Document control is crucial for maintaining the robustness of quality management and ensuring adherence to industry regulations. This comprehensive Documents Control Systems (DCS) training will empower participants to design and implement effective document control systems tailored to their quality management needs.
Trainees will gain hands-on experience in creating document control procedures, including the intricacies of process mapping, referencing, and amendment processes. The Documents Control Systems (DCS) course will cover the distribution of controlled documents and managing a document infrastructure, ensuring up-to-date document accessibility across various departments.
Understanding the document control system definition and exploring how to create an effective system for document control is pivotal. This Documents Control Systems (DCS) training addresses document control system training and the practical steps required in structuring a DCS document control system.
Participants in this Documents Control Systems (DCS) course will uncover the fundamentals of a robust document management system and version control. They will be guided through the requirements of the document control system, ensuring their document control practices meet the standard.
Targeted Groups:
- Quality Managers and Officials.
- Flight and Ground Operations Managers.
- Maintenance Managers.
- Technical and Safety Managers.
- Candidates for Supervisory Positions.
Course Objectives:
At the end of this Documents Control Systems (DCS) course, participants will be able to:
- Build a document control system that integrates seamlessly with their existing quality management system.
- Trace a document through its life cycle, from inception to obsolescence.
- Implement guidelines for uniform document formatting, annotation, and distribution.
- Develop standards to preserve your document control systems' integrity and ensure all stakeholders can access documentation.
Targeted Competencies:
By the conclusion of this Documents Control Systems (DCS) training, participants competencies will be proficient in:
- Quality assurance and quality control procedures.
- Flight and ground operations documentation.
- Maintenance documentation and practices.
- Safety management documentation.
Course Content:
Unit 1: Document Hierarchy and Management System Version Control:
- Quality Manual.
- Policy and procedures.
- Work instructions.
- Records and their lifecycle management.
Unit 2: Maintaining Document Consistency and Referencing:
- Effective communication styles in documentation.
- Establishing robust numbering systems.
- Managing a controlled document list.
- Creating and maintaining a distribution list for document circulation.
Unit 3: Document Retention, Amendment, and Control System Requirements:
- Adhering to Implementing Rules – Operations (IR-OPS), ICAO, ISO requirements, and resources.
- Understanding the importance of process and document ownership.
- Scheduling periodic reviews to ensure document validity and relevance.
Unit 4: Setting Documentation Standards and Defining a Document Control System:
- Defining a corporate standard for documentation.
- Enhancing document security and establishing control measures.
- Interpreting documentation from an auditor's perspective and understanding auditor expectations.
Unit 5: IOSA Documentation Requirements and DCS Document Control Systems:
- Delving into Operational Management and Control Systems documentation.
- Grasping the IOSA Audit Standards and their application in document control.