Mastering Human Resources Management Courses and HR Certifications

Understanding Human Performance Improvement Training Course


Knowing the drivers determining individual behavior, action, and motivation is the key to understanding and managing people. This human performance improvement program delves into our assumptions about human behavior and psychology. Human performance principles guide us in deciphering why people do what they do and how to foster an environment that supports human performance improvement.

People are complex, and many factors, including personal and work-related challenges, can influence their performance at work. From workplace stress and marriage issues to job insecurity, the myriad of potential problems can significantly impact employees' health and performance. Human performance safety training considers these aspects to mitigate the risk and cost to the employer.

Human performance certification programs often include coping strategies for stress, now increasingly prevalent in the workforce, as a core component for enhancing overall workplace wellness and productivity. The amount of employees suffering from stress and stress-related illnesses is rapidly rising. More than half (53%) of people at work have suffered stress in the past 12 months, while one in four people had taken time off sick through stress in the previous year, according to the latest research by the International Stress Management Association.

Applying Human Performance Tools and the Improvement Process

Human performance tools are integral to the human performance improvement process. They are vital for identifying human performance traps and fostering human organizational performance.

Performance improvement certification, such as the human performance improvement certification, instills these tools to help professionals identify areas for improvement. Exploring these tools, participants will learn ways to facilitate safety and efficiency, embedding human performance safety practices into their organizational culture.

As part of an important and evolving field, the human performance improvement course highlights the importance of continuous learning and development for professionals in this sector.

Through this human performance training course, participants will develop a robust understanding of human performance improvement and the necessary skills to implement effective organizational strategies.

Targeted Groups

  • Managers, supervisors, and team leaders.
  • HR personnel.
  • Training managers and training personnel.
  • Succession planners and those responsible for people development.
  • HR practitioners and line professionals.
  • Professionals with an interest in people management and development.

Course Objectives

Participants in this human performance training course will be equipped with the knowledge to:

  • Clearly understand human behavior.
  • Comprehend how attitude impacts behavior and motivation.
  • Manage employee performance through:
    • Performance appraisal interviewing practice
    • Discipline and grievance case studies and examples
  • Recognize and address people's problems at work.
  • Develop critical skills for stress management.
  • Formulate effective workplace interventions.
  • Motivate and counsel team members.
  • Implement best practices for managing employee issues.
  • Enhance practical skills in people management.
  • Effectively get the best out of their team members.

Targeted Competencies

At the end of this human performance improvement course, the target competencies will be able to evolve:

  • Communication skills – oral and body language.
  • Interpersonal relationship skills.
  • Performance management.
  • Self-development.
  • Understanding stress management theory and practice.
  • Applying effective stress management interventions in the workplace.
  • Implementing an efficient Employee Assistance Program (EAP).
  • Understanding PTSD and CISD.
  • Developing effective motivation strategies.

Course Content

Unit 1: Performance and the Individual

  • Psychological profiles - Jungian typology and understanding human behavior.
  • How competency frameworks support performance training solutions.
  • Human behavior questionnaire.
  • The Iceberg model for understanding behavior.
  • Models of performance management.
  • The "Johari window".

Unit 2: Managing Employee Performance

  • Discipline, capability, and grievance.
  • Recognizing the difference between capability and conduct issues.
  • The "rules of Natural Justice."
  • The purposes of discipline.
  • Inefficiency and box markings.
  • Models of motivation and behavior.

Unit 3: The Assertiveness Model of Behaviour and Attitudes

  • Identifying and recognizing the types of behavior:
    • Aggressive.
    • Indirectly aggressive.
    • Passive (aggressive).
    • Assertive.
  • Communication skills.
  • Being proactive with people.

Unit 4: Exercises with Behaviour and Attitudes

  • Managing performance - The performance appraisal interview.
  • Case studies.

Unit 5: Attitudes and Attitudes to Self

  • The behavior mirror diagnostic tool.
  • Social styles – a behavior model.

Unit 6: People's Problems at Work

  • Introduction to human psychology.
  • Understanding people's problems.
  • Ways of helping people.
  • Impact of work – performance issues.
  • Employee Assistance Programs (EAPs).
  • Steps to establish an EAP.

Unit 7: Understanding Stress

  • Defining stress - Recognizing the signs in mind and body.
  • Contributors to workplace pressures.
  • The effect of stress on personal performance.
  • Short-term and long-term stress symptoms.
  • Stress management techniques.
  • Major causes of workplace and home stress.

Unit 8: Basic Counselling Skills

  • The essence of communication.
  • Techniques for interviewing/basic counseling skills.
  • Developing active listening skills.
  • Understanding body language.
  • SOLER Techniques for counseling.
  • Motivational coaching techniques.

Unit 9: Understanding Motivation

  • The psychology of motivation.
  • Motivation at work.
  • Team and group motivation.
  • Understanding reward systems.

Unit 10: Critical Incident Stress (CISD) and Trauma Counseling

  • Defining traumatic events.
  • A model for workplace trauma management.
  • Policy, plans, and procedures.
  • Managing the media, preventive training, and information distribution.
  • Debriefing and grief counseling.
  • Traumatic Stress and Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD).

Amman (Jordan)
27 Oct - 07 Nov 2024
5200 Euro
Istanbul (Turkey)
03 - 14 Nov 2024
7500 Euro
Barcelona (Spain)
04 - 15 Nov 2024
8500 Euro
Geneva (Switzerland)
11 - 22 Nov 2024
9500 Euro
Manama (Bahrain)
17 - 28 Nov 2024
7000 Euro
Madrid (Spain)
18 - 29 Nov 2024
8500 Euro
Vienna (Austria)
09 - 20 Dec 2024
8500 Euro
London (UK)
16 - 27 Dec 2024
9300 Euro
Sharm El-Sheikh (Egypt)
22 Dec 2024 - 02 Jan 2025
7200 Euro
22 Dec 2024 - 02 Jan 2025
2700 Euro
London (UK)
06 - 17 Jan 2025
9300 Euro
Vienna (Austria)
06 - 17 Jan 2025
8500 Euro
12 - 23 Jan 2025
2700 Euro
Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia)
19 - 30 Jan 2025
6500 Euro
Barcelona (Spain)
20 - 31 Jan 2025
8500 Euro
Manama (Bahrain)
09 - 20 Feb 2025
7000 Euro
Istanbul (Turkey)
16 - 27 Feb 2025
7500 Euro
Casablanca (Morocco)
17 - 28 Feb 2025
5400 Euro
Cairo (Egypt)
23 Mar - 03 Apr 2025
5400 Euro
Dubai (UAE)
30 Mar - 10 Apr 2025
7000 Euro
Amman (Jordan)
06 - 17 Apr 2025
5200 Euro
Rome (Italy)
21 Apr - 02 May 2025
9500 Euro
Amsterdam (Netherlands)
28 Apr - 02 May 2025
8500 Euro
Istanbul (Turkey)
25 May - 05 Jun 2025
7500 Euro
Barcelona (Spain)
26 May - 06 Jun 2025
8500 Euro
Madrid (Spain)
02 - 13 Jun 2025
8500 Euro
Sharm El-Sheikh (Egypt)
08 - 19 Jun 2025
7200 Euro
Paris (France)
09 - 20 Jun 2025
8500 Euro
Cairo (Egypt)
15 - 26 Jun 2025
5400 Euro
Dubai (UAE)
22 Jun - 03 Jul 2025
7000 Euro
Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia)
06 - 17 Jul 2025
6500 Euro
London (UK)
21 Jul - 01 Aug 2025
9300 Euro
Paris (France)
04 - 15 Aug 2025
8500 Euro
10 - 21 Aug 2025
2700 Euro
Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia)
31 Aug - 11 Sep 2025
6500 Euro
Rome (Italy)
08 - 19 Sep 2025
9500 Euro
Milan (Italy)
15 - 26 Sep 2025
9500 Euro
Munich (Germany)
22 Sep - 03 Oct 2025
8500 Euro
Brussels (Belgium)
22 Sep - 03 Oct 2025
8500 Euro
Dubai (UAE)
05 - 16 Oct 2025
7000 Euro

Mastering Human Resources Management Courses and HR Certifications
Understanding Human Performance Improvement Training Course (HR)


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