Certificate in Finance and Accounting Courses

Strategic Accounting Essentials for Non-Finance Managers: Guiding Business Decisions


Managerial accounting is an essential activity that provides financial and non-financial information to business managers and other internal decision-makers.

This comprehensive decision-making training course focuses on how such accounting information is compiled, how professionals can effectively utilize it to make solid plans and informed decisions, and imbues learners with the concepts, procedures, and analytical skills necessary to navigate the complex business world today.

Specialized Course for Enhanced Financial Capability

For those interested in a targeted development of their overseeing capabilities, our specialized financial controller training course and certified financial controller courses provide the knowledge and tools needed to achieve proficiency in financial control, compliance, and the strategization of business finance operations.

Data-Driven Decision Making

This data-driven decision-making course ensures that participants are well-equipped to interpret and leverage financial data in their business, enhancing their ability to make astute decisions informed by robust financial analysis.

Finance for Non-Financial Managers

Our finance courses for non-financial managers, encompassing finance and budgeting for non-financial managers and finance for the non-financial manager courses, are tailor-made to transform managers without financial backgrounds into adept custodians of their departments or organizations’ financial health.

Targeted Groups

  • Managers
  • Supervisors
  • Staff from any function, including the accounting department, must improve their understanding, application, and techniques related to the language of numbers and managerial accounting.

Course Objectives

By the end of this financial management for non-financial managers course, participants will be able to:

  • Explain the functions of financial management.
  • Define the four critical financial statements: balance sheet, income, cash flow, and changes in owner equity.
  • Interpret the financial health of a company or profit center.
  • Master capital budgeting and cost-volume-profit analysis.
  • Use financial information to manage the business or its departments.

Targeted Competencies

  • Accounting for business transactions
  • Preparing income statements
  • Interpreting balance sheets
  • Analyzing cash flow statements
  • Preparing adjustment entries
  • Using debits and credits
  • Applying international financial reporting standards

Course Content

Unit 1: Introduction to Managerial Accountant

  • The goals and functions of financial management.
  • Three of the most important questions answered by finance.

Unit 2: The Key Financial Statements

  • Income statement.
  • Changes in owner equity.
  • Balance sheet.
  • Cash flow.

Unit 3: Analysis of Financial Statements

  • Judging the health of the business.
  • Income statement ratios.
  • Balance sheet ratios.
  • How do you read company annual reports?

Unit 4: Cost Concepts and Decision-Making

  • Cost-volume-profit analysis.
  • Breakeven analysis.
  • Economic costs versus accounting costs.
  • Marginal analysis.
  • Cost-based pricing.

Unit 5: Capital Projects

  • The time value of money.
  • Cost of capital.
  • The capital budgeting decision.
  • Methods in evaluating capital projects.
  • Sensitivity and risk analysis.

Unit 6: Working Capital and the Financing Decision

  • Current asset management.
  • Sources of short-term financing.

Unit 7: Using Financial Information to Manage the Business

  • Making business decisions in finance, marketing, production, and investment.

Unit 8: The Budgeting Process

  • Guidelines and techniques.
  • Cost control.

Rome (Italy)
29 Jul - 02 Aug 2024
4900 Euro
Dubai (UAE)
04 - 08 Aug 2024
3900 Euro
Amman (Jordan)
18 - 22 Aug 2024
2900 Euro
Lisbon (Portugal)
19 - 23 Aug 2024
4900 Euro
Casablanca (Morocco)
19 - 23 Aug 2024
3000 Euro
Manama (Bahrain)
25 - 29 Aug 2024
3900 Euro
25 - 29 Aug 2024
1500 Euro
Barcelona (Spain)
26 - 30 Aug 2024
4900 Euro
Amsterdam (Netherlands)
02 - 06 Sep 2024
4900 Euro
Sharm El-Sheikh (Egypt)
08 - 12 Sep 2024
3500 Euro
Boston (USA)
09 - 13 Sep 2024
5500 Euro
Casablanca (Morocco)
16 - 20 Sep 2024
3000 Euro
Barcelona (Spain)
23 - 27 Sep 2024
4900 Euro
Amsterdam (Netherlands)
23 - 27 Sep 2024
4900 Euro
Amman (Jordan)
29 Sep - 03 Oct 2024
2900 Euro
Geneva (Switzerland)
30 Sep - 04 Oct 2024
5500 Euro
Istanbul (Turkey)
06 - 10 Oct 2024
4200 Euro
Manama (Bahrain)
13 - 17 Oct 2024
3900 Euro
Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia)
13 - 17 Oct 2024
3900 Euro
Cairo (Egypt)
20 - 24 Oct 2024
3000 Euro
Dubai (UAE)
20 - 24 Oct 2024
3900 Euro
Dubai (UAE)
27 - 31 Oct 2024
3900 Euro
Brussels (Belgium)
28 Oct - 01 Nov 2024
4500 Euro
London (UK)
04 - 08 Nov 2024
5200 Euro
10 - 14 Nov 2024
1500 Euro
17 - 21 Nov 2024
1500 Euro
Sharm El-Sheikh (Egypt)
17 - 21 Nov 2024
3500 Euro
Istanbul (Turkey)
24 - 28 Nov 2024
4200 Euro
Rome (Italy)
25 - 29 Nov 2024
4900 Euro
Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia)
08 - 12 Dec 2024
3900 Euro
Madrid (Spain)
09 - 13 Dec 2024
4900 Euro
Cairo (Egypt)
15 - 19 Dec 2024
3000 Euro
Paris (France)
16 - 20 Dec 2024
4900 Euro
London (UK)
23 - 27 Dec 2024
5200 Euro
Vienna (Austria)
23 - 27 Dec 2024
4900 Euro
Barcelona (Spain)
23 - 27 Dec 2024
4900 Euro
Paris (France)
23 - 27 Dec 2024
4900 Euro
Sharm El-Sheikh (Egypt)
29 Dec 2024 - 02 Jan 2025
3500 Euro
Dubai (UAE)
29 Dec 2024 - 02 Jan 2025
3900 Euro
Istanbul (Turkey)
05 - 09 Jan 2025
4200 Euro

Certificate in Finance and Accounting Courses
Strategic Accounting Essentials for Non-Finance Managers: Guiding Business Decisions (FA)


Mercury dynamic schedule is constantly reviewed and updated to ensure that every category is being addressed at least once a month, if not once every week. Please check the training courses listed below and if you do not find the subject you are interested in, email us or give us a call and we will do our best to assist.