Mastering Human Resources Management Courses and HR Certifications

Culture & Change Management in HR


This critical HR change management and organizational culture training course focuses on vital areas of modern Human Resource Management (HRM). It is a unique seminar that addresses core HR issues critically and objectively.

This HR change management and organizational culture course also provides a theoretical background, guidelines on best practices, and skills development in organizational development processes, all from an HR perspective.

The Important Role of HR in Change Management:

Understanding change management in HR is essential for any organization looking to adapt and thrive in a constantly evolving business landscape. Change management in HR refers to the methodologies and practices used to steer and manage change within an organization's human resources function and, by extension, the entire company culture.

Organizational culture and change management are deeply interconnected, and the culture change management process is pivotal to successfully implementing transformations within a company. This course provides insights into this intricate relationship and offers strategic approaches to navigating changes effectively.

Targeted Groups:

  • Top Management.
  • HR Management.
  • HR Staff.
  • Managers and Heads of Departments.
  • Individuals seeking to improve their careers with new skills and knowledge.
  • Professionals and Supervisors aiming to enhance change management competencies.
  • People need to update their expertise in Change Management best practices.
  • Newcomers to HR or Personnel Departments requiring formal HR Training.
  • HRM personnel want to stay current with changing practices and trends.
  • All levels of HR involvement.
  • Those benefiting from an understanding of the HR role and function.

Course Objectives:

Participants in this HR change management and organizational culture course will gain the ability to:

  • Design a change management model in their workplace.
  • Comprehend organizational culture.
  • Identify culture-bound change management practices.
  • Develop practical OD skills.
  • Understand performance management in a multi-cultural environment.
  • Describe SHRM approaches.
  • Address employee challenges effectively.
  • Prioritize HR activities, creating value.
  • Maximizing manpower.
  • Develop a significant organizational savings action plan.
  • Master the HR strategic model.
  • Employ predictive forecasting.
  • Optimize the efficiency of succession planning.
  • Explain the 10 critical areas for HR improvement.
  • Implement beneficial organizational changes.
  • Update professional skills in HR.
  • Explain the integrated HR concept.
  • Adopt a common and auditable approach in HR.
  • Introduce a business-centric approach to HR management.
  • Utilize a standard strategic model and approach with the HR two-stage model.

Targeted Competencies:

Participants' competencies in this HR change management and organizational culture training will:

  • Performance Management in diverse cultures.
  • Organisational Development (OD).
  • Work Psychology.
  • Change Management vs. Managing Change.
  • Methodology and Application.
  • Workplace Culture and Change.
  • Leadership Role in Change.
  • Strategic Planning.
  • Matrix Management.
  • Business Efficiency and Effectiveness.
  • Manpower Planning.
  • Predictive Forecasting.
  • Creating Business Value.
  • Business Process Re-engineering.

Course Content:

Unit 1: Understanding Human Psychology and Its Impact on Change Management:

  • Exploring Human Psychology.
  • The Iceberg Concept.
  • Self-awareness, Trust, and Communication.
  • Attitude Formation.
  • Workplace Motivation.
  • Drivers of Change.
  • The Necessity of Change Management.

Unit 2: Approaches to Organizational Change:

  • Starting Points for Organizational Change.
  • Anticipating Change Reactions.
  • Determining the Need for Change.
  • Change Scale Definitions.
  • Organizational Change Strategies.
  • Implementing and Sustaining Change.
  • Appreciative Inquiry Role.
  • Aligning Organizations with Change.

Unit 3: Change Management and Change Leadership:

  • Psychological Change Phases.
  • Change Management versus Change Leadership.
  • Cultures' Influence on Change Management.
  • Emotional Intelligence in Organization Performance.
  • Emotional Quotient (EQ) versus Intelligence Quotient (IQ).

Unit 4: Organisational Development (OD):

  • Defining OD.
  • Introducing the Balanced Scorecard.
  • Strategy Translation into Action.
  • SWOT and PESTEL Analysis.
  • Strategy Execution Barriers and Success Factors.
  • Strategy Focused Organisation (SFO) Building.
  • Strategy Mapping.

Unit 5: Developing Performance Contracts Framework and Scoring Mechanism:

  • Business Plan Methodology for Strategic Direction.
  • CEO and Managerial Performance Contracts.
  • Balanced Scorecard and Scoring Mechanism Development.

Unit 6: HR as the Strategic Partner:

  • Strategic HR Processes.
  • HR Strategic Role Checklist.
  • HR Creativity and Strategy.
  • Strategic Action Plans.
  • HR in Matrix Management.
  • Human Resource Efficiency Examination.

Unit 7: Making HR Effective - 10 Decisive Actions to Make a Difference:

  • The Evolution of HR.
  • Tomorrow's Successful HR Department Structure.
  • HR and Added Value.
  • Manpower Planning Techniques.
  • Organizational Structure Maximization.
  • Managerial Ratio Understanding.

Unit 8: New Look at Advances in Recruitment, Training, and Techniques to Maximise Human Performance:

  • Recruitment Process Innovation.
  • Testing and Profiling.
  • Enhanced Interviewing Techniques.
  • Professional Interviewing Practices.
  • Training Model Efficiency.
  • Training Evaluation and Value.
  • Pay and Reward Efficiency.
  • Talent Management Model.
  • Differentiation and Bonus Schemes.

Unit 9: New Performance and Value Approaches to Performance, Competence, Appraisal, and Succession Planning:

  • Organizational Performance Standards.
  • Predictive Forecasting Importance.
  • Pay-for-performance models.
  • Competence Measurement.
  • Appraisal Cost and Improvement.
  • New Approaches to Succession Planning.

Unit 10: Business Process Re-Engineering and Measuring HR ROI:

  • Business Process Re-engineering (BPR) Value.
  • BPR Basics.
  • IBM and Levis Case Studies.
  • Executing BPR.
  • Creating and Measuring HR Value.
  • HR ROI Formula.

London (UK)
29 Jul - 09 Aug 2024
9300 Euro
Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia)
04 - 15 Aug 2024
6500 Euro
Cairo (Egypt)
11 - 22 Aug 2024
5400 Euro
Amsterdam (Netherlands)
12 - 23 Aug 2024
8500 Euro
Rome (Italy)
12 - 23 Aug 2024
8500 Euro
18 - 29 Aug 2024
2700 Euro
Amsterdam (Netherlands)
19 - 30 Aug 2024
8500 Euro
London (UK)
26 Aug - 06 Sep 2024
9300 Euro
Munich (Germany)
26 - 30 Aug 2024
8500 Euro
Madrid (Spain)
26 Aug - 06 Sep 2024
8500 Euro
Paris (France)
26 Aug - 06 Sep 2024
8500 Euro
Amman (Jordan)
01 - 12 Sep 2024
5200 Euro
Dubai (UAE)
01 - 12 Sep 2024
7000 Euro
London (UK)
09 - 20 Sep 2024
9300 Euro
Cairo (Egypt)
22 Sep - 03 Oct 2024
5400 Euro
Lisbon (Portugal)
23 Sep - 04 Oct 2024
8500 Euro
Istanbul (Turkey)
29 Sep - 10 Oct 2024
7500 Euro
29 Sep - 10 Oct 2024
2700 Euro
Madrid (Spain)
30 Sep - 04 Oct 2024
8500 Euro
Boston (USA)
07 - 18 Oct 2024
9500 Euro
Cairo (Egypt)
13 - 24 Oct 2024
5400 Euro
Milan (Italy)
14 - 25 Oct 2024
8500 Euro
Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia)
27 Oct - 07 Nov 2024
6500 Euro
Dubai (UAE)
03 - 07 Nov 2024
7000 Euro
Rome (Italy)
04 - 15 Nov 2024
8500 Euro
Manama (Bahrain)
10 - 21 Nov 2024
7000 Euro
Istanbul (Turkey)
10 - 21 Nov 2024
7500 Euro
Sharm El-Sheikh (Egypt)
17 - 28 Nov 2024
6300 Euro
Barcelona (Spain)
25 Nov - 06 Dec 2024
8500 Euro
Manama (Bahrain)
01 - 12 Dec 2024
7000 Euro
Barcelona (Spain)
02 - 13 Dec 2024
8500 Euro
08 - 19 Dec 2024
2700 Euro
Sharm El-Sheikh (Egypt)
08 - 19 Dec 2024
6300 Euro
Casablanca (Morocco)
09 - 20 Dec 2024
5400 Euro
Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia)
22 Dec 2024 - 02 Jan 2025
6500 Euro
London (UK)
23 Dec 2024 - 03 Jan 2025
9300 Euro
London (UK)
23 - 27 Dec 2024
9300 Euro
Paris (France)
23 Dec 2024 - 03 Jan 2025
8500 Euro
Cairo (Egypt)
29 Dec 2024 - 09 Jan 2025
5400 Euro
Manama (Bahrain)
29 Dec 2024 - 09 Jan 2025
7000 Euro

Mastering Human Resources Management Courses and HR Certifications
Culture & Change Management in HR (HR)


Mercury dynamic schedule is constantly reviewed and updated to ensure that every category is being addressed at least once a month, if not once every week. Please check the training courses listed below and if you do not find the subject you are interested in, email us or give us a call and we will do our best to assist.