Mastering Human Resources Management Courses and HR Certifications

Methods of Organizing The Work to Reduce Organizational Stress and Tension


All the organizations seek to regulate the behavior of their employees to be in the right track which acceptable to those organizations so that the tasks can be completed according to the specifications and conditions specified by these organizations, and if there are shortcomings must be known and take corrective action quickly, which means optimal utilization of time and ability to save time effectively, and get rid of stress which is a natural phenomenon people cannot always avoid, especially since stress has two aspects: one positive, energy-intensive, and the other negative, detrimental to individual and organizational health.

Targeted Groups:

  • Head of Departments
  • Managers, Supervisors, and Team Leaders
  • HR Professionals
  • Also, this course is suitable for all employees among all departments

Course Objectives:

At the end of this course the participants will be able to:

  • Provide participants with the necessary steps and procedures for follow-up processes.
  • Define the participants on the conditions that must be met in designing an effective follow-up system.
  • Provide the participants with modern methods to save and exploit time.
  • Provide the participants with the causes of tension and lack of concentration of workers and ways to confront and overcome them.
  • Provide the participants with dealing with stress skills.
  • Provide the participants with the skill to deal with the causes of organizational pressures as well as eliminate the negative effects of work pressures and administrative stress.

Targeted Competencies:

  • Time management
  • Stress management
  • Prioritizing
  • Self Organizing 

Course Content:

Unit 1: Follow-Up, Control, and Inspection:

  • The difference between control, follow-up, and inspection.
  • The importance and stages of follow-up processes.
  • Characteristics and components of the effective follow - up system.
  • The relationship between the follow-up and other administrative concepts.
  • Steps and actions necessary to complete the follow-up process.
  • Duties and conditions to be met with ineffective follow-up processes.

Unit 2: Follow Up and Saving Time:

  • Time properties.
  • Effective time management mechanisms.
  • The seven modern ways to save time.
  • Basis to develop saving time habits.
  • Time management and prioritization.
  • Prioritization as a habit of success.
  • Time-saving relationship with TQM (Total Quality Management).

Unit 3: The Basics of Stress Reduction:

  • Symptoms and causes of stress and lack of concentration.
  • Modern psychological and behavioral methods to combat stress.
  • The psychological and behavioral effects of stress and lack of concentration.
  • Modern methods to reduce stress.
  • The sensory and practical steps to treat tension and lack of concentration.
  • Indicators for measuring and evaluating stress reduction steps.

Unit 4: Organizational Stress and Psychological Stress:

  • Organizational stress levels.
  • Psychological stress levels.
  • The relative importance of organizational stress sources.
  • Psychological effects of positive and negative work conditions.
  • Psychological stress protection effective strategies.
  • Modern theories of organizational stress.
  • Freudman and Rosman's theories of organizational stress.

Unit 5: Pressures and Work Conflicts and Administrative Stress:

  • Sources of conflict and organizational pressures.
  • Types of conflicts and organizational pressures.
  • The consequences of stress and administrative stress.
  • Work pressures and their relation with organizational loyalty.
  • The negative and positive effects of pressures, labor conflicts, and administrative stress.
  • Stress measurement tests.

Mastering Human Resources Management Courses and HR Certifications
Methods of Organizing The Work to Reduce Organizational Stress and Tension (HR)


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