Intangible cultural heritage encompasses the practices, representations, expressions, knowledge, and skills that communities, groups, and individuals as part of their cultural heritage. This Understanding and Safeguarding Intangible Cultural Heritage course provides an understanding of intangible heritage and its preservation and promotion methods.
In this Understanding and Safeguarding Intangible Cultural Heritage course, participants will delve into the myriad forms of intangible cultural heritage worldwide. They will explore how these living expressions define cultural identity and manage dynamic traditions.
Participants in this Understanding and Safeguarding Intangible Cultural Heritage training will examine the types of intangible cultural heritage and learn how critical their preservation is for enriching cultural diversity. Understanding the meaning of these cultural practices will safeguard the intangible cultural heritage that forms the bedrock of human creativity and ingenuity.
Targeted Groups:
- Cultural heritage professionals.
- Museum and archive staff.
- Educators and researchers in cultural studies.
- Community leaders and activists.
- Policymakers in the culture and heritage sectors.
- Students of anthropology, history, and related fields.
Course Objectives:
At the end of this Understanding and Safeguarding Intangible Cultural Heritage course, the participants will be able to:
- Define and explain the concept of intangible cultural heritage.
- Identify different forms and examples of intangible heritage.
- Assess the importance of intangible heritage in cultural identity and diversity.
- Develop strategies for safeguarding and promoting intangible heritage.
- Collaborate with communities to document and transmit intangible heritage.
Targeted Competencies:
At the end of this Understanding and Safeguarding Intangible Cultural Heritage training, participants competencies will:
- Cultural awareness and sensitivity.
- Heritage management and preservation.
- Community engagement and collaboration.
- Research and documentation skills.
- Policy development and advocacy.
Course Content:
Unit 1: Understanding Intangible Cultural Heritage:
- Definition and Scope of Intangible Heritage.
- Explanation of intangible heritage.
- Differences between tangible and intangible heritage.
- Categories of intangible heritage.
- Importance of Intangible Heritage.
- Role in cultural identity and continuity.
- Contribution to cultural diversity and creativity.
- Examples of Intangible Heritage.
- Oral traditions and expressions.
- Performing arts.
- Social practices, rituals, and festive events.
- Knowledge and practices concerning nature and the universe.
- Traditional craftsmanship.
Unit 2: Documentation and Research Methods:
- Fieldwork Techniques.
- Ethnographic methods.
- Participatory research.
- Oral history interviews.
- Recording and Archiving Intangible Heritage.
- Audio and video recording techniques.
- Digital archiving.
- Ethical considerations in documentation.
- Case Studies.
- Successful documentation projects.
- Lessons learned and best practices.
Unit 3: Community Involvement and Empowerment:
- Role of Communities in Heritage Preservation.
- Importance of community involvement.
- Collaborative approaches.
- Strategies for Community Engagement.
- Workshops and training programs.
- Awareness-raising campaigns.
- Capacity-building initiatives.
- Examples of community-led heritage projects.
- Challenges and successes.
Unit 4: Policy and Legal Frameworks:
- International Conventions and Agreements.
- UNESCO Convention for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage.
- Other relevant international frameworks.
- National and Local Policies.
- Developing and implementing heritage policies.
- Role of government and non-governmental organizations.
- Advocacy and Policy Development.
- Strategies for influencing policy.
- Building networks and coalitions.
Unit 5: Strategies for Safeguarding and Promotion:
- Education and Transmission.
- Formal and informal educational programs.
- Role of schools and universities.
- Cultural Tourism and Intangible Heritage.
- Sustainable tourism practices.
- Challenges and opportunities.
- Media and Technology.
- Using digital platforms for promotion.
- Social media and public engagement.
- Funding and Resource Mobilization.
- Identifying funding sources.
- Writing grant proposals.
- Building partnerships.