What do the 2010 British Petroleum spill, the disappearance of Malaysia Airlines flight MH 370, and the financial crisis of 2008 have in common? These unexpected crises rocked the world and created seemingly insurmountable Public Relations (PR) challenges for the organizations involved.
This crisis communication and media management course allows participants to identify how a crisis can impact an organization and what should be done to mitigate its effects. The crisis communication and media management course focuses on preparing the communication function to respond rapidly and effectively to manage perceptions in the media and online.
Attending this media crisis management course will teach you best practices in crisis communication management, situation analysis, risk assessment, crisis team formation and responsibilities, protocols, and resources such as crisis manuals and communication tools. This course is essential for those aiming to achieve a crisis communications certificate.
Enhancing Your Crisis Communications PR Skills:
Develop your expertise in PR crisis management with our hands-on crisis communication seminar. This seminar portion of the training course is designed to provide practical experience and reinforce the topics covered throughout the course, imbibing key learnings that would prepare participants for real-world crisis scenarios.
The crisis communication and media management course is invaluable for those seeking to deepen their understanding of what crisis communication is in public relations and how to navigate a media crisis effectively.
Targeted Groups:
This crisis communication and media management course is for Managers, Supervisors, and Team Leaders of Public Relations sections and any staff member who may manage communication and media issues during a crisis.
Course Objectives:
At the end of this Public Relations and Crisis Management course, participants will be able to:
- Identify the different types of crises and their aspects.
- Learn how to recognize and prioritize the issues most likely to affect corporate reputation during and after the crisis.
- List the various principles of crisis communication.
- Devise crisis management processes aimed at mitigating potential crises in their organizations.
- Demonstrate the benefits of using the media in a crisis.
- Evaluate and prioritize the dimensions involved in crisis communication management.
- Analyze and interpret results achieved through crisis communication management.
Targeted Competencies:
By the end of this crisis communication and media management course, the participants will be able to:
- Evaluate your organization's risks and vulnerabilities.
- Verbal and non-verbal communication.
- Influencing audiences.
- Motivating subordinates.
- Organizing and leading projects.
- Crisis management.
- Media management.
Course Content:
Unit 1: Introduction:
- Definition of a crisis.
- Overview of communication.
- Various types of crises.
- Key aspects of a crisis.
- Evolution of a crisis.
Unit 2: Principles of Crisis Communications:
- Setting your clear objective.
- Responding quickly.
- Accepting responsibility.
- Appropriate messaging.
- Profiling your audience.
- Showing and maintaining credibility.
- Coordinating with others.
- Continuous monitoring.
Unit 3: Crisis Management Process:
- Pre-crisis phase.
- Crisis Management Plan (CMP).
- Crisis Management Team (CMT).
- The spokesperson's role.
- Crisis event phase.
- Initial response.
- Reputation repair.
- Post-crisis phase.
- Lessons learned.
- Follow up with communication.
Unit 4: Crisis Communication and Media:
- Media and communication.
- Media as a partner in crisis response.
- Social media and crisis communication.
- Social media is a beneficial tool or a challenge.
- Dynamic use of social media in crisis communication.
Unit 5: Dimensions of Crisis Communication Management:
- Standard operating decision dimension.
- Victims management dimension.
- Trust and credibility dimension.
- Behavior dimension.
- Professional expectations dimension.
- Ethical dimension.
- Lessons learned.
Unit 6: How to Measure Your Results in a Crisis:
- Measuring outputs.
- Measuring impact.
- Measuring outcomes.