Management & Leadership Training Courses

Cost Estimation


Cost Estimation presents certain challenges. Costs must be managed without compromising either safety or production. This innovative training course presents the delegates with practical tools and techniques which can easily be applied right now within their company and work. It also introduces delegates to emerging tools and techniques to develop for the future.

This training course will help the delegates to save their employers money without damaging the business. This course will feature practical, engaging, and innovative techniques from different organisations. This online training course will also help the delegates to identify and deliver savings without damaging performance, capability, strategy, delivery, or safety.

Targeted Groups:

  • Finance Managers
  • Budget Holders
  • Project Managers
  • Professional Engineers
  • People providing direct support to the above

Course Objectives:

At the end of this course the participants will be able to:

  • Proactively manage costs
  • Seek opportunities for cost reduction
  • Effectively control costs
  • Make better use of cost budgets, plans and forecasts
  • Understand project appraisal
  • Control costs with projects

Course Content:
Unit 1: Cost, Profit, Risk and Cash:

  • Costs and Profit
    • Objectives - Mission & Vision - Profit Now vs. Profit Later
    • Strategy and How It Guides Cost Management Decisions / Strategy Models and Costs Management
    • Cost vs. Value / Value Focused Approaches Profit Drivers
  • Costs and Cash
    • Cash vs. Profit
    • Cost – Cash and Non-cash
    • Costs Management vs. Cash Management / Capital vs. Revenue Managing Capital Cost / Managing Revenue Cost
  • Cost and Risk
    • Introduction to Risk
    • Cost and Risk

Unit 2: Costs & Costing:

  • Understanding and Working with Costs
  • Cost vs. Value
  • Value Based Cost Management / Thinking
  • Plan for Cost Reduction and Profit Improvement
  • Fixed and Variable Costs Income Statement
  • Break-even Analysis / Contribution Margin
  • Costing Approaches – Full Absorption, Marginal, ABC
  • New Ideas in Cost Management – Lean Principles / ABC – Big data

Unit 3: Planning and Forecasting Costs / Risk:

  • OPEX Planning Approaches
  • Forecasting Tools and Techniques
  • What is Risk?
  • Modelling Costs and Profit and Risk
  • OPEX Long-term Forecast
  • OPEX Planning and Performance Monitoring
  • Software Used in OPEX Planning and Performance

Unit 4: Investment Appraisal and Projects – Capital Budgeting:

  • Building Cashflow Models for Decision Making
  • CAPEX Planning System
  • Factors Used to Evaluate the Efficiency of CAPEX Projects, Annual Investment Program
  • Applying Time-adjusted Measures - The Time Value of Money
  • Net Present Value (NPV) and Internal Rate of Return (IRR) / EVA and NPV
  • Sensitivity Analysis, Scenario Analysis, Simulation, and NPV Break-even / Monte Carlo Analysis
  • The Importance of Flexibility and Options
  • Dealing with Risk and Changing Circumstances

Unit 5: Why Cost Estimmating

  • Estimating in a World of Limited Resources
  • Increased Productivity as a Solution
  • Productivity and the Profit Motive
  • At Stake, the Organization's Reputation
  • In-Depth Cost Estimating
  • Possible: A Standarized Basic Estimating Procedure

Unit 6: The Basics of Estimating

  • Four Kinds of Work Output
  • Cost Estimating Defined
  • "Cost" and "Price" Explained
  • The Estimating Process: Ingredients and Tools Required
  • The Cost Estimator: The Human Element
  • The Anatomy of an Estimate
  • Discussion of Types of Costs
  • Collecting the Ingredients of the Estimate

Unit 7: Defining The Work

  • The First Questions to Ask (and Why)
  • The Estimate Skeleton: The Work Breakdown Structure
  • The Hierarchical Relationship of a Work Breakdown Structure
  • Functional Elements
  • Physical Elements
  • Treatment of Recurring and Nonrecurring Activities
  • Work Breakdown Structure Interrationships
  • Defining the Estimate Ingredients
  • Building in Cost-Effectiveness

Unit 8: The Tools Required For Estimating

  • Four Basic Tools
  • Information to Be Collected Before Starting an Estimate
  • Methods Used in the Estimating Process
  • The Technology Improvemen Function
  • Establishing an Estimate Schedule
  • Needed Estimating Skills

Unit 9: Budgets and Cost Control:

  • The Budgeting Process
  • The Role of Budgeting
  • Annual Budgeting Process
  • Identifying and Resolving Budgeting Variances
  • Different Budgeting Systems in Use Today
  • Budgeting Tips and Techniques
  • Variance Analysis
  • Beyond Budgeting

Sharm El-Sheikh (Egypt)
28 Jul - 08 Aug 2024
6300 Euro
Paris (France)
29 Jul - 09 Aug 2024
8500 Euro
Amman (Jordan)
04 - 15 Aug 2024
5200 Euro
Istanbul (Turkey)
11 - 22 Aug 2024
7500 Euro
Barcelona (Spain)
12 - 23 Aug 2024
8500 Euro
Cairo (Egypt)
25 Aug - 05 Sep 2024
5400 Euro
Madrid (Spain)
26 Aug - 06 Sep 2024
8500 Euro
Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia)
15 - 26 Sep 2024
6500 Euro
Sharm El-Sheikh (Egypt)
15 - 26 Sep 2024
6300 Euro
Casablanca (Morocco)
16 - 27 Sep 2024
5400 Euro
Vienna (Austria)
30 Sep - 11 Oct 2024
8500 Euro
London (UK)
06 - 17 Oct 2024
9300 Euro
Amsterdam (Netherlands)
14 - 25 Oct 2024
8500 Euro
Manama (Bahrain)
03 - 14 Nov 2024
7000 Euro
03 - 14 Nov 2024
2700 Euro
Rome (Italy)
04 - 15 Nov 2024
8500 Euro
Munich (Germany)
25 Nov - 06 Dec 2024
8500 Euro
Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia)
29 Dec 2024 - 09 Jan 2025
6500 Euro
Lisbon (Portugal)
20 - 31 Jan 2025
8500 Euro
Geneva (Switzerland)
20 - 31 Jan 2025
9500 Euro
Istanbul (Turkey)
02 - 13 Feb 2025
7500 Euro
Barcelona (Spain)
03 - 14 Feb 2025
8500 Euro
Madrid (Spain)
10 - 21 Feb 2025
8500 Euro
Milan (Italy)
10 - 21 Feb 2025
8500 Euro
Dubai (UAE)
16 - 27 Feb 2025
7000 Euro
Vienna (Austria)
24 Feb - 07 Mar 2025
8500 Euro
Cairo (Egypt)
02 - 13 Mar 2025
5400 Euro
09 - 20 Mar 2025
2700 Euro
Manama (Bahrain)
09 - 20 Mar 2025
7000 Euro
Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia)
23 Mar - 03 Apr 2025
6500 Euro
Paris (France)
24 Mar - 04 Apr 2025
8500 Euro
Barcelona (Spain)
24 Mar - 04 Apr 2025
8500 Euro
Dubai (UAE)
06 - 17 Apr 2025
7000 Euro
London (UK)
14 - 25 Apr 2025
9300 Euro
Amsterdam (Netherlands)
14 - 25 Apr 2025
8500 Euro
Amman (Jordan)
20 Apr - 01 May 2025
5200 Euro
Rome (Italy)
21 Apr - 02 May 2025
8500 Euro
Cairo (Egypt)
04 - 15 May 2025
5400 Euro
Boston (USA)
19 - 30 May 2025
9500 Euro
London (UK)
19 - 30 May 2025
9300 Euro

Management & Leadership Training Courses
Cost Estimation (ML)


Mercury dynamic schedule is constantly reviewed and updated to ensure that every category is being addressed at least once a month, if not once every week. Please check the training courses listed below and if you do not find the subject you are interested in, email us or give us a call and we will do our best to assist.