This specialized customer complaint management system course tackles the issue of customer complaints by focusing on its two components: the behavioral aspect related to the individual employee who deals face-to-face with the complainant, and the systems or procedural aspect related to how the organization should process a complaint, every step of the way, from the moment it is raised to its conclusion.
The customer complaint management system course will Rely on international best practices and also cover the necessary preparations an organization must go through regarding cultural development and openness before it can benefit from complaints, recover complaining customers, improve internal processes, and achieve new heights in customer satisfaction.
Understanding the Benefits of Customer Complaints
Any organization needs to understand the immense benefits of handling customer complaints effectively. Customer complaint management provides an opportunity to rectify issues for the individual customer.
The customer complaint management system course is a crucial feedback loop that can lead to system-wide improvements, foster customer loyalty, enhance the overall customer experience, and offer critical insights into product and service modifications.
Throughout this customer complaint management system course, participants will be equipped with the skills and knowledge required to establish a robust customer complaint management system, ensuring that the organization and its customers benefit from this continual improvement process.
Targeted Groups
- Customer Complaint System Managers and Staff.
- Customer Service Managers and Staff.
- Managers and Staff of Support Departments, such as HR and IT, provide services to the organization's other departments (internal customers).
Course Objectives
At the end of this customer complaint management system course, the participants will be able to:
- Understand the concepts and importance of customer feedback.
- Know the flow of customer feedback in an organization.
- Design a customer feedback system to enhance organizational performance.
- Improve the existing system and benchmark against world-class standards.
- Assess and audit complaints systems.
Targeted Competencies
By the end of this customer complaint management system course, the target competencies will be able to evolve:
- Customer orientation.
- Empathic outlook.
- Emotional control.
- Meeting standards.
- Systems judgment.
- Organized workplace.
- Quality orientation.
Course Content
Unit 1: Understanding Your Customers
- Who is your customer?
- Importance of customer feedback.
- Types of customers.
Unit 2: Complaints Management
- What is a complaint?
- What are the sources of complaints?
- Why should an organization seek complaints?
- Complaints are golden opportunities for improvement.
Unit 3: Complaints Management Standards
- Why standards?
- Types of standards.
- ISO 10002 as a model.
- Understand the impact of customer attitudes towards complaining and organizational reactions.
- What are the business needs and commercial implications?
Unit 4: Essential Elements of a Complaints Management System
- Scope and policy.
- Planning.
- Resource/competence.
- Log and receive complaints.
- Implementation and operation.
- Management review.
- Corrective and preventive actions.
Unit 5: Designing and Implementing an Effective Customer Complaint System
- What is the definition of complaint, handling, escalation, and resolution?
- Develop a system including workflow and process mapping.
- Monitor, measure, and review management.
- Audits in principle and practice.
- Possible barriers.
- Write a customer complaint procedure.