The Best Professional Conferences, Workshops and Seminars

Finance, Risk Management & Corporate Governance Conference

REF: 8116_254988
DATE: 28 Sep - 02 Oct 2025

Cairo (Egypt)


3000 Euro


This corporate governance and financial risk management training offers insights into the intricate world of corporate finance, risk, and governance. Central to globalization and society's well-being, capital markets demand stringent oversight for efficient functioning.

The corporate governance and financial risk management program delves into the complex dynamics between management and stakeholders, ensuring that diverse demands are aptly met through resource allocation over time.

This corporate governance and financial risk management seminar will cover topics ranging from finance risk management to corporate governance and risk analysis. It will equip participants with expertise in managing financial risks, utilizing financial risk management tools, and comprehending financial risk in project management within a financial risk management system.

Understanding Corporate Governance and Financial Risk Management:

This module examines how a corporation's financial risk can be effectively managed through comprehensive risk management strategies. We will explore financial risk management tools that aid in mitigating risks, understanding business risk in financial management, and scrutinizing risk management's role within the broader context of financial management. Corporate financial risk management ensures the identification and handling of potential financial dangers. It serves as a pillar for organizational stability and growth.

Heightened awareness of governance practices is essential in today's business landscape. Our corporate governance workshops, seminars, and certificate programs offer intensive training to enhance their understanding of this critical area. Participants in our corporate governance conference will engage in dynamic discussions and scenarios that illuminate the best practices for oversight and compliance. To equip them with the knowledge and skills to navigate and lead the nuanced realm of corporate governance.

Targeted Groups:

  • Risk and Compliance Managers.
  • Middle managers need depth in governance and Risk Management for the state and Public Sector.
  • Senior Officials are in national, provincial, and local government.
  • Staff supporting the Board or responsible for governance.
  • Heads of Departments, Directors, Senior Managers, Managers, Company Secretaries, Accountants, and Finance Professionals in Governance and Risk Management.
  • Executives and Senior Officials are of state-owned and listed or non-listed organizations.

Conference Objectives:

By the end of this corporate governance and financial risk management conference, participants will:

  • Define the scope of corporate financial reporting.
  • Critique the concepts, rules, and procedures for corporate financial reporting.
  • Understand the imperative nature of working capital in today's economy.
  • Realize how capital structure influences firm viability.
  • Learn the pitfalls of improper capital budgeting.
  • Overcome inherent limitations in financial reporting/governance.
  • Handle risk analysis and decision-making proficiently.
  • Enhance skills in all aspects of finance and governance.
  • Lead and actively engage in the finance/governance process.
  • Recognize professionalism in tackling current and future financial topics.
  • Gain recognition for learning and professional commitment.
  • Experience a challenging and immersive learning environment.
  • Integrate strategic business plans with organizational intent.
  • Mitigate inter-functional disputes.

Targeted Competencies:

By the end of this corporate governance and financial risk management conference, target competencies will:

  • Guide decisions with financial information.
  • Clarify key performance indicators across various functions.
  • Adopt strategic thinking and implementation in professional life.
  • Challenge the status quo of finance/governance and risk management.
  • Recognize the importance of external standards and governance.
  • Embrace value creation for decision-making.

Conference Content:

Unit 1: Finance & Working Capital – Liquidity or Bankruptcy:

  • Finance is a numbers game.
  • Yet finance is more than the numbers.
  • Know the three major components of finance.
  • Working Capital (WC) defined.
  • Relationship to current ratio.
  • Components of WC.
  • Inventory.
  • Accounts receivable
  • Cash.
  • Accounts payable.
  • Notes payable.
  • Understand the critical ratios to compute.
  • What should they be and why?
  • What are the questions to ask?
  • Learn what answers you want.

Unit 2: Capital Structure:

  • What is it & why is it important?
  • Equity capital - what it is.
  • Equity capital – calculating its costs/required rate of return.
  • Debt capital – what is it?
  • Debt capital – calculating its costs/required rate of return.
  • Weighted Cost of Capital (WACC) – why it is so important.
  • Calculating your WACC.
  • When & how to use WACC.
  • Leverage: two-edged sword - defined.
  • Operating leverage and it's calculated.
  • Financial leverage and it's calculated.
  • Combined leverage – Wow! Look at the impact.

Unit 3: CAPEX - Investment Decisions & What-if Risks:

  • Cash Flows and the Time Value of Money.
  • Discuss the capital project evaluation process.
  • Know ideas for the future with a multiple-period horizon.
  • Estimating cash flows within the business system.
  • Net present value (NPV) and Internal Rate of Return (IRR) are preferred methods.
  • Profitability Index (PI) and Modified Internal Rate of Return (MIRR) are reasonable alternatives.
  • Define the approval criteria and review process.
  • Post-implementation audits of capital projects.
  • Refinements of Investment Analysis.
  • Dealing with Risk and Changing Circumstances – how do we explain?
  • Cost of Capital and Return Standards.
  • Benchmarking Discount & Hurdle rates.

Unit 4: Risk Management as Integral to Corporate Governance:

  • Understand uncertainty and risk/opportunity.
  • Identify strategic financial risks.
  • Identify operational risks.
  • Identify functional financial risks.
  • Assess financial risks in each perspective.
  • Find our risk profile (risk appetite).
  • Clarify desired outcomes, expected outcomes, and actual outcomes.
  • Performance measures – the need for FRM/ERM.
  • Quantitative and qualitative risks.
  • Developing FRM/ERM strategy – do we need a CRO?
  • Other risk issues to be concerned with are joint ventures, alliances, product liability, environmental risks, outsourcing risks, growth risks, R&D risks, natural disasters, catastrophic risks, supply chain risks, reputation risks, and psychology of risk.

Unit 5: Corporate Governance:

  • What is Corporate Governance?
  • Corporate Governance environment.
  • Relevance of Corporate Governance.
  • Perspectives on Corporate Governance.
    • Shareholders vs. Stakeholders.
    • Voluntary vs. Enforcement.
    • 1-Tier vs. 2-Tier boards.
    • Chairman/CEO duality.
    • The independent director.
  • Corporate Governance models.
  • Structure and practices.
  • Emerging Trends in Corporate Governance.
  • Principal-agent theory and applications.
  • Independence vs. Appearance.

The Best Professional Conferences, Workshops and Seminars
Finance, Risk Management & Corporate Governance Conference (8116_254988)

REF: 8116_254988   DATE: 28.Sep.2025 - 02.Oct.2025   LOCATION: Cairo (Egypt)  INDIVIDUAL FEE: 3000 Euro


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