Public Relations Training & Certification Courses

Modern Global Trends in Public Relations and Corporate Communication


The increasing number of employees in modern institutions has led to a heightened focus on internal communication processes with them, as they represent the organization to various public groups and speak on its behalf. Unless public relations are of fundamental importance in maintaining an effective communication system, individuals will not represent their institution well. A link is established between the amount of information an individual possesses about the institution they belong to and the level of interest and pride in explaining our goals and policies from time to time, which is achieved through building strong internal communications carried out by the Public Relations department within the organization.

Targeted Groups:

  • Public Relations Managers and Communication Managers
  • Diplomats.
  • Business professionals looking to enhance their skills in event management.
  • Specialists in corporate communication management.

Course Objectives:
At the end of this course the participants will be able to:

  • Comprehensive and Modern Concepts of Public Relations Management
  • Research on Public Relations and its Various Applications.
  • Contemporary Trends in Content Analysis and its Applications in Public Relations and Media.
  • Identifying Responsibilities and New Functions for Public Relations and Media Agencies.
  • Understanding the Relationship between Protocol, Public Relations, and Media Activities.
  • Training on Integrating Public Relations with Technical and Administrative Competence of the Organization.
  • Training on Modern Methods of Organizing Public Relations.
  • Training on Developing Public Relations Strategy and Media Planning for the Organization.
  • Training on Comprehensive Strategic Planning for Public Relations and Media in Your Institution.
  • Planning Trends in Public Relations and Media Production.
  • Artistic Production of Print Media Materials.
  • Design and Art Direction for Print Media.
  • Production of Media Content for Radio and Television.
  • Evaluation of Media Production in Public Relations.
  • Innovative Thinking in Public Relations and Media.
  • Communication Technologies and their Impact on Public Relations and Media.
  • Public Relations Image - Formation, Change, and Integration.
  • The Social Responsibility of Public Relations Activities.
  • Specifications for Professionals in the Field of Public Relations.
  • Training in the Field of Public Relations and Media.
  • Crisis Management in Public Relations and Media.
  • Media Coverage of Important Events.

Course Content:
Unit 1: The concept of public relations and its role in the institution:

  • Administrative and philosophical concepts of public relations and advertising
  • Qualities of a successful public relations and media man
  • Responsibilities and functions of public relations and advertising
  • Advantages of modern organization of public relations and media

Unit 2: Characteristics of a successful public relations and media manager:

  • Ability to deal effectively with managers
  • The ability to deal with complex problems in relationships
  • The ability to convince and face the media crisis
  • Ability to plan media/public relations programmes

Unit 3: Etiquette and Protocol in Public Relations:

  • The concept of etiquette, ritual and protocol
  • Technology for managing meetings and protocols at banquets, parties and car rides
  • The art of etiquette and human communication
  • Methods of constructive criticism etiquette

Unit 4: Management and planning of media and advertising campaigns:

  • The latest concepts of public relations campaigns and steps to implement them
  • Planning and running public relations campaigns
  • Types of PR program planning
  • Basics and stages of evaluating public relations campaigns

Unit 5: Public relations / media correspondence

  • Run and direct seminars and press conferences
  • Managing TV Debates, Radio and Press Interviews (UK Curriculum)
  • Managing public relations and media operations via the Internet
  • How to effectively manage a media crisis (Organizational practices)

Unit 6: Public Relations and Media Strategic Plan:

  • Benefits of strategic planning for public relations and media
  • Planning public relations and media inputs
  • Public relations and strategic planning for the media, steps and elements
  • The role of public relations and media strategy planning
  • Rules of successful public relations and media strategic planning

Unit 7: The relationship between the communication skills of media workers and the skills of the target audience:

  • Skills in managing the performance of media professionals in the media field
  • Rules for increasing the effectiveness of media messages

Unit 8: Factors affecting the effectiveness of media use:

  • Media skills required to deal with the media
  • How to determine the influence you need in the media arena
  • Skills in evaluating media performance sequentially

Unit 9: Rules governing the production of media materials:

  • Basic skills of terrain elements
  • Print design and production skills

Unit 10: Rules governing the production of audiovisual media materials:

  • Elements of competition and exclusivity of audio and video media
  • Factors that increase the effectiveness of different radio formats
  • Conditions that must be met in effective audiovisual production

Unit 11: Effective skills to influence public opinion:

  • The main factor determining the presence or absence of public opinion
  • Factors affecting the formation of public opinion
  • Media skills influence public opinion strategy

Unit 12: Use of information technology in public relations and corporate communication:

  • Information technology efficiency and its role in improving public relations and institutional communication
  • Information networks - opportunities and threats
  • Principles of page design for advertising on international information networks
  • Preparing a public relations database
  • Information technology efficiency and its role in improving public relations
  • Designing a public relations page for an international information network

Manama (Bahrain)
28 Jul - 08 Aug 2024
7000 Euro
Cairo (Egypt)
28 Jul - 08 Aug 2024
5400 Euro
Dubai (UAE)
11 - 22 Aug 2024
7000 Euro
Rome (Italy)
12 - 23 Aug 2024
8500 Euro
18 - 29 Aug 2024
2700 Euro
Dubai (UAE)
08 - 19 Sep 2024
7000 Euro
Barcelona (Spain)
23 Sep - 04 Oct 2024
8500 Euro
Boston (USA)
30 Sep - 11 Oct 2024
9500 Euro
Madrid (Spain)
07 - 18 Oct 2024
8500 Euro
Amman (Jordan)
13 - 24 Oct 2024
5200 Euro
Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia)
13 - 24 Oct 2024
6500 Euro
Istanbul (Turkey)
27 Oct - 07 Nov 2024
7500 Euro
London (UK)
28 Oct - 08 Nov 2024
9300 Euro
Madrid (Spain)
28 Oct - 08 Nov 2024
8500 Euro
24 Nov - 05 Dec 2024
2700 Euro
Amman (Jordan)
24 Nov - 05 Dec 2024
5200 Euro
Dubai (UAE)
24 Nov - 05 Dec 2024
7000 Euro
Rome (Italy)
25 Nov - 06 Dec 2024
8500 Euro
Amsterdam (Netherlands)
25 Nov - 06 Dec 2024
8500 Euro
Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia)
01 - 12 Dec 2024
6500 Euro
Casablanca (Morocco)
16 - 27 Dec 2024
5400 Euro
Cairo (Egypt)
22 Dec 2024 - 02 Jan 2025
5400 Euro
London (UK)
23 Dec 2024 - 03 Jan 2025
9300 Euro
Barcelona (Spain)
06 - 17 Jan 2025
8500 Euro
Munich (Germany)
06 - 17 Jan 2025
8500 Euro
Istanbul (Turkey)
09 - 20 Feb 2025
7500 Euro
Milan (Italy)
10 - 21 Feb 2025
8500 Euro
Paris (France)
10 - 21 Mar 2025
8500 Euro
16 - 27 Mar 2025
2700 Euro
London (UK)
17 - 28 Mar 2025
9300 Euro
Geneva (Switzerland)
17 - 28 Mar 2025
9500 Euro
Barcelona (Spain)
24 Mar - 04 Apr 2025
8500 Euro
Sharm El-Sheikh (Egypt)
06 - 17 Apr 2025
6300 Euro
Vienna (Austria)
14 - 25 Apr 2025
8500 Euro
Manama (Bahrain)
04 - 15 May 2025
7000 Euro
Vienna (Austria)
12 - 23 May 2025
8500 Euro
Cairo (Egypt)
18 - 29 May 2025
5400 Euro
Paris (France)
02 - 13 Jun 2025
8500 Euro
Istanbul (Turkey)
22 Jun - 03 Jul 2025
7500 Euro
Sharm El-Sheikh (Egypt)
06 - 17 Jul 2025
6300 Euro

Public Relations Training & Certification Courses
Modern Global Trends in Public Relations and Corporate Communication (PR)


Mercury dynamic schedule is constantly reviewed and updated to ensure that every category is being addressed at least once a month, if not once every week. Please check the training courses listed below and if you do not find the subject you are interested in, email us or give us a call and we will do our best to assist.