Management & Leadership Training Courses

The Middle Manager Development Program: Creating Future Leaders


Many middle professionals possess a wealth of experience handling day-to-day management issues and are now poised to ascend to the next tier of leadership. Aspiring leaders often wonder about the additional skills and knowledge necessary to prepare for more significant roles.

This middle management leadership training program focuses on exploring and mastering those vital competencies, thus facilitating a smooth transition from seasoned professional to influential leader.

The Middle Manager Development Program provides participants with profound insights into the drivers of individual behavior and identifies the cultural nuances of their workplace, including its strengths and weaknesses.

In the middle management leadership course, participants will delve into team dynamics, address functional and dysfunctional behaviors, and learn how to prevent leadership practices that may inadvertently set employees up for failure.

The middle management leadership training program tackles various aspects such as motivation, reward systems, and team performance optimization.

Middle Management Leadership Training

Through this middle management leadership training, middle managers will discover innovative approaches to nurturing a thriving team environment and driving organizational culture forward.

The content empowers middle managers with the tools necessary for developing and refining their leadership capabilities.

Targeted Groups

  • Managers.
  • Supervisors.
  • Team leaders.
  • Employees are being groomed for managerial positions.

Course Objectives

After this middle management leadership course, participants will be equipped to:

  • Master core middle management and leadership skills.
  • Comprehend the motivations behind individual behavior to guide and reward team members effectively.
  • Gain a thorough understanding of organizational culture.
  • Navigate team dynamics and ascertain optimal team roles in middle management leadership.
  • Spearheaded successful organizational change.
  • Uncover personal middle management leadership styles and acquire the flexibility to adapt to various situations.
  • Learn how to “read” behavior and use that understanding in creating a motivating environment for their staff.
  • Interpret behaviors to create a motivating work atmosphere.
  • Understand their own and others’ preferred team roles.
  • Influence superiors within the organization confidently.
  • Strategize and execute change initiatives.

Targeted Competencies

  • Leadership skills.
  • Management skills.
  • Team building and management.
  • Interpersonal skills.
  • Change management.
  • Decision-making prowess.
  • Problem-solving acumen.

Course Content

Unit 1: Core Skills Required For Managing a Team

  • Delegating efficiently.
  • Goal setting with S.M.A.R.T. objectives.
  • Effective performance appraisal techniques.
  • Onboarding new employees.
  • Coaching and on-the-job training.
  • Providing effective praise.
  • Skills for constructive confrontation.
  • Skilfully declining requests.
  • Counseling for performance enhancement.
  • Understanding disciplinary processes.
  • Managing grievances.
  • Discipline procedures.
  • Dealing with difficult colleagues.

Unit 2: Understanding People

  • Determinants of individual behavior.
  • Assessing personality styles and traits.
  • The interplay between attitudes and behaviors.
  • Perception in the workplace.
  • Analyzing causes of behavior.
  • Variations of workplace behavior.

Unit 3: Organizational Culture

  • The organizational cultural web.
  • Types of corporate culture.
  • Developing organizational culture.
  • Managing organizational culture.
  • Changing organizational culture.
  • How is an unhealthy culture designed, and how can it be prevented?
  • Signs of a healthy corporate culture.
  • Effects of a healthy organizational culture.

Unit 4: Team Dynamics

  • Group dynamics understanding.
  • Personal inventory of team roles.
  • Recognizing team role complementarities.
  • The stages of team development and dynamics.
  • Dealing with functional and dysfunctional group behaviors.
  • Prevention of set-up-to-fail syndrome.
  • Fostering positive inter-team relationships.

Unit 5: Getting The Best From Your Team

  • What are people looking for in their jobs? Do their managers know?
  • The primary motivational process.
  • Ironies of motivation.
  • Managing people – ten essential behaviors.
  • How do you rate motivating?
  • Motivation techniques for more outstanding commitment and output.
  • Reward systems in high-performance work systems.
  • How do you reward and inspire your team?
  • Team rewards.
  • Creating energy in the team.
  • Knowledge workers and the psychological contract.
  • Receiving feedback and criticism.
  • Helpful hints for providing feedback and criticism.

Unit 6: Influencing Upwards In The Organization

  • Utilizing the individual needs framework.
  • Mastering essential methods of influence.
  • The six critical weapons of influence and how to use them:
    • Constancy and escalating commitment.
    • Reciprocation.
    • Need to be like others.
    • Warming to.
    • Power.
    • Short supply.

Unit 7: The Five Styles of Decision Makers and how to distinguish them

  • Charismatics.
  • Thinkers.
  • Controllers.
  • Skeptics.
  • Followers.
  • Identifying various decision-maker archetypes.
  • Tailoring strategies and dialogue for each decision-making style.
  • Corresponding persuasive principles with decision styles.
  • Employing adequate trigger words for each style.

Unit 8: Leadership That Inspires

  • The difference between management and leadership.
  • Leadership and emotional intelligence.
  • The effects of different leadership styles on organizational climate.
  • Comparing management with visionary leadership.
  • Characteristics of creative leaders.
  • Characteristics of a good vision statement.
  • Communicating your vision.
  • Leaders who are effective at communicating their vision and inspiring people.
  • Ethical political behavior.
  • Trust orientation profile.

Unit 9: Managing Change Successfully

  • Sources of resistance to change.
  • Preventing resistance and encouraging effectiveness in coping with change.
  • Choosing a strategy to implement change.
  • The steps in a successful change program.
  • Membership of the team leading change.
  • Communicating change – the steps involved.
  • Mastering the art of speaking as a change leader.
  • Sustaining change efforts.

Unit 10: Action Planning

  • Reflections on leadership lessons poised for application.
  • Envisioning and communicating a successful outcome.
  • Strategy implementation.
  • Anticipating obstacles and devising countermeasures.
  • Building a network of allies and their support.
  • Establishing timelines for execution.

Middle Management Development Program: A Key to Progressive Leadership

The Middle Management Development Program participants will garner the expertise required to navigate the complexities of mid-level management positions.

This curriculum lays the groundwork for developing middle managers, ensuring they are well-prepared to face the dynamic challenges of the corporate environment.

By the end of the leadership training for middle managers course, attendees will leave with a strong foundation in the principles of middle management leadership, ready to excel and inspire within their roles.

Istanbul (Turkey)
28 Jul - 08 Aug 2024
7500 Euro
Istanbul (Turkey)
04 - 15 Aug 2024
7500 Euro
Barcelona (Spain)
05 - 16 Aug 2024
8500 Euro
Manama (Bahrain)
11 - 22 Aug 2024
7000 Euro
Madrid (Spain)
12 - 23 Aug 2024
8500 Euro
Istanbul (Turkey)
08 - 19 Sep 2024
7500 Euro
Sharm El-Sheikh (Egypt)
08 - 19 Sep 2024
6300 Euro
Lisbon (Portugal)
16 - 27 Sep 2024
8500 Euro
22 Sep - 03 Oct 2024
2700 Euro
Rome (Italy)
30 Sep - 11 Oct 2024
8500 Euro
06 - 17 Oct 2024
2700 Euro
Istanbul (Turkey)
20 - 31 Oct 2024
7500 Euro
Barcelona (Spain)
21 Oct - 01 Nov 2024
8500 Euro
Cairo (Egypt)
27 Oct - 07 Nov 2024
5400 Euro
Paris (France)
28 Oct - 08 Nov 2024
8500 Euro
Barcelona (Spain)
28 Oct - 08 Nov 2024
8500 Euro
Manama (Bahrain)
03 - 14 Nov 2024
7000 Euro
Brussels (Belgium)
04 - 15 Nov 2024
6750 Euro
London (UK)
04 - 15 Nov 2024
9300 Euro
Milan (Italy)
11 - 22 Nov 2024
8500 Euro
Madrid (Spain)
11 - 22 Nov 2024
8500 Euro
Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia)
17 - 28 Nov 2024
6500 Euro
Boston (USA)
18 - 29 Nov 2024
9500 Euro
Amsterdam (Netherlands)
18 - 29 Nov 2024
8500 Euro
Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia)
24 Nov - 05 Dec 2024
6500 Euro
London (UK)
25 Nov - 06 Dec 2024
9300 Euro
Dubai (UAE)
01 - 12 Dec 2024
7000 Euro
Cairo (Egypt)
15 - 26 Dec 2024
5400 Euro
Dubai (UAE)
22 Dec 2024 - 02 Jan 2025
7000 Euro
Amman (Jordan)
22 Dec 2024 - 02 Jan 2025
5200 Euro
Brussels (Belgium)
30 Dec 2024 - 10 Jan 2025
6750 Euro
Dubai (UAE)
05 - 16 Jan 2025
7000 Euro
Istanbul (Turkey)
12 - 23 Jan 2025
7500 Euro
Munich (Germany)
13 - 24 Jan 2025
8500 Euro
Madrid (Spain)
13 - 24 Jan 2025
8500 Euro
Milan (Italy)
20 - 31 Jan 2025
8500 Euro
Paris (France)
20 - 31 Jan 2025
8500 Euro
Barcelona (Spain)
20 - 31 Jan 2025
8500 Euro
Casablanca (Morocco)
27 Jan - 07 Feb 2025
5400 Euro
London (UK)
27 Jan - 07 Feb 2025
9300 Euro

Management & Leadership Training Courses
The Middle Manager Development Program: Creating Future Leaders (ML)


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