Industrial Maintenance, Inspection, Testing & Corrosion Courses

Maintenance Management: Developing & Enhancing Maintenance Strategies


This maintenance management strategy and process program initially examines the core competencies of effective maintenance management, including work planning, scheduling, and work control.

The maintenance management strategy and process course encourages participants to enhance these practices by integrating advanced tools such as maintenance auditing and benchmarking.

These techniques aim in the maintenance management strategy and process course to maintain consistency, drive improvements, identify industry best practices, and aid in the strategic development of maintenance management processes.

Targeted Groups

This maintenance management training is designed for professionals engaged in maintenance planning, scheduling, and work control. Individuals who operate CMMS and stakeholders in the Work Planning function will benefit from this comprehensive maintenance management course.

Course Objectives

By the close of this certified maintenance manager certification course, participants will be capable of:

  • Recognizing planning best practices and acting upon critical elements.
  • Understanding resolution tactics for common planning issues by world-class organizations.
  • Comparing and evaluating their practices against others.
  • Improving communication and information tools utilization.
  • Enhancing productivity with better and more timely information.
  • Preserving lead time in work management for resource planning and scheduling.
  • Consistent and reliable management of asset information.
  • Executing more productive maintenance turnovers.
  • Refining preventive and predictive maintenance strategies.
  • Conducting comprehensive maintenance operations audits.
  • Undertake benchmarking studies to guide improvement strategies.
  • Use the results to develop an improvement strategy
  • Institut Auditing and Benchmarking are core components of a successful maintenance strategy.

Targeted Competencies

Participants in the maintenance management strategy and process will expand their competencies in various areas, including:

  • Modern maintenance management practices.
  • Developing and optimizing maintenance strategies and maintenance management processes.
  • Maintenance policies and logistics planning.
  • Failure management.
  • Work planning, scheduling, and control.
  • Information and performance management.
  • Maintenance auditing and benchmarking.
  • Performance measurement.

Course Content

Unit 1: Modern Maintenance Management Practice in Perspective

  • Equipment classification and identification.
  • Maintenance practice in perspective.
  • Maintenance in the business process.
  • Evolution in maintenance management.
  • The contribution of maintenance to the achievement of the business objectives.
  • Maintenance strategy development process.
  • The business objective.
  • Business, operations, and maintenance are key performance areas.
  • The maintenance objective.
  • Roles and accountability.
  • Equipment classification and identification.
  • CMMS requirements.
  • Functional location.
  • Equipment type classification.
  • Equipment identification.
  • The part number and bill of material.
  • Documentation structures.
  • Document identification and classification.

Unit 2: Maintenance Policies and Logistics Planning

  • Maintenance management policies.
  • Equipment criticality grading.
  • Job record policy.
  • Job information requirements.
  • Principles of work order design.
  • Maintenance work prioritization.
  • Maintenance logistics planning.
  • Logistic support analysis.
  • Maintenance task detail planning.
  • Maintenance work estimating.
  • Maintenance levels.
  • Support documentation.
  • Support equipment.
  • Personnel and organization.
  • Competency development.

Unit 3: Failure Management Programme Development

  • Failure modes, effects, and consequences.
  • Equipment functions and performance standards.
  • Functional failures.
  • Failure modes.
  • Failure effects.
  • Consequences of failure.
  • Failure management policies.
  • Age-related failure patterns.
  • Random failure patterns.
  • Routine restoration and discard tasks.
  • Routine condition-based tasks.
  • Types of condition-based tasks.
  • Failure-finding tasks.
  • The application of RCM in the development of failure management policies.
  • Proposed routine maintenance tasks.
  • Categorizing and structuring routine maintenance tasks.
  • Corrective maintenance planning.
  • Logistic requirements planning.
  • Implementing failure management policies.

Unit 4: Work Planning, Scheduling, and Control

  • Definition of notifications, defects, deviations.
  • Notification process, roles, and principles.
  • Prioritizing notifications.
  • Weekly master schedule.
  • Master schedule objectives.
  • Categorize the outstanding workload.
  • Determine resource availability.
  • Determine equipment non-utilization profile.
  • Develop a draft master schedule.
  • Conduct a master schedule review meeting.
  • Final master schedule and implementation.
  • Backlog management.
  • Project maintenance management.
  • Critical path analysis.
  • Project schedule.
  • Resource planning.
  • Maintenance project plan.
  • Schedule resources and materials.

Unit 5: Information and Performance Management

  • Management and information.
  • Information and control.
  • Management levels and information.
  • Performance indicators.
  • Performance indicators.
  • Workload performance indicators.
  • Planning performance indicators.
  • Effectiveness performance indicators.
  • Cost performance indicators.
  • Management reports.

Unit 6: Introduction and Foundation Concepts

  • The maintenance management environment and the need for improvement.
  • An overview of various approaches to maintenance improvement.
  • Introduction to maintenance auditing and benchmarking.
  • Using auditing and benchmarking to drive improvement.
  • Implementing sustainable approaches to improvement.

Unit 7: Maintenance Auditing

  • The maintenance auditing process.
  • Maintenance auditing methodology.
  • Conducting a maintenance audit.
  • Interpreting audit results.
  • Using auditing to drive improvement.

Unit 8: Maintenance Auditing and Benchmarking

  • Using the maintenance audit for internal benchmarking.
  • Designing a customized maintenance audit process.
  • The maintenance benchmarking process.
  • Maintenance benchmarking methodology.
  • Designing and preparing for a benchmarking study.

Unit 9: Maintenance Benchmarking and Performance Measurement

  • Conducting a maintenance benchmarking study.
  • Integrating benchmarking results in improvement and objective-setting processes.
  • Reporting results of benchmarking and auditing studies.
  • Developing key performance measures for maintenance.
  • The Maintenance Balanced Scorecard.

Unit 10: Integrating Maintenance Auditing and Benchmarking

  • Integrating maintenance auditing and benchmarking with performance measurement systems.
  • Using results to establish objectives and strategies for improvement.
  • Monitoring the implications of performance improvement in maintenance management.

Madrid (Spain)
08 - 19 Jul 2024
9500 Euro
14 - 25 Jul 2024
4500 Euro
Munich (Germany)
05 - 16 Aug 2024
7800 Euro
Vienna (Austria)
12 - 23 Aug 2024
7800 Euro
London (UK)
19 - 30 Aug 2024
9500 Euro
Istanbul (Turkey)
15 - 26 Sep 2024
9000 Euro
Lisbon (Portugal)
23 Sep - 04 Oct 2024
7800 Euro
Barcelona (Spain)
23 Sep - 04 Oct 2024
9500 Euro
Rome (Italy)
30 Sep - 11 Oct 2024
9500 Euro
Cairo (Egypt)
27 Oct - 07 Nov 2024
6000 Euro
Amman (Jordan)
27 Oct - 07 Nov 2024
5500 Euro
Sharm El-Sheikh (Egypt)
27 Oct - 07 Nov 2024
7000 Euro
Paris (France)
04 - 15 Nov 2024
9500 Euro
Amsterdam (Netherlands)
04 - 15 Nov 2024
9500 Euro
10 - 21 Nov 2024
4500 Euro
Geneva (Switzerland)
18 - 29 Nov 2024
7800 Euro
Cairo (Egypt)
01 - 12 Dec 2024
6000 Euro
Manama (Bahrain)
01 - 12 Dec 2024
8000 Euro
Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia)
15 - 26 Dec 2024
8000 Euro
Dubai (UAE)
15 - 26 Dec 2024
8000 Euro
London (UK)
16 - 27 Dec 2024
9500 Euro
Casablanca (Morocco)
13 - 24 Jan 2025
6000 Euro
Dubai (UAE)
19 - 30 Jan 2025
8000 Euro
London (UK)
20 - 31 Jan 2025
9500 Euro
Barcelona (Spain)
03 - 14 Feb 2025
9500 Euro
Vienna (Austria)
03 - 14 Feb 2025
7800 Euro
Amman (Jordan)
09 - 20 Feb 2025
5500 Euro
Paris (France)
17 - 28 Feb 2025
9500 Euro
Madrid (Spain)
17 - 28 Feb 2025
9500 Euro
02 - 13 Mar 2025
4500 Euro
Istanbul (Turkey)
02 - 13 Mar 2025
9000 Euro
Milan (Italy)
17 - 20 Mar 2025
9500 Euro
Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia)
23 Mar - 20 Apr 2025
8000 Euro
Cairo (Egypt)
30 Mar - 20 Apr 2025
6000 Euro
Rome (Italy)
31 Mar - 20 Apr 2025
9500 Euro
Boston (USA)
31 Mar - 20 Apr 2025
12000 Euro
Amsterdam (Netherlands)
31 Mar - 20 Apr 2025
9500 Euro
Sharm El-Sheikh (Egypt)
06 - 20 Apr 2025
7000 Euro
Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia)
04 - 20 May 2025
8000 Euro
Manama (Bahrain)
11 - 20 May 2025
8000 Euro

Industrial Maintenance, Inspection, Testing & Corrosion Courses
Maintenance Management: Developing & Enhancing Maintenance Strategies (O)


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