Mastering Human Resources Management Courses and HR Certifications

Job Evaluation & Analysis Training Course (Certified Job Analyst)


This Job evaluation and analysis training seminar is designed to provide participants with a comprehensive understanding of the importance of job analysis and evaluation in creating adequate pay and grade structures.

Through this Job evaluation and analysis training course, individuals will understand how job analysis and evaluations are conducted, their significance in designing compensation systems, and their impact on employee motivation and organizational performance.

The Difference Between Job Analysis and Job Evaluation

Exploring the difference between job analysis and job evaluation is crucial for organizations to ensure they compensate their employees fairly. While job analysis involves identifying the duties, responsibilities, and qualifications necessary for a job, job evaluation assesses the relative value of a job to determine appropriate compensation.

This Job evaluation and analysis training course delves into these concepts, providing clarity and practical skills for HR professionals.

Targeted Groups

  • HR professionals are responsible for compensation policies and structures in their organization.
  • HR professionals seek more profound insights into pay and grading structures and their implementation.
  • Line managers are involved in compensation and bonus decisions.
  • HR advisors to senior management on compensation issues.
  • Senior management and HR professionals looking for strategic perspectives on employee compensation.
  • HR professionals aim to refine their skill sets in job evaluation.

Course Objectives

By the end of this Job evaluation and analysis training, participants will be equipped to:

  • Develop a strategic view of pay, grading, and compensation systems.
  • Acquire competency in many job evaluation techniques. 
  • Understand job analysis and evaluation techniques.
  • Understand the stages involved in a job analysis and job evaluation project.
  • Undertake and apply a variety of techniques to analyze and evaluate specific jobs.
  • Apply the job evaluation results to design and develop a pay and grading structure.
  • Develop and use different compensation systems to pay and grading structures to reflect organizational culture.
  • Examine different ways to implement the above processes.
  • Acquire knowledge and understanding of job analysis and job evaluation.
  • Understand a variety of other job evaluation techniques.
  • Understand how job evaluation contributes to developing, designing, and implementing a pay and grading structure.
  • Make a strategic contribution to the organization in pay and grading.
  • Understand how different approaches to employee compensation can impact employee motivation and organizational performance.

Targeted Competencies

At the end of this Job evaluation and analysis course, the target audience will be able to:

  • Working with people.
  • Relating and networking.
  • Presenting and communicating.
  • Applying expertise and technology.
  • Persuading and influencing.
  • Analytical thinking.
  • Following instructions and procedures.
  • Business writing.

Course Content

Unit 1: An Introduction to Job Analysis and Job Evaluation

  • The corporate environment.
  • The HR role and line management responsibilities.
  • An introduction to job analysis.
  • An introduction to job evaluation.
  • The use of behavioral competencies.
  • The need for job analysis and evaluation.
  • The relationship with broader reward management planning.
  • Change management.

Unit 2: Job Analysis Techniques

  • Definition of role and job analysis.
  • Compare various techniques to analyze specific jobs.
  • Examine different methodologies.
  • Designing appropriate job profile documentation.
  • Selecting benchmark jobs.
  • The role of the job analyst.
  • Collecting, recording, and analyzing information.
  • The job analysis interview.
  • Completing the job profile document.

Unit 3: Types of Job Evaluation Schemes

  • Definition of job evaluation.
  • Uses of job evaluation.
  • Examine different methodologies.
  • Analytical and non-analytical schemes.
  • Points rating.
  • Factor comparison.
  • Job ranking.
  • Internal benchmarking or job matching.
  • Job classification.
  • Assessing evaluation schemes.

Unit 4: Implementation and Operational Considerations

  • Explore the links between job analysis and job evaluation.
  • Design and operational guidelines
  • Grade structure guidelines.
  • Implementation framework.
  • Options for implementation - full or staged.
  • Communicating the results.
  • Managing appeals for re-grading.
  • Job analysis and evaluation.

Unit 5: Employee Motivation

  • Employee motivation.
  • Equity theory - Procedural and distributive justice.
  • Merit pay and incremental pay.
  • Pay progression.
  • Selecting and training analysts.
  • Putting in place arrangements for ongoing maintenance.
  • Review of success criteria.
  • Personal planning.

Brussels (Belgium)
08 - 12 Jul 2024
4500 Euro
Istanbul (Turkey)
14 - 18 Jul 2024
4200 Euro
Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia)
21 - 25 Jul 2024
3900 Euro
Amman (Jordan)
28 Jul - 01 Aug 2024
2900 Euro
London (UK)
29 Jul - 02 Aug 2024
5200 Euro
Dubai (UAE)
04 - 08 Aug 2024
3900 Euro
Cairo (Egypt)
04 - 08 Aug 2024
3000 Euro
Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia)
04 - 08 Aug 2024
3900 Euro
Vienna (Austria)
26 - 30 Aug 2024
4900 Euro
Madrid (Spain)
26 - 30 Aug 2024
4900 Euro
Istanbul (Turkey)
22 - 26 Sep 2024
4200 Euro
29 Sep - 03 Oct 2024
1500 Euro
Lisbon (Portugal)
30 Sep - 04 Oct 2024
4900 Euro
Amsterdam (Netherlands)
30 Sep - 04 Oct 2024
4900 Euro
13 - 17 Oct 2024
1500 Euro
Cairo (Egypt)
13 - 17 Oct 2024
3000 Euro
Dubai (UAE)
13 - 17 Oct 2024
3900 Euro
Rome (Italy)
14 - 18 Oct 2024
4900 Euro
Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia)
20 - 24 Oct 2024
3900 Euro
Milan (Italy)
04 - 08 Nov 2024
4900 Euro
Dubai (UAE)
10 - 14 Nov 2024
3900 Euro
Manama (Bahrain)
10 - 14 Nov 2024
3900 Euro
Boston (USA)
11 - 15 Nov 2024
5500 Euro
17 - 21 Nov 2024
1500 Euro
London (UK)
18 - 22 Nov 2024
5200 Euro
Sharm El-Sheikh (Egypt)
01 - 05 Dec 2024
3500 Euro
Dubai (UAE)
08 - 12 Dec 2024
3900 Euro
15 - 19 Dec 2024
1500 Euro
Paris (France)
16 - 20 Dec 2024
4900 Euro
Dubai (UAE)
22 - 26 Dec 2024
3900 Euro
Barcelona (Spain)
23 - 27 Dec 2024
4900 Euro
Madrid (Spain)
06 - 10 Jan 2025
4900 Euro
Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia)
12 - 16 Jan 2025
3900 Euro
Dubai (UAE)
19 - 23 Jan 2025
3900 Euro
19 - 23 Jan 2025
1500 Euro
Manama (Bahrain)
26 - 30 Jan 2025
3900 Euro
Dubai (UAE)
02 - 06 Feb 2025
3900 Euro
Istanbul (Turkey)
02 - 06 Feb 2025
4200 Euro
02 - 06 Feb 2025
1500 Euro
Boston (USA)
03 - 07 Feb 2025
5500 Euro

Mastering Human Resources Management Courses and HR Certifications
Job Evaluation & Analysis Training Course (Certified Job Analyst) (HR)


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