSHA standard for permit-required confined spaces and achieve a confined space entry certification.
  • Learn the HSE Standard on confined space entry, including understanding the meaning of confined space entry and its complexities.
  • Recognize the inherent and potential hazards of confined spaces.
  • Implement the necessary precautions for safe confined space entry.
  • Assess the various risks associated with confined spaces.
  • Develop a safe system of work for operating within confined spaces.
  • Understand the health hazards involved in confined space work.
  • Grasp the every day confined space tasks and the related safety measures.
  • Know the required training for all personnel involved in confined space entry supervisor training and confined space awareness.

Conference Content

Unit 1: Introduction, Definitions & Risk Assessment

  • Understanding Definitions–OSHA Terminology.
  • Conducting Risk Assessments for Safe Entry Space.
  • Interpreting Piping and Instrumentation Diagrams (PIDs).
  • Implementing Work Permit Systems.
  • Responsibilities and Management of Contractors in Confined Spaces.

Unit 2: Occupational Health Hazards in Confined Spaces

  • Recognizing Occupational Health Hazards.
  • Identifying Chemical and Physical Hazards.
  • H2S and Pyrophoric Iron.
  • Implementing Effective Washing and Changing Facilities.
  • Managing Contaminated Areas to Maintain Compliance with Confined Space Awareness Training Requirements.

Unit 3: Atmospheric Testing, Cleaning, and Emergency Arrangements

  • The Importance of Atmospheric Testing for Space Situational Awareness.
  • Procedures for Cleaning Confined Spaces Before Entry.
  • Understanding the Use and Hazards of Gas-Freeing Tanks and Vessels with Steam, Water, Inert Gas, and Chemicals.
  • Ensuring Isolation through Positive Isolation and Lockout/Tag Out Practices.
  • Defining Entry Supervisor Confined Space Definition and Responsibilities.
  • Establishing and Training for Emergency Rescue Arrangements.

Unit 4: PPE, Common Tasks, and Maintaining Safety

  • Determining PPE Requirements Appropriate for Various Tasks in Confined Spaces.
  • Procedures for Entry with or Without Breathing Apparatus.
  • Ensuring Suitable Ventilation and Lighting Arrangements.
  • Managing Common Maintenance Tasks and Addressing Problems within Confined Spaces.
  • Utilizing Check Lists to Maintain Entry Supervisor Confined Space Responsibilities.
  • Boxing Up, Hand Over, and De-Isolation.

Unit 5: Table Top Exercise

Participants in this safe confined space entry, awareness, and compliance conference will engage in a desktop syndicate exercise designed to plan an entry into a confined space. The exercise will include steps and precautions for entry and cleaning before maintenance tasks. The emphasis will be on de-pressure, initial isolation, gas-freeing precautions, final positive isolation, isolation positioning, cordoning off the area, requisite PPE, and more.

  • Syndicate Presentation and Discussion.

The Best Professional Conferences, Workshops and Seminars
Confined Space Awareness and Compliance: Safe Work Practices for Confined Space Entry (8076_290075)

REF: 8076_290075   DATE: 17.Aug.2025 - 21.Aug.2025   LOCATION: Dubai (UAE)  INDIVIDUAL FEE: 3900 Euro


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