The best supply chain and inventory management will win in today's competitive environment. The chain offering its customers the highest value will have a competitive advantage. This supply chain and inventory management conference requires a broader outlook than just the company's borders. Indeed, it requires complete visibility of all the players in the supply chain.
Understanding the intricacies of inventory management is crucial for the success of supply chain operations. This supply chain and inventory management conference focuses on providing attendees with the knowledge necessary to obtain an inventory management certificate. The supply chain and inventory management conference covers the essential fundamentals of inventory management for anyone looking to achieve inventory management certification.
Understanding Inventory and Supply Chain Management
In this supply chain and inventory management conference dedicated to understanding inventory and supply chain management, attendees will delve deeply into how inventory control and supply chain processes are intertwined.
The discussions and training will extend beyond theory and into the practical implementation of advanced inventory and supply chain management strategies. This core knowledge sets apart this inventory management training conference as a premier event for professionals in the field.
Targeted Groups
- Procurement Professionals.
- Supply Chain Professionals.
- Senior Buyers.
- Purchasing Professionals.
- Inventory Managers.
- Warehouse and Stores Managers.
Conference Objectives
By the end of this supply chain and inventory management conference, participants will be able to:
- Define and understand the Supply Chain and supply chain inventory management concept.
- Comprehend the role of inventory in the Supply Chain.
- Assess the required number of spare parts.
- Determine the optimal inventory solution for spare parts.
- Implement creative ways of reducing working capital.
Targeted Competencies
At the end of this supply chain and inventory management conference, target competencies will be able to:
- Supply chain management.
- Warehouse design.
- Warehouse operation.
- Inventory management.
Conference Content
Unit 1: The Concept of the Supply Chain
- Historical overview of ancient supply chains.
- The concept of a Supply Chain.
- The five basic processes in a Supply Chain.
- Concept of the Value Chain.
- Performance Measures in Supply Chain Management.
Unit 2: Supply Chain Planning
- Setting up the infrastructure.
- Manufacturers.
- Warehouses.
- Transportation.
- Retailers.
- Different Supply Chain scenarios.
- Advance Planning and Optimisation.
- Inventory Decisions in Supply Chain.
- Forrester effect.
Unit 3: Supply Chain Simulation
- Supply Chain simulation to demonstrate the interaction between the different entities in the chain.
- See first-hand the workings of a supply chain, including challenges that may arise.
- Analysis and lessons learned.
Unit 4: Inventory Decisions in Supply Chain
- Analyzing demand patterns
- The effect of information on the Supply Chain
- Inventory decisions: What to stock? Where to stock? And how many to stock?
Unit 5: Linking the Supply Chain Processes
- Procurement.
- Operations.
- Warehousing and Distribution.
- Transportation.
- Return/recycling.